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This match-up is pretty hard early. wait out his Q and for level 4-6. If you ever get ahead freeze the hell out of him!
If you play against a decent Cassio lane is over, all you can do is soak exp and gold and try to do stuff with tp, or go for a all in level 2.
You have early. Try and bait his barrels out and all in after he w.
Pretty skilled match up, care for her q and shield. try to keep up 50 fury to clean her shield with w. She scales better than you so try and keep her from farm early
Should be fairly easy, you out dmg her and once you hit 6 you can zone her off farm.
You win early, wait out his Q and poke him down.
Garen is pretty nasty to play against, he out trades you, and he out sustain you. Get help early and then you should be able to keep him down
Dr. Mundo
Pre 6 is yours after that Mundo just ults if he is low, try to rotate mid then.
A smart Fiora waits out your w, so try and hold it untill after. You should be able to poke her out pre 6.
Try and CS up pre 6, get boots early and all in him with a full combo at level 6.
Like Fiora a good Jax will hold his counterstrike for your w, so bait it out, remember he has long CD on q early and you have 2 dashes.
Kled is hard to 100-0 there and he gets Skarl back fairly easy against melee match ups. You wanna get him close to demount, and then q him off save w to stun him as he gets out of demount
Malph is easy early before he has all that crazy amount of armor, call for the jungler to get a lead and then zone him off farm.
Like all other tanks Maokai will out scale, get a exe or bramble west early and you should be able to duel him till around level 13.
Most Mordekaiser players forget that Renektons enpowered w removes his shield, remember to have 50 fury when you fight him!!!
He both out dmg and out sustain you with his passive, ask for jungle early and Zone him off CS.
You're pretty much her worst match up, bully her and make sure she cant pick up any cs!
Everyone thinks this is a bad match up, when its pretty easy to play around, you just wait for hexdrinker, farm with q and poke him save w until after blind.
Basically it skilled match up a good trundle will sit behind and get level 6 before he do anything active, try and poke him out of lane, even tho its hard with his passive
Pre 6 is okay as long as you dodge his e, but after 6 you really need some MR or maiden will solo win lane.
Get his passive early, then try and all in him level 3 when passsive is down.
This is prob my fav match up, you stomp him all game, he cant out dmg you and it usually results in a lethality game!
just an annoying match up, he has a lot of burst early, go d-shield or even cloth.
Just like Wukong you need to respect the first 3 levels, your window is after that and untill 11. dont let him CS!
You win early, but as many other match ups he just scale better than you, try and keep him from CS.
You stomp her early, theres not much she can do, once you are ahead she is unable to do anything untill level 11-13.
This match up is like Cassiopeia, almost impossible to win, due to her kite and e. you can try and do something early or get help from jungler, and you can kinda keep her down once you are ahead
Sylas has a lot of dmg on e, try and make him miss it and safe enpowered w for after he heals.
This lane is winnable early game, he has a hard time with mana until 1½ items. And if you keep him zoned you can get pretty far into mid game before he is online
Really hard match up, but try and poke him down and all in when he is overheated.
She out dmg and out sustain you IF she hits e, so try and avoid e and get help pre 6.
Like Mordekaiser, people tend to forget that enpowered w removes shield. Use it as a surprise when he think he is safe.
This match up is okay, you need to poke him and when you hit 6 you can all in him, remember that tenacity doesnt do much so if they doesnt have a lot of Magic Dmg go for ninjas.
Poppy only has the upperhand when she has w up, remember she has a lot of base armor because of her passive. Once she has some items use dice on her to shred her armor
He is weak early, and you can just e on top of him then wait for pool then stun him
Urgot is kinda hard he has a lot of dmg early, try to poke him out and not take long trades.
When you fight him you need to respect his q dmg, try and avoid it and save w for efter his zone.
All people who play Shaco into Renekton think you have no brain. You need to show that you know he has box near him, bait his q out and then all in him.
You win early and he has a very hard time to all in you since you just slice and dice out of his ult.
Dance around Sion, use w and e to avoid his q. And once he is down respect that he has passive.
Its okay to let him proxy after you get your core items you just get free farm and if your jungler comes top you can all in him.
I play a lot of Renekton and Maokai and peaked d3 in preseason 9.
This is my Renekton guild focused on top since i haven't played him a lot mid, so the match ups are pretty foggy to me.
- Pros
Strong early and very strong mid game
Fairly easy to play
High Burst
Mobile/Easy to avoid CC
Split pushing
- Cons
Ranged Laners are difficult
Falls off late
Exhaust is his weakness
Flash reliant in teamfights
First 2 levels are exploitable
AD "Caster", bad auto trades
Early game! (Almost always yours)
Early game is where you shine, key to mid game is having a good early game.
Usually you wanna stack as much fury as possible but with out screwing or perma puishing the wave, usually you do that by using Cull the Meek on multible enemies and champs as well as Slice and Dice.
As soon as you get Tiamat you can combine it with a lot of things which i will get into in the mid game chapter.
Remember that when you have >50 fury, you need to show dominance dont be afraid unless you are in a unfavoured match up, Cull the Meek heals a lot with last Revitalize
Dont be afraid to dive, if they are low, both Triumph and Revitalize will heal you enough if you finish him with enpowered Cull the Meek.
When farming early remember if you have Tiamat it has longer range than q, use it to get cs that is out of range for you to get. Or to farm when you're getting zoned/farming under tower.
Mid game (If ahead you dominate)
OK so you made it to 6, you did well in lane, you are either ahead or even. Here is where you shine, try to get as much prio top as you can, get deep wards, help your jungle invade top side jungle or get herald. Unless you are zoning your enemy toplaner from CS, i usually do that by freezing the lane or shoving and grapping CS between their Tier 1 and Tier 2 tower
The main objective you wanna do in mid game is splitting lanes that has towers, its better to get all tier 1 and tier 2 towers before moving to tier 3. But if the enemy team is ignoring you, you should go ahead and get inhib and force them to be more than 1 to answer you.
Late game (Yikes!)
So you finally ended the game or got to late game where all your power becomes kinda meh, in this part of the game you wanna split and look for flanks on the back line, you can Slice and Dice + Flash to get close to their adc, and follow up with a full combo which is listed above. You cant really do much in late unless you are against other early game champs like Talon or Aatrox etc.
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