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Gragas Build Guide by BV Gatekeeper

Other Chunky but Funky

Other Chunky but Funky

Updated on June 7, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BV Gatekeeper Build Guide By BV Gatekeeper 2,165 Views 1 Comments
2,165 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BV Gatekeeper Gragas Build Guide By BV Gatekeeper Updated on June 7, 2014
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The Style

as chunky but funky gargas u must alwayz be on ur toze or elze u wil b 1 shot be everi mid lanr, u mus be veri quyck and agyle unlike gargases figure, you mus defy his weight and b one with the chunk
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The rush of playing this build

When you plai dis Gargas build and are suksesful u wil feel rush of adrenlin and b very pumpd, wen u git pmped u r very tilt playr so b CAREFEL!!!1111@11! Always remember the 3 steps i will show u sooner un.
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The 3 step program

1.) Always be alert of your surroundings! (Hence why you will be building Scrying Orb.)
2.) Be the Gargas. (In real life and in game you must role-play as your favorite champion Gargas to be suksesfful.)
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1.) W for max chunk.
2.) E is there for slam chunk.
3.) Q sucks.
4.) R is OP.
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Pros / Cons

1.) Gargas is very big champion, big mean strong like Braum
2.) with dis build max chunk is enabled
3.) You are Gargas
4.) If in ranked, no one else is Gargas
5.) If have hillbilly skin, max respect.

1.) none is bad of gargas
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Chunk dat ****, and use Q+E combo to fk lil minons
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BV Gatekeeper
BV Gatekeeper Gragas Guide
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Chunky but Funky

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