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Renekton Build Guide by TheBiskoppen

Top Crazy Crocman (Low Elo Match ups get gold+ ez pz)

Top Crazy Crocman (Low Elo Match ups get gold+ ez pz)

Updated on March 19, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheBiskoppen Build Guide By TheBiskoppen 5 1 15,944 Views 0 Comments
5 1 15,944 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheBiskoppen Renekton Build Guide By TheBiskoppen Updated on March 19, 2020
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Runes: Top

1 2 3 4
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Crazy Crocman (Low Elo Match ups get gold+ ez pz)

By TheBiskoppen
Who am I
Hi I'm Biskoppen

I play a lot of Renekton and Maokai and peaked d3 in preseason 9.
This is my Renekton guild focused on top since i haven't played him a lot mid, so the match ups are pretty foggy to me.

Pros and Cons
- Pros
Strong early and very strong mid game
Fairly easy to play
High Burst
Mobile/Easy to avoid CC
Split pushing

- Cons
Ranged Laners are difficult
Falls off late
Exhaust is his weakness
Flash reliant in teamfights
First 2 levels are exploitable
AD "Caster", bad auto trades
Early game! (Almost always yours)
Early game is where you shine, key to mid game is having a good early game.

Usually you wanna stack as much fury as possible but with out screwing or perma puishing the wave, usually you do that by using Cull the Meek on multible enemies and champs as well as Slice and Dice.

A normal trade in early is Slice and Dice + Cull the Meek + Slice and Dice. or Slice and Dice + Ruthless Predator + Cull the Meek + Slice and Dice

As soon as you get Tiamat you can combine it with a lot of things which i will get into in the mid game chapter.

Remember that when you have >50 fury, you need to show dominance dont be afraid unless you are in a unfavoured match up, Cull the Meek heals a lot with last Revitalize
Dont be afraid to dive, if they are low, both Triumph and Revitalize will heal you enough if you finish him with enpowered Cull the Meek.

When farming early remember if you have Tiamat it has longer range than q, use it to get cs that is out of range for you to get. Or to farm when you're getting zoned/farming under tower.
Mid game (If ahead you dominate)
OK so you made it to 6, you did well in lane, you are either ahead or even. Here is where you shine, try to get as much prio top as you can, get deep wards, help your jungle invade top side jungle or get herald. Unless you are zoning your enemy toplaner from CS, i usually do that by freezing the lane or shoving and grapping CS between their Tier 1 and Tier 2 tower

When you wanna all in the maxium combo is: Slice and Dice + AA + Ruthless Predator + Dominus + Tiamat + Cull the Meek + AA, this combo isnt that hard to do if you prac it for a while in prac tool. Usually you dont wanna Slice and Dice 2 times since it will leave it open for if the Flash etc away.

The main objective you wanna do in mid game is splitting lanes that has towers, its better to get all tier 1 and tier 2 towers before moving to tier 3. But if the enemy team is ignoring you, you should go ahead and get inhib and force them to be more than 1 to answer you.
Late game (Yikes!)
So you finally ended the game or got to late game where all your power becomes kinda meh, in this part of the game you wanna split and look for flanks on the back line, you can Slice and Dice + Flash to get close to their adc, and follow up with a full combo which is listed above. You cant really do much in late unless you are against other early game champs like Talon or Aatrox etc.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheBiskoppen
TheBiskoppen Renekton Guide
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Crazy Crocman (Low Elo Match ups get gold+ ez pz)

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