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Teemo Build Guide by Joxuu

Other A Diamond guide on how to Teemo in a few minutes [6.13]

Other A Diamond guide on how to Teemo in a few minutes [6.13]

Updated on September 11, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Joxuu Build Guide By Joxuu 171 14 4,946,961 Views 130 Comments
171 14 4,946,961 Views 130 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Joxuu Teemo Build Guide By Joxuu Updated on September 11, 2016
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  • LoL Champion: Teemo
  • LoL Champion: Teemo


Hello viewer. My name is jjoxuu and I main jungle in diamond level. I enjoy playing jungle the most, but I also enjoy playing the roles of support and top. Lately I've been playing a whole lot of Teemo and currently I have dedicated to reach diamond while only playing Teemo from unranked. Making progress currently in around platinum 1 elo. This guide will cover sort all-around Teemo build. I may create ap build for those who prefer it instead but I won't cover it further in the guide. Of course you may ask questions for ap related builds too.


There are some Teemo guides, but they didn't quite follow my ideal of a good build so I decided to make a guide of my own. I also just got the whim to make this after my only Teemo project. The following chapters will provide in-depth information on how to play top lane Teemo and explanation over in-game mechanics, strategies and match ups. Please do pay attention to notes in cheat sheet as I won't be explaining situational items in items section.


More Ranked credibility


>Great 1v1
>Has CC
>Can kite
>> Teemo is really mobile and has excellent kiting when combined with items and shrooms. His kit fits really well against many melee top laners. Blinding Dart is great against possible AD hyper-carries top lane like Tryndamere and counters a lot of all-in initiations. Move Quick is okay-ish ability that usually allows you to take just that last step to auto attack when enemy is retreating from farm. It can also be the key that saves you from gank. Toxic Shot is the core ability of Teemo that allows you to be that hated in top lane (besides the shrooms). Initially you can count the damage per AA as attack damage and poison as bonus damage. You can't really get out traded in auto attack fights. Noxious Trap is your warding and strategic ability to plan escapes and skirmishes. You need smart positioning to take advantage of them. More later on in the guide.




>> Teemo is a squishy champion that needs to win his lane to be useful later on. As Teemo you need to know exact location of enemy jungler and know the intiation abilities because you can't afford to get caught early levels because you have no escape. After 6 you can shroom your way so you notice when enemy jungler is coming but before that you are unprotected. You will loose advantages top lane after level 6 due Teemo's ultimate is not exactly the ideal one for straight up 1v1 to the death. You can afford trades after Bilgewater Cutlass but it's always better if you get free poke instead of having to exchange unnecessary damage but if you have life steal, I guess it's ok if you're confident in taking advantage of the trade.
>Item reliant
>No escape
>500 range

You counter



Preferred Role:

Top Lane

Teemo in nutshell:

Teemo is a all around strategic champion that excels in laning phase. Teemo doesn't really fit a certain teamcomp as it is so he needs to gain enough advantages in laning phase to be useful for the team. You can pretty much take this little guy anywhere. As Teemo, you don't necessarily even have to win lane but deny the enemy top laner as much as possible because melee laners usually hate to go against Teemo. Always try to punish enemies going after farm.

Your Counters

greater mark of hybrid penetration
Hybrid pen marks
I take 9x of these marks to simply increase the damage of Teemo. He benefits from both AD and AP so you benefit more from hybrid pen than from simply AD or AP penetration. Situationally you can just take 9x Greater Mark of Attack Damage
Magic resist glyphs
I take 9x of these glyphs to gain defense against magic damage abilities and attacks. Some top laners have 1-2 magic damaging abiities and include enemy jungler there and it suddenly mokes more sense to take these runes even if you're not against ap.

Armor seals
I take 9x of these seals to increase defense of Teemo. You're most likely against AD top laner and it's not bad to have armor generally for late game. If you are not comfortable with armor seals or you are against ap top, you can take 9x Greater Seal of Health.
Attack damage quints
I take 3x of these quints to be able to simply do more damage. Having lot's of AD makes last hitting whole lot easier too. I dislike for not going AD at all due you're basic attacks suddenly won't hurt that much which makes denying cs harder than it is.



