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Twisted Fate Build Guide by I Twisted Hate MyseIf

Top Crackhead Tobias Felix Top

Top Crackhead Tobias Felix Top

Updated on May 27, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author I Twisted Hate MyseIf Build Guide By I Twisted Hate MyseIf 6 0 5,345 Views 0 Comments
6 0 5,345 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author I Twisted Hate MyseIf Twisted Fate Build Guide By I Twisted Hate MyseIf Updated on May 27, 2022
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Runes: Melee Opponent

1 2
Summon Aery
Nimbus Cloak


+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Ability Order Ability Max Order

Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Crackhead Tobias Felix Top

By I Twisted Hate MyseIf
Intro (Why TF?)
Im going to start this off by saying i do not think this is a competetively viable strat. I am in Bronze, and dont even play ranked all that often. However, i find this to be the most enjoyable Twisted Fate playstyle for myself, and have spent quite a long time refining bruiser builds down into what i have now. Twisted Fate is my main champion, and i hardly find any others enjoyable, but i preferred playing bruisers like Gangplank and Yorick. I adapted the Trinity Force Offtank build from funkefetti and eventually have discovered a high damage tank build, which works surprisingly well. Now, onto the main guide.
Why Sunderer?
A Valid question, as this build is unbelievably far from the current Twisted Fate meta. Hell, even Funkefetti, known as an offmeta player, who also plays bruiser, would most likely concider this strange. Sunderer is in my opinion the strongest sheen item for Twisted Fate. It dosent scale as well with attack speed items like trinity force does, but thats fixed by not building attack speed for the most part. Sunderer by itself lets you do enough damage to win most any 1v1 as long as you arent behind, and paired with your scary survivability, you can proc it many many times in a fight. Sunderer helps with tank shredding better than Trintiy Force as well, as it dosent need any aditional items to counter the high hp. The healing factor of Sunderer is also extremely strong on TF, as it makes practically every W heal for at least 50 hp, which adds up very quickly over the course of a game.
Why Aery?
Another valid question. I messed with every rune in the game, and while some like Tempo and Press the Attack are strong, none of them match up to the damage and lane pressure that Aery gives you in toplane. Aery is a very low damage rune compared to the others i mentioned, which may make it seem like a strange choice, but Aery does enough damage to act as a free longsword. Concidering Twisted fate has naturally high attackspeed, you can freely proc Aery every time it returns to you and usually not miss any cs, leading to absolutely insane damage numbers, even reaching 1000 done with the rune alone by 10 minutes.
Why Toplane?
Probably the most valid question of the three. Toplane is a very strange pick for a squishy mage champ, but i personally find skirmishing with Bruisers toplane to be more enjoyable than poking down mages Midlane. Not everyone might feel the same, but its my favorite way to play Twisted Fate, and everyone is entitled to an opinion outside of the client.
The playstyle for this build is unusually aggressive, especially concidering you are playing Twisted Fate. First off, you want to focus on cs over poking. Aery lets you kepe a good rythym, but if you need to miss an aery proc for a minion, do so. You can steamroll most opponents just by scaling hard with your passive. Aery comes into play as not only a pressure tool, but a way to keep tempo down. Every time aery returns to you, aim to be more aggressive, try and get an auto off. When its gone, return to being completely peaceful and just managing wave. Repeat this and you can get high cs numbers while also forcing the enemy away from your wave, leading to a huge cs lead for you, or a free kill.

Sheen usage is another important part of this build, and you need to play alot around your W cooldown. If you are against a low threat laner like Mordekaiser or Darius, who have no way to get to you other than a displacement, you can feel free to abuse W as a free damage tool. When aery returns to you, instantly double tap W to lock a card (if they are in auto range), and auto the enemy. Doing this with sheen will force the enemy to kill you or miss huge amounts of cs from spacing. Alternatively, against high mobility laners like Fiora or Riven, you want to save w until they try and close the gap, then chase them all the way back to their side of the wave with autos. W and Sheen interactions are the only thing that makes TF top possible.

Once the enemy is sufficiently angry from your sheen and aery abuse, they are going to look to kill you to try and get their lane back under control. Once you know they are going to start pressuring you a bit more regularly, you can save W for them to charge at you, and then stun them and force them to tank a good 6-7 autos before they return to wave. If they blow Flash on you, pop your ghost (as long as they dont have ghost equipped, otherwise use yours defensively) and chase them around until ghost wears off. You should ba able to pressure them all the way to tower while ghost is active, and even with that they will lose a huge chunk of hp.

Wave control isnt super important, but you do not want your wave on the enemy tower ever. The wave being in the middle is ideal, as you can roam, counterroam, pressure, and still have gank pressure from both sides. Attracting the enemy jungler and wasting their time is a good tactic, so keeping a control ward constantly up to spot them is a good idea. Just gold card the enemy jungler and waste their time/HP, reducing pressure on your midlaner.

Aim for first back at lvl 6 and with 1600+ gold. Try to avoid backing pre 6. Once you hit 6, push wave, back, and then ult back to wave. You want to save teleport as it returns you to lane faster. You wont be roaming a ton with TF top, so your ult isnt nearly as important.

If you manage to die during this time, immediately teleport back to wave. This build is hyper annoying as you have 2 ways to get back to lane quickly, so the enemy can hardly ever take a good recall timing.

Your late game strat for the Tank build is very similar to a normal Tank. You want to be up in the enemies faces, pissing them off with W spam (which hits hard because of sunderer) and baiting out an attack. If you get dove, gold card the enemy and let your team clean them up. For the bruiser build, you play very similarly to AD TF, just with slightly more survivabilty. I personally dont enjoy the bruiser build as much, as i find its not as good as the pure Tank or pure AD builds.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author I Twisted Hate MyseIf
I Twisted Hate MyseIf Twisted Fate Guide
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Crackhead Tobias Felix Top

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