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Braum Build Guide by Neqster

Support Braum - Wall of team.

Support Braum - Wall of team.

Updated on May 1, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Neqster Build Guide By Neqster 31 0 68,542 Views 14 Comments
31 0 68,542 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Neqster Braum Build Guide By Neqster Updated on May 1, 2019
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Font of Life
Bone Plating

Approach Velocity
Magical Footwear

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Braum - Wall of team.

By Neqster
    I'm here today because I want share with you my experience about champion which is Braum. Braum it is a great champion, he is a very charismatic, adamant, he have a great heart, he tries to live in harmony with everyone but not everyone want it. Braum can protection himself and people which need his help.
    My journey with Braum was started two years ago. I remember that my friend stole me three kills from under my nose, ehh.. I hate him for it but nevermind. Just from that moment I started play as support and today I want introduce you my rune page for Braum, my equipment for him. I will try to explain you why Braum is a good comrade in arms and why is it better to have him on our side and I will describe to you some other small things which can help you in inpruve your own skill as support.


- Durable,
- He is strong on front lane,
- He can stopped a lot of damage and spells from enemies,
- He have a ground control like: slowing down, knocking up and stunned,
- He is a little annoying,
- He is a good guard for his allies,
- He can stop the initiation of the opponent,
- He can jump to his allies,


- Poorly initiates fights,
- He is strongly based on his skill "Q" when he want a initiate the fight on bottom lane. Often a missed skill "Q" can determine the outcome of a skirmish.
    Alistar is not a hard opponent for Braum. When Alistar is playing against Braum, he must choose the right moment for engage in to Braum and his ally because he will be punished by Braum so hard. Braum with his ally can in easy way slowing down and stunned him. It will force him to use his "Flash". Also Braum can stop on himself a lot of damage which are deal by opponents.
    Blitzcrank is a annoying champion and he can have a big impact on game but on the lane phase when he is playing against Braum he must choose a good targets because if he focuses on Brauma, he will regret it very quickly. Braum can slowing down and stunned him very easily. Also when he focus on his ally because Braum can jump in to him.
    Soraka is a easy opponents and target for eliminating. She is very immobile. Braum can in easy way inflict slow him down and stunned what will forced his "Flash". Additionally this champion is susceptible on damage.
    Nami is a little annoying champion and she is like a Soraka. It is a easy target for elimination but she have some defensive skills which can slightly extend the time of her annihilation. Braum can stoped her "ulty" by his shield what makes her a usless in team fights.
    The case with Leona looks just like with Alistar. She can in easy way start the fight with opponents but Braum can punish her and stopped every damage which from enemy while he have activated shield.
    Sona, easy target for elimination, she is immobile, low durability, she's a little annoying. Braum can stopped her "ulty" so she is useless in team fight.
    Janna is a easy target for annihilation. She is annoying because when she get a six level she can push us away from each other.
    Pyke it's like a Blitzcrank but Pyke have skill with which can escape from us so is not too easy for catch him. Additionally this champion is quickly and he can roaming between bottom lane and mid lane so you must keep a vision on river, check maps.
    He is a durable but immobile. He have a skill which are "eating" his ally and he can escape with him. Braum can stopped him because of passive, ults and slowing down from "Q".
    Taric is a durable but he is not a any problem for Braum.
    Rakan, I like him. He is a great support and I recommend it to you. Rakan is in a category "Even" because a lot depends on our reactions and decisions taken on his actions on the map. Rakan can roaming a lot between bottom lane and mid lane so you must keep vision on river. As Braum we can stopped his aggression by our ults but this is depended from our reaction and the distance that is between you.
    A rare character on a support. Annie is not mobile and easy to catch but has quite a lot of damage and is able to force us to defensive.
    Thresh when he is a initiator and his hook will not hit the target is a easy target for us and we can very strong punish him but when we are a aggressor and we not hit the target from our skill "Q" he is able to take us in his snares and don't let us any chances for escape. The category "Even" suits him perfectly.
    Lulu is a little fast so she can roaming between bottom lane and mid lane so you must keep a vision on the river. Lulu is a relatively easy target for catch her but he can take a lot of damage on himself because of his Shields and ultimate. Also she can turn us into a small rat and as well we are silenced so when we are a rat we are easy target for his ally.
    Karma is a little fast so she can roaming between bottom lane and mid lane so you must keep a vision on the river. She has a strong offensive ability but in the initial phase of the game and the appropriate items her injuries are negligible.
    Shen is a very durable and he can be untouchable and also his allies too. He can easily initiate a fight 2vs2 on bottom lane but he must do it a smart because Braum can punish him.
    Fiddlesticks is very immobile and he is a easy target for us. When you will playing against him you must keep a vision in the bushes on the lane and behind the walls when you will besiege the enemy structures. His Fear and Silence are annoying and can have a big impact on team fights.
    Zilean is a little fast so she can roaming between bottom lane and mid lane so you must keep a vision on the river. On the phase lane he is not a big problem for us but you must avoid his bombs because he can stuned us because of his bomb. Keep visions in the bushes on lane.
    Brand, Zyra, Vel'koz. They are have a very strong offensive skills. You must stay behind your minions and try to keep a distance between you and your opponents. Focus on items that will give you a magic resistance and health.
    Bard is annoying, he is able to slowing you down, he can stun you and from the strengthened auto attack he is able to deal us a loot of damage. Bard is not a much durable and immobile so he is a easy target for annihilation but staying on the line longer can be problematic. Bard can make a tunel so he can very quickly travel from bottom lane on mid lane so u must keep a vision on river and in the enemy jungle.
    Morgana because of her shield which are deny your skills are a counter for us. This shield giving a immunity on every ground control so because of this shield you are totally useless.
Concussive Blows "Passive" - Braum adds stacks of Concussive Blows to enemies with basic attacks or Winter's Bite. He and his allies continue to add stacks with basic attacks, at 4 stacks their target will be stunned.
Winter's Bite "Q" - Braum propels freezing ice from his shield, slowing and dealing magic damage. Applies a stack of Concussive Blows.
Braum propels freezing ice from his shield dealing 60/105/150/195/240 (+0) [2.5% of Braum's Max Health] magic damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them by 70%, decaying over the next 2 seconds.Applies a stack of Concussive Blows.
Stand Behind Me "W" - Braum leaps to a target allied champion or minion. On arrival, Braum and the ally gain Armor and Magic Resist for a few seconds.
Braum leaps to target allied champion or minion. On arrival, Braum and the ally gain 0 Armor and 0 Magic Resist (10/14/18/22/26 plus 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% of Braum's bonus Armor/Magic Resist) for 3 seconds.
Unbreakable "E" - Braum raises his shield in a direction for several seconds, intercepting all projectiles causing them to hit him and be destroyed. He negates the damage of the first attack completely and reduces the damage of all subsequent attacks from this direction.

