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Master Yi Build Guide by SunLongGod

Jungle Build different Master Yi

Jungle Build different Master Yi

Updated on January 20, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SunLongGod Build Guide By SunLongGod 9 2 40,313 Views 0 Comments
9 2 40,313 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SunLongGod Master Yi Build Guide By SunLongGod Updated on January 20, 2024
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Master Yi
    standard buildd
  • LoL Champion: Master Yi

Runes: Most usefull

1 2
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Unleashed Smite

Unleashed Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Build different Master Yi

By SunLongGod
Introduction / About Me
Domo I'm SunLong God, a Former High Elo Master Yi main and this is my Master Yi guide, thank you for taking your time to read
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Montage: (there is none but I'm working on it he he)
More about this Guide and about me:
I like Anime, Manga and make Edit videos on my Youtube Channel, I really like making and testing new builds for Yi (including runes, items and playstyles), which is the main reason why I making this Guide, to share my fun with you guys.
I welcome any feedback, it's good to hear your feedbacks.
Critical build
I found this build is extremely good against quishes and non CC team, and TEEMO, because Navori still help you reduce your Q and E while being blind. With Navori, you could almost instant Q after a kill and permantly E and W for AA delay cancel.
tank build
Contract to Critical build, this build is the best for hard CC team and buiser or hard matchup, even against rammus with tank build, you have no problem fighting against his W. You still deal insane damages while being unkillable.
Why these build?
I have test several builds for Yi and these are the best one I can recommend at the moment, If you want normal build that go every game you could see other guide. I only guide "off-meta" build that work, which is like Sunfire last season (I deleted it because it couldn't work anymore). The important thing is having fun and I want to share some of my fun builds for you guys. You guys will definately not disapointed.
Pro & Cons
Master Yi's Pro:
+ High Mobility
+ High Damage
+ Carry potential
+ Strong plitpush as well as 1v5 potential
+ True Damage -> Kill Tank (where my True Damage Yi Skin riot?)
+ Easy to create new build (which is what I do)(Crit, Lethal, Tank, Attack speed, etc)
+ Pentakill farming
+ Dodging Abilities

Master Yi's cons:
+ Squishy
+ Vulnerable against Hard CC
+ Hard to get back up when fall behind
+ Items can be considered expensive while strongly relying on Items
+ Get nerfed often because Bronze Rioter can't win against him
Summoner Spells
- Why so many option?
I take a lot of things depend on the situation:
+ Ghost: Better chasing, sticking, Against champions that can kite you.
+ example: Ahri, Tristana, etc you can actually out run them with Ghost
+ Ignite: Against healing, Camouflage, Invisibility or Untargetability, not wasting money on grievous wound items
+ example: Soraka, Swain, Shaco, Aatrox, Warwick, etc.
+ Exhaust: Against Burst, could Kite you, 1v5 potential
+ example: Kha'Zix, Jax, Fiora, Vayne, Riven, etc
+ Cleanse: Against Hard and unavoidable CC.
+ example: Fiddlesticks, Rakan, Morgana, etc
Tips and Tricks
double strike
- if you want to deal as much DPS as possible, you should stack up his passive first, then using EQ PAS(Passive AA) W AA, which can melt squishes pretty much instantly.
- second auto from passive can crit on turret
- don't try attacking when your passive is running out, this can cause AA cancel
- his second Aa can stack for upcoming passive

alpha strike
- Always auto attack before using Q on jungle camp, otherwise they will start healing, except for Raptors (same go with sunfire) and scuttel crabs
- Q smite can kill scuttle crabs easily
- You can still die in Q with locked damage overtime like Ignite,Fizz's W, or get CCed with chain CC overtime like Leblanc's E, Karma's W, Noctunes E, Zoe's E
- Sivir E and Noctunes W can only block 1 Q if they're isolated
- You can reduce CC time by using Q as late as possible
- Q now applies on-hit effect so you can apply Fleet Footwork, Grasp of the Undying,sheen, and even Sunfire which can be used in lane when you want to poke
- Q will always prioritise the closest targets
- Q has ZERO cast time, spam it on a spot that you think the enemy will dash in to avoid or to follow like Malphite's Ult, Tristana's jump
Solo baron
we all know Yi can solo baron if he's full build. but to win against baron early you have to extremely fed early and finish you core items (Botrk, Eclipse, RB) under 25 minutes. However, you should not go alone except there are no wards, or enemies nearby because baron soloing is really time-consuming, you should call your teammates to get baron faster, which is really easy even if you only finish 1 or 2 core items.
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