>> Pretty straightforward masteries. Extra attack speed with lifesteal for early laning phase sound good to me. It's not too bad to go for Natural Talent or Double Edged Sword but I prefer the sustain for lane. Oppressor over Bounty Hunter because it's more useful in laning phase and you won't be leaving top lane too much until late game.

>> I don't go for the magic pen mastery + keystone Deathfire Touch because I find Thunderlord's Decree more useful. Teemo can also proc it quickly even without shrooms with AA + Q + AA combo which happens to be the most basic poke combo too.


>> These masteries are also quite obvious picks. Wanderer is not that useful in top lane as you won't be roaming and Assassin is superior to Secret Stash as you will be getting lifesteal anyways. You don't need the support mastery Bandit either and Teemo doesn't benefit enough from CDR to justify Intelligence . Thunderlord's Decree is almost mandatory.

>> I've seen some Grasp of the Undying Teemos out there but you don't really want to take passive masteries because you need to be able to win your lane or deny your top laner enough so you need damage. Resolve tree doesn't really provide offensive stats.

>> I'll talk a little about Thunderlord's Decree as I know there will be someone saying Deathfire Touch is better because shrooms proc it. Thunderlord's deals more damage than Deathfire Touch (usually people think it's otherwise) and Teemo can actually proc Thunderlord's quite efficiently with AA + Q + AA or even AA + Q + Hextech Gunblade.

Flash is the most important spell in the game and is also the most used. Do not take anything over it. It can save you from tricky situations where you normally wouldn't survive. It is also a last hitting/finishing a champion tool if the enemy is running away from you.

Ignite is the second most important spell in the game (for Teemo at least). I wouldn't take anything over it either. You need the kill pressure in top lane, not so much in late game but it's still useful. It doesn't always have to kill enemy but you can use it before the all in situation to shutdown healing effects like Maximum Dosage.

Teleport is not exactly the ideal summoner choice because you lose kill potential but you may just be forced to take it sometime. It is great against absolute counters to Teemo, like against Kayle. You can't really trade with the guy so you can try to sustain with Teleport. It's also good if you're running split push comp.

sp W

SPE >> Very basic starting items for a long time. Every doran's item is strong starter but Doran's Blade is the best option here with Health Potion. I do not prefer Doran's Ring or boots start. Boots don't offer anything early on and you don't really need the ap from Doran's Ring. The mana regeneration would be useful but you shouldn't spam Blinding Dart that much.

sp I

SPE >> The very core items of Teemo. Both deal massive amount of damage once applied with abilities, auto attacks. Hextech Gunblade is the go item after Botrk nerf. It gives needed sustain for trades and it's active helps you to kite and chase or even proc thunderlord's. Liandry's Torment is what makes Teemo's Noxious Trap hurt because magic pen is more useful than straight up ap.

sp W


SPE >> Nashor's Tooth is just for the damage. Attack speed works with E's passive and you get some CDR for shrooms and some AP for damage. Zhonya's Hourglass is usually next in line item if you don't feel the need for more damage. Zhonya's does give some damage but I value the defensive ative more due shroom + zhonyna's work really well against all in initiations. Void Staff is usually taken a bit later against lot's of magic resistance.

Preferred skill sequence

> > >

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

This ability sequence is all about damage. Ultimate is maxed first which is no surprise. It allows you to clear out minion waves or place them in strategic positions like baron or near top lane river to stop ganks from happening. Toxic Shot is maxed second because of the great damage on-hit and poison it gives. It provides good amount of poke to deny farm in early game. Blinding Dart is taken as third as it costs too much mana early on to be able to be spammed and it matters more after 6 when enemies actually try to initiate on you. Move Quick offers mobility. I don't find 4% mobility boost per level worth enough early levels so I don't find the need to max it second like some do.


camouflageCamouflage: Eh... Not really favorable passive as far as 1v1 goes. You do gain the moment of surprise if you predict the moves of enemy and go wait and ambush. However, if you are spotted going stealth mode, you're as good as dead. I like to go stealth near a minion wave and surprise tower hugging enemy going for minions.

Blinding dart: Your main ability to deal with most of the top laners that would usually beat you. The usage of this ability is very crucial because when it is on cooldown, you're completly vulnerable to initions. Only use it to poke when you're sure the enemy can't counter it. Otherwise save it in case of initiation.