Braum reduces incoming damage and blocks for allies behind him. Braum raises his shield in a direction for 3/3.25/3.5/3.75/4 seconds negating the damage of the next attack from that direction. Subsequent attacks deal 30/32.5/35/37.5/40% reduced damage.Braum intercepts projectiles, causing them to hit him and be destroyed. Braum gains 10% Movement Speed for the duration.
Glacial Fissure "R" - Braum slams the ground, knocking up enemies nearby and in a line in front of him. A fissure is left along the line that slows enemies.

Braum slams the ground, knocking up enemies nearby and in a line in front of him. A fissure is left along the line for 4 seconds, slowing enemies above it by 40/50/60%. Enemies hit take 150/250/350 (+60% Ability Power) magic damage. The first champion hit is knocked up for 1/1.25/1.5 seconds, subsequent enemies are knocked up briefly.
Why I choose these runes? Runes from "Resolve" making us a more durable and "Resolve" is giving us additionally tools to protect allies.
Guardian - "Guardian" is giving you and your allie the shield which are activated when you or your allies take a damage from enemy champions, towers and from Dragon, Baron, blue buff etc.

Guard allies within 175 units of you, and allies you target with spells for 2.5 seconds. While Guarding, if you or the ally take damage, both of you gain a shield and are hasted for 1.5 seconds.

