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Nunu & Willump Build Guide by Hidon1

Jungle Challenger Nunu Guide Made By Hidon S11 Guide!!!

Jungle Challenger Nunu Guide Made By Hidon S11 Guide!!!

Updated on January 23, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hidon1 Build Guide By Hidon1 155 15 322,870 Views 12 Comments
155 15 322,870 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hidon1 Nunu & Willump Build Guide By Hidon1 Updated on January 23, 2021
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Runes: Standard Runes

1 2
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Legend: Tenacity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Blue Smite
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Challenger Nunu Guide Made By Hidon S11 Guide!!!

By Hidon1
Who is Hidon?

Hello and welcome to my NuNu guide

I am Jonas and I go by the name Hidon. I am a 19-year-old streamer/coach from Denmark. I have been challenger since season 8 and I peaked 1000LP on EUW in season 10.

My Soloq Graph

I play Nunu/Elise, but since Elise does not have a spot in the current meta, I am mostly playing Nunu. Since a lot of people have asked me for a guide on Nunu I finally decided to do it.

I played competitive League Of Legends in season 9 and spring-split of season 10, where I made it to the European Masters, currently regarded as the 2nd biggest european tournament.

After that I felt like taking a break from competitive league, so I decided to Coach/Stream instead, which I am really enjoying. Now, I work as a challenger-streamer/Coach and I coach every lane & every ELO.

If you want to see more of me you can find me on my Twitch, where I stream almost daily or you can find me on twitter to find out when I go live.

Twitch: Hidon1
Twitter: HidonLoL
Youtube: Hidon
Who is Flipper?
Flipper is Rank 1 Nunu currently, so I have decided to ask him about match-ups and to weigh in on this guide. He is by far the most influential player when he plays Nunu. He peaked Rank 2 on the EUW Ladder with around 1480LP and he is forcing a Nunu ban in every single high ELO lobby xD

Flippers Soloq Graph
Flipper Hitting Rank 10

Flipper still plays competitive League and is currently playing in the NLC If you want to see him play, just look at the NLC twitter where you find his team schedule.

If you want to see more to Flipper you can also find him on Twitch & Twitter.

Twitch :
Twitter :
Why Play Nunu & Willump?
Nunu is the only fun tank in the jungle. When you play Nunu you do not get bored very easily. He does absolutely absurd damage for a tank champion. He can take your health bar to "absolute zero" with his ult level 6. On top of that he has a Yeti!? You are also playing 6v5 every game Nunu & Willump. Just give Nunu a shot and see how fun he is compared to other tanks. He makes people with 0 mechanics look like they are Faker in the jungle + his ganks are very broken. He is probably the jungler with best ganking set up in the game. He has a faaaat snowball that you can not miss and with phase rush people ca not even flash away from you xD

Now go play Nunu!!!
Early Game
Early game is the most important part of Nunus game. You need to make sure that you are active in the early game.

Look for ganks on the side you want to play for (Strong side) and avoid vision deep in your jungle. The way you find out what is strong side on Nunu is by seeing who on the enemy team that has less mobility UNLESS you have a tank in top lane. The tank will not carry the game. If that is the case get a free kill in top and then make sure your bot lane gets out of lane ahead.

Mid lane is very important to you. If the enemy team has a Orianna, Syndra, Yasuo overall low mobilty level 1, you can look for level 2 gank on them to burn their flash and make sure your mid laner can play more aggressively in the lane, and you can even look for a return gank on them.

Play for all drakes in the game. At level 5 your solo drake potentially is very strong and if you want to look for drakes early then make sure you have priority in bot lane. The way you can get priority is to force gank the enemy bot lane and help your laners shove the wave into enemy turret. After you got the priority and the vision around drake feel free to start it up and get the dragon for free.
Mid Game
After you got the first 2 drakes and the first herald you are starting to slowly transit into the mid game.

How to play the mid game with Nunu? With Nunu you are always the engager, so if you see someone overstepping do not be afraid to run them down with W. Before you run them down try to get vision with your team around the next objective. Make sure you are fighting around vision instead of just fighting to fight.

Instead of engaging sometimes you also have to peel, since you are a tank always look at your carries, make sure you are providing for them. It is most of the time the ADC, so treat him like a baby and just spoon feed him or he will cry like a little ***** :)
Late Game
If you get to 30+ minutes into the game on Nunu you should have been outscaled already. That should not stop you from trying to engage, because you still have the world's biggest snowball in your kit. The snowball can force the enemies to react faster than they possibly can.

Remember when you reach 20 minutes into the game you will have the movement speed buff from base, if enemies are pushing your tier 2 towers anywhere on the map you can run at them like Usain Bolt from base.

Your job is typically to peel/engage and secure every single objective on the map with Q+Smite which deals roughly 1500dmg.
The W Invade/Start
Clip : The W Invade
Here you can see the Nunu W Invade taken from my twitch channel.
You can do it everywhere on the map.

The reason it works is because you get movement speed from base when you spawn. In order to make it work you have to wait for your teammates to leave the base. Then you ping your teammates you want to invade. After they reach tier 2 tower mid you start running out of base. If you look at the clip you can see where you start the snowball. On blue side you start it at raptor camp. As I said you can do it everywhere on the map. Try doing it in practice tool so you can experience how it works.

But Hidon, is blue/red buffs not hard to do with W start? Yes it is but that is why you do not start on the buffs. After you do the invade you should start on raptors as you clear them in around 10 seconds and if you check the clip below you can see where to start the snowball to maximize the raptor start.
Clip : Nunu Raptor Start

It gets you a kill/flash 8/10 times and it is insanely broken!!!
It can also decide what lane to play around since the laner will not have flash for the next 5 mins. You want to do the invade when enemies has no mobility level 1 or you have strong cc like naut/thresh/leona/morgana on the support role.
Thanks for reading!
Thank you for reading my guide. I hope to see you on my stream!

I hope you found my guide helpful. If you have any additional questions you want to ask you can always turn into my stream or ask in here on mobafire. I will happilly answer them. The guide will be updated instantly in season 11 when I find out what is best on the Yetiboy.

Flipper and I appreciate that you took the time to read the guide and here is a cute picture of us :)

Make sure to check out my Youtube and
Good luck to you in your games in the future!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hidon1
Hidon1 Nunu & Willump Guide
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Challenger Nunu Guide Made By Hidon S11 Guide!!!

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