Move quick: Like I said earlier, I'm not fan of this ability and I don't understand the reason of some maxing it second. The mobility boost is nice at level 1 to maybe ensure a escape or one more auto attack to poke the opponent. Other than that I don't find it that useful to be maxed second.

Toxic shot: The core ability to deny top laners from approaching farming position. You should use this ability as your advantage combined with ranged auto attack. The damage from poison and on-hit quickly adds up as extra AD and start to hurt like a hammer. Yea.. pretty straight forward ability as was Move Quick.

Noxious trap: Probably not so strong ability alone but combined with kiting, little bit strategy and Liandry's Torment though. They're free wards that deal damage and slow your opponent down giving you time to deal free damage in case they don't have range or abilities to initiate. Always have at least 1 available at time when you may get jumped on and 1 shroom near you to help you escape a bad situation.

I have pretty much explained early level opponents and fights but let me summarize things for you again: Teemo should try to get early kills or at least a major cs/xp lead by denying enemy top laner. We are not talking about a minor cs lead but +20 cs advantage. Teemo is capable of zoning out most of the melee laners very effectively. It's important that you know lane control mechanics (click me)

After level 6 and possibly already having Hextech Gunblade, start to push for turrets because this time you have your Noxious Trap to give vision. I generally tend to place 2 shrooms in lane for fights. This means you stand near the shroom so enemy top lane absolutely has to walk on it to fight you (harder vs ranged champs). Rest of the shrooms should go to cover for roams/ganks/escapes. You have potential to 1v2 after having Liandry's Torment and you have plenty of Noxious Traps. Simply run to the traps and kite away.

Later on in the game once you have at least 1 tower down, you must make the decision: Do I continue split pushing or do I go in team fights to help with objectives? If you know you can deal with your lane opponent and have plenty of shrooms for enemy ganks --> Continue split pushing and start taking second tower while denying enemy top lane even further. If your team is behind or you can't deal with your own top laner --> Go help your team push mid lane or other objectives like dragon. Continue doing this.

In late game you should be in team fights instead of split pushing unless you can force someone top with you whom you can beat. In team fights you generally want to have few Noxious Traps or plenty of them for major objectives like baron. In team fights you want to have few shrooms to help others kite while you keep your focus on dealing as much damage as possible. This usually means focusing enemy front line to keep them away from your major damage threats like bot/mid laner. Teemo isn't really the best backline killer as you'd have to walk to near melee range but do focus backline if they are mispositioned.

Common sense is all what it takes to place the mushrooms. Think about your position and enemy position. Where may I get ganked? Where would I escape? Always have mushroom positions planned ahead. It's way too late to start shrooming places when you are being initiated or ganked. I'll show few really common mushroom position from top lane view. I won't go through every single position because there are so many variations. All of the following images below are from blue side of view. I don't find the need to make one for the purple side as those images should give you a clue where you would place them anyways.

Top lane

These mushroom positions allow you to take full advantage of them as they grant both vision and an escape route. You're not supposed to put a mushroom to exact location what the map shows but to place them so that it's hard to gank or roam to your lane. Early levels use wards to cover for vision before you can get Noxious Trap unlocked. You should start with placing few mushrooms in your lane so you can stay behind them and poke enemy laner from there.

Top pushing

This view assumes that you have destroyed the first tower and you are pushing towards the second tower. These mushrooms are the most important and I tend to take 1-2 wards with me to ward in case of mid lane comes to roam. Those shrooms should provide enough vision and protection though. Usually jungler/mid laner just turn back after landing a hit on the first shroom. The point is: always have a escape route planned.


This is from blue side's point of view but you get the idea. You want to shroom the pinpoints where enemies might come from. At least 1 shroom is necessary per a path that leads to baron so someone has to take the damage and reconsider going to the pit again. Well placed shrooms may alone guarantee a free baron but you usually need to be in about even terms or leading against the enemy team to be able to pull this off.

Thank you for reading dear viewer. I hope you have learned the ropes or at least thing or two about our mighty lord Teemo. If you have any questions or thoughts please feel free to say so in the comment section. At this point I would like to credit Emikadon who made the awesome line dividers. Emikadon's art can be found here.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Joxuu
Joxuu Teemo Guide
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