Cooldown: 70-40 seconds, Shield: 70-150 (+ 25% AP) (+ 12% bonus health), Haste: +20% Movement Speed
Font of life - have synergy with your "Q - Winter's Bite", which are slowing down your opponents. When your enemy are slowed, rune "font of life" is marking him and you will see a small icon above him. In this time when our allies will auto atacks that enemy they will be healing.

Impairing the movement of an enemy champion marks them for 4 seconds.

Allied champions who attack marked enemies heal for 5 (+ 1% of your max health) over 2 seconds.
Bone Plating - When we take any damage from our enemy his next attacks (3) will be reduced.

After taking damage from an enemy champion, their next three spells or attacks against you deal 25-50 less damage (at levels 1-18).

Duration: 1.5 seconds, Cooldown: 45 seconds
Unflinching - Is giving us additionally insensitivity on slowing down when our summoners spells are on counting down.

After casting a Summoner Spell, gain 15% Tenacity and Slow Resistance for 10 seconds. Additionally, gain 10% Tenacity and Slow Resistance for each Summoner Spell on cooldown.
Runes from "Inspiration" giving us additional survivability on the line.
Biscuit Delivery - With “Biscuit Delivery” we can stay longer on lane or we can a little often fights on bottom lane 2vs2.

Biscuit Delivery: Gain a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will at 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 and 12:00. Biscuits restore 15% of your missing health and mana over 15 seconds. Consuming any Biscuit increases your mana cap by 40 mana permanently.

Manaless: Champions without mana restore 20% missing health instead.
Approach Velocity - "Approach Velocity" is giving us additionally Movement Speed towards nearby allied champions that are movement impaired or enemy champions that you impair.

Gain 15% Movement Speed towards nearby allied champions that are movement impaired or enemy champions that you impair.

Range: 1000


Ninja Tabi - I usually buy when enemy have a lot of physical damage and he is based on auto attacks.
Mercury's Treads - You should buy it when your enemy have a lot of ground control and also this boots are good against Ap support.
Boots of Mobility - these boots are good when u are roaming a lot between Bottom lane and mid lane. Also with these boots you can help your jungle when he is going to enemy jungle.

The order of purchases - Beginning

First back

    When you back on respawn you should buy boots, control ward and upgrade Relic Shield in to Targon's Brace this is very important to have Targon's Brace because your healing from this item are stronger.
Targon's Brace

Core Items

Knight’s Vow - Mostly I buy it as first item. Knight’s Vow gives you at the start good statistics, so: 40 armor, 10% cooldown reduction and 250 health. Also this item has unique passive which give you 20 armor when you are nearbly your ally and also you have additionaly 15% movement speed when you are moving in to your ally. It's not everything yet, If your Partner is nearby, heal for 12% of the damage your Partner deals to champions and redirect 12% of the damage your Partner takes from champions to you as true damage. Both effects are reduced to 6% on ranged champions.
Locket of the Iron Solari - Good item, he gives you 30 armor and 60 magic resistance. You can activate it and this work like that: Shield yourself and nearby allied champions for 2 seconds, absorbing up to 30-285 (+20% of the caster's bonus health) damage (at levels 1-18). Active's shield amount is calculated using the recipient champion's level if the recipient is a higher level than the item owner. 120 second cooldown.

Additional Locket of the Iron Solari shields cast on the same target within 20 seconds will be reduced by 75%.

Situation item

Righteous Glory - I'm buying it when I don't have in team coop a initiations. I usually buying it as second item after "Knight’s Vow".

UNIQUE Active: Grants +75% Movement Speed to your champion when moving towards enemies or enemy turrets for 4 seconds. After 3 seconds or upon nearing an enemy champion, a shockwave is emitted, slowing nearby enemy champion Movement Speed by 75% for 2 seconds (90 second cooldown).

My mostly items

Zz'Rot Portal - I usually buy this item because he is very useful when you are sieging like towers and another structors. Click icon for more informations.
Spirit Visage - I usually buy this for his UNIQUE Passive: Increases all healing, regeneration and drain effects on yourself by 30%.

