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Thresh Build Guide by Spaxter

Support BunnyFuFuu inspired Thresh build

Support BunnyFuFuu inspired Thresh build

Updated on February 18, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spaxter Build Guide By Spaxter 6,630 Views 0 Comments
6,630 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Spaxter Thresh Build Guide By Spaxter Updated on February 18, 2017
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Spaxter's Guide To Thresh

In this guide I will be taking you through the most I know about thresh in the support role.
For those of you who are new to Thresh I'm going to explain the abilities to you here

Passive - Whenever an enemy is killed it has a chance to drop a soul. You can walk on this soul or throw your W at it and you will pick them up. Souls increases the amount of shield you and your teammate gets by your W, it also increases the passive damage of your E.

Q - Throw out a hook, if it hits an enemy you will pull them sligthly towards you. Pressing Q again will drag yourself to their destination.

W - Throw out a lantern which gives a shield to you and your teammate if they are inside of the area. If they right click the lantern they will fly to you, moving through walls and enemy units.

E - Passive: You wait a while and your next basic will deal bonus magic damage.
Active: Sweep your hook from your back to your front to knock up and slow enemies who are close to you. (Sweep forwards to knock them back, and sweep backwards to knock them towards you)

R - Summon a pentagon of walls, the first wall broken by an enemy will slow them very much and deal damage, if one of the walls is broken, the rest of them won't deal damage and gives a lower slow amount.
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Skill Sequence

If they are far away start off with your Q, wait it out til the last moment in case they flash or use some escape ability, press your Q again and follow up with your W to your teammate. If they try to escape use your E.

However if they are in range of your E you start off by knocking them up with your E. This will also slow them and make your Q way easier to hit.

What you DONT want to do is go in with your Q, then E then R and flash out. Stay in there and try to force them into one of the walls of your R.

So it's basically
Long range: Q - Q - W - R - E
Short range: E - Q - Q - W - R
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Pros / Cons

Can easily save your ADC with W
Hard to escape from once you hit your Q
A lot of mechanics to use
Fun to play

Low mobility
All of his spells are basically skillshots that can be dodged
Pretty squishy early on
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spaxter
Spaxter Thresh Guide
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BunnyFuFuu inspired Thresh build

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