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Gnar Build Guide by Prof_Diddlez

Tank Bring Out Your Inner Monster

Tank Bring Out Your Inner Monster

Updated on August 19, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Prof_Diddlez Build Guide By Prof_Diddlez 1,560 Views 0 Comments
1,560 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Prof_Diddlez Gnar Build Guide By Prof_Diddlez Updated on August 19, 2014
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Hello everyone and say hello to Gnar. The cute little fuzz ball that will turn into a giant angry monster if you just push him enough. He is a fast attacking top laner and can easily move around easily in his tiny Gnar form. In Mega-Gnar form he is alittle slow, but has a heavy punch and well just don't get in his way. For a better understanding here is a youtube video about our fellow champion.
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Pros / Cons

  • Range
  • Fast Attack
  • Can Easily Escape
  • Easily Build Up Rage

  • Squishy
  • Missing the boomerang when you need it throws you off
  • When you're low on rage you have to keep your distance

  • Tank
  • Gnar to Mega-Gnar transition is good damage and strategy
  • Good stuns and slow downs on enemies
  • Can deal lots of damage

  • If you're in a 1v5 make sure you're able to do it or else you might have a disadvantage
  • Really slow so it'll be hard to run away

I don't really have that many cons because I've done very well with Gnar in the games I've been playing him as.
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So the reason why I gave Gnar mostly armor and health because since Gnar is squishy without Mega-Gnar you'll need all the health you can get so you'll be all set all around. And I cover all of the damages that someone or an entire enemy team might throw at you.

Blade of the Ruined King will give both Gnar's more attack damage, attack speed, and life steal. I would recommend building this first so when you start off you can gain life when you're running low. And since Gnar has such a fast attack rate he can easily gain it back so you won't have to back all the time. And it deals 10% of your max health to damage an enemy champion, heals you, and steals 25% of there movement speed. It's perfect for Gnar to gain health and when he becomes Mega Gnar you can use to deal more damage without feeling a scratch.

Randuin's Omen will give him a big armor and health boost so you'll be able to stay in your lane longer and be able to stay in big team fights to keep dealing those massive hits on enemy champions. And when you active the items ability to slow down an enemy you're either chasing or chasing you so you can change the outcome of anything around you.

Banshee's Veil will give you that magic resistance you need for when you go against anybody with magic abilities. It's also just a good item to have for when you're going for tank because it gives you that extra health.

Warmog's Armor is one of the best items for having health. I would recommend building this either 2nd or 3rd after an armor because when you're both Gnar's you'll have a good advantage against your opponent top laner.

And lastly Infinity Edge. The reason why I'm giving a tank character this item is because little Gnar is a fighter. So when you're little Gnar this item because when he does his main attack he give more damage so he can be more useful. Like sometimes when I'm Mega-Gnar and I know I'm about to become little Gnar I keep my distance and I still keep attack when he's little because I have health steal from Blade of the Ruined King and with Infinity Edge they'll give the last devastating blows so you can get that big game kill.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Prof_Diddlez
Prof_Diddlez Gnar Guide
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Bring Out Your Inner Monster

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