10% Cooldown Reduction, 450 Health, 100% Base Health Regeneration, 55 Magic Resistance

These maps presents "Control Wards". I marked places where I usually put "Control Wards". I divided them into categories which are in another colors.

--- Bottom lane - Blue Side ---

Legend of map:

Orange - You must have vision in these place.
    1. Default place for "Control Ward"
    2. When you are pushing enemy for under the tower
    3. When enemy have very aggressive champion in the jungle like Graves, Kinred, Schaco, Xin Zhao
Ligh Blue - This vision is for control on river.
    1. When you are doing dragon. *Good "Control Ward"* can disable all enemy "Wards".
    2. When enemy mid laner have prority and can easly come on bottom lane or have global ultimates for example Galio, Taliayh, Twistad Fate, Aurelion Soul.
    3. Propably your mid laner will put ward in this place.
White - When eneamy have very agresiv champion in the jungle with global ultimate or he is invisible, for example Shaco, Evelyn, Nocturn. I always put ward in place 1 and 2 does not matter which chempion is in the jungle.

Black - This place is for "Control Wards" when you are in defensive and you lost tower but number 1 is good when enemy have invisible enemy or can jump by walls, for example talon, kayn, shaco, evelyn.
--- Bottom lane - Red Side ---

Legend of map:

Orange - You must have vision in these place.
    1. Default place for "Control Ward"
    2. When you are pushing enemy for under the tower
Ligh Blue - This vision is for control on river.
    1. Propably your mid laner will put ward in this place.

    2 and 3. When enemy mid laner have prority and can easly come on bottom lane or have global ultimates for example Galio, Taliayh, Twistad Fate, Aurelion Soul. Also these things with agresive enemy jungle.

    4. When you are doing dragon. Good "Control Ward" can disable all enemy "Wards".
White - When eneamy have very agresiv champion in the jungle with global ultimate or he is invisible, for example Shaco, Evelyn, Nocturn. I always put ward in place 1, 2 and 5 does not matter which chempion is in the jungle. I put ward in the other place (3,4) when I pushing enemy for second tower.

Black - This place is for "Control Wards" or "Ward" when you are in defensive and you lost tower but number 1 is good when enemy have invisible enemy or can jump by walls, for example talon, kayn, shaco, evelyn.
--- Wards around - Baron ---

Orange - This is standard place for "Wards". You will put "Wards" in these place when you will need to have a vision around "Baron"
    1. "Ward" in this place is not important like "2" or "3" but this "Ward" it's very rare and
    players very rarely find it and destroyed so when you lost "Wards" in place "2" and/or
    "3" so you will probably have still visions in this place "1".
    2. If you place a good "Control Ward" in this place you will detect all enemy "Wards".
    Check this.
    3. It's good to keep a vision in this place because you will always saw an enemy
    jungler, where he is going and what he is doing on the river.
Ligh Blue - These are places when you are playing on Blue side of map. You could put "Ward" in these places when you will be able to start the fight with Baron.
Purple - These are places when you are playing on Red side of map. You could put "Ward" in these places when you will be able to start the fight with Baron.

Blue and Purple - Situations “Wards” or just you have a free “Wards” in your inventory.
    2. When enemy can jump by the wall or he can be invisible.
--- Wards around - Dragon ---

Orange - Standards "Wards". You will put "Wards" in these place when you will need to have a vision around "Dragon".
    1. If you place a good "Control Ward" in this place you will detect all enemy "Wards". Check this.
    2. It's good to keep a vision in this place because you will always saw an enemy
    jungler, where he is going and what he is doing on the river.
Ligh Blue - These are places when you are playing on Blue side of map. You could put "Ward" in these places when you will be able to start the fight with "Dragon".
Purple - These are places when you are playing on Red side of map. You could put "Ward" in these places when you will be able to start the fight with "Dragon".

Blue and Purple - Situations “Wards” or just you have a free “Wards” in your inventory.
    1. When enemy can jump by the wall or he can be invisible.
--- Wards around Red buff - Bottom ---
--- Wards around Red buff - Top ---
--- Wards on river ---
--- Wards in the jungle ---
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Neqster
Neqster Braum Guide
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Braum - Wall of team.

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