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Vladimir Build Guide by SiLLiKz

AP Offtank Dominate Opponents With The Crimson Reaper

AP Offtank Dominate Opponents With The Crimson Reaper

Updated on March 28, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SiLLiKz Build Guide By SiLLiKz 1,218 Views 0 Comments
1,218 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SiLLiKz Vladimir Build Guide By SiLLiKz Updated on March 28, 2013
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Hello, my name is SiLLiKz and I'm happy to see u reading my Guide about Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper. The first thing I want to say is English is not my motherlanguage, so I hope you don't mind some faults which will appear in the text.

I hope this Guide will help you to play a better Top-Vladimir ;).
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Pros / Cons

- Lane Bully
- High Sustain
- Nice Ultimate
- Able to dodge spells because of his W

- Your lane opponent will beg his jungler to gank !!!
- Weak early game
- Targeted with CC often
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Skill Sequence

The skill sequence is obvious :
- Alway pick up your Ult when possible
- Max Q first for lane poke and sustain
- Max E second for more lifsteal and damage
- Max W last for the cdr

Put an early point into W to escape ganks and stuff, I recomend lvl 2.
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So the runes are really simple :
- We take magic pen. runes to counter the magic resist the enemy will buy, and trust me they will buy magic resist !
- We take armor yellows against ad lane opponents.
- Then pick up ability power blues for more damage or magic resist runes against ap lane opponents
- For sure ability power Quints for more damage
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A lot of people may ask :'' Why the hell does this ****** go 21 in the Utility Tree ?!''
Well it's kind of obvious if you think about what Vladimir needs to win his Lane :

- He needs movement speed to get his Q's off and to dodge spells, or escape from ganks.
- He needs Cdr for more sustain/damage
- And he needs to get past the early game as quick as possible

Trust me, I played Vlad often with 21-09-00 but I wasn't even close to the lane bully Vlad can be with 9-00-21 !!!
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The best Tip for Vladimir top lane is be as aggressive as you can !!! Even in early levels, try to always Q the enemys and last hit with AA. At the beginning it might be really hard but once you get it your lane opponent will have no pots and no farm while you have 9 of those and a bunch of CS !!!

Try to hit as many targets with your ult in teamfights and use it at the start of it, cause the enemys will take 12% more damage from all teammates !!!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SiLLiKz
SiLLiKz Vladimir Guide
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Dominate Opponents With The Crimson Reaper

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