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Cho'Gath Build Guide by Hawak

Cho'gath eats the world

Cho'gath eats the world

Updated on May 18, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hawak Build Guide By Hawak 3,512 Views 0 Comments
3,512 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hawak Cho'Gath Build Guide By Hawak Updated on May 18, 2013
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This is my guide for chogath in top. I have played chogat a lot and i think my guide could help you to the basics
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When talking about abilities they are not always the same for all the games, if you dont feel kinda pusher you can max e last, or i you like to deal tons of dmg on 1 hit you can max Q, maxing Q is only recomended if you are wining the lane and you are stacking AP.
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When you are playing chogat in top there isn't to much difficulty when we talk about the orders of the abilities, you just use your Q then W and baisc till you can use your ult to finish them. If you need to escape of a gank and you can afford dont using flash you lift them with Q silence and leave walking, if they are a lost you just Q and flash.
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Starting with bootas and trhee potions is very good for ost lanes, but in some games I start with a doran shield. Why starting with doran shield? The answer is simply, for lanes with and high ad or sutain ad in top you have armor, some ad block from basic attacks and health regen, the reason you can affor this is because you splendid passive. Each time you kill a unit you receive health and mana, so if you are farming well you won't need any potions.
When you are in top there are 3 paths to follow.
Full AP path: I never recomend this, this is only recomended if after having rod you got like 5 or 6 kills and you dont need to be tanky.
Ap tank biuld: I think this is the best build, and these should like to the bouild in the build order.
The full tank build: You need this build when the team doesn't have another tank.
SITUATIONAL RYLAI'S AND LIANDRY'S: The reason why i added this items are beacuse, both stack with your E passive, so you will do a permaslow for all units hitted by your spikes with rylai and you will deal %health damage to all units hitted by your spikes. I usually recomend that if you build one you should build the other one.
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Thanks for reading

This is my guide for chogat top, i will most likely put his jungle and mid guide. Please give me feedback. Thanks for enter my guide!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hawak
Hawak Cho'Gath Guide
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Cho'gath eats the world

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