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Ability Order
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
Main rune set
CH-1 Concussion Grenade
This is what everyone knows Heimer for. In Dominion everyone will hate you for it. Leave a turret on a capture point and it will hit them when they try to take it. When trying to defend a point with both turrets have them spread out far enough to avoid any aoe damage and to hit anyone who tries to capture from outside the other turrets range.
This spell is great for stopping everyone from capturing a point. You can simultaneously stop three champions from taking your point and with upgrade, interrupt the whole enemy team. Later on, once you have some items it will do some nice damage as well.
The skill description says it all. If you have turrets at a point far away from you while the enemy is trying to take it, this will stop them and even net you a kill.
This is what everyone knows Heimer for. In Dominion everyone will hate you for it. Leave a turret on a capture point and it will hit them when they try to take it. When trying to defend a point with both turrets have them spread out far enough to avoid any aoe damage and to hit anyone who tries to capture from outside the other turrets range.
This spell is great for stopping everyone from capturing a point. You can simultaneously stop three champions from taking your point and with upgrade, interrupt the whole enemy team. Later on, once you have some items it will do some nice damage as well.
CH-1 Concussion Grenade
This skill requires some practice to get used to horrendously slow missile speed. However, it becomes very simple and extremely effective when you get tower dived. Anyone who needs to get in melee range should think twice before diving you. Stun plus blind under the tower means free kills.CH-1 Concussion Grenade
The skill description says it all. If you have turrets at a point far away from you while the enemy is trying to take it, this will stop them and even net you a kill.
As a defender these items are all Hiemer needs to hold his points without worry.
These are the items I almost always get after Zhonya's if the game hasn't ended yet.
Hiemerdinger does best on dominion not by running around the whole map trying to capture points, or trying to kill other champions, but by defending 1-2 points at a time and pushing minions to capture the others. The bottom lane and the two points at each end are the only places Hiemer needs to be. At the beginning of each game always take bot either by yourself or with one other at most. After you've captured your teams bottom point lay down a turret near at the edge of the capture point towards the jungle (middle of map). Proceed to push, push, and push bottom lane while keeping an eye on your capture point. The rest of your team should be preoccupied with the top three points while you continue to push and build a huge wave. So far I've had trouble trying to push against a good singed but with just another damage dealer or a tank he's not much trouble. Because Heimer is such a great defender, it won't matter if the enemy team sends multiple champions to stop you from pushing. If they send 2, 3, or even 4 champions, Heimer can last long enough for help to arrive, or even come out on top. While the enemy team is preoccupied with you, your team can easily capture the other points. Now if they choose to ignore you, you can just push and take their points fast because of the minion waves. If you have both of the bottom capture points as Heimer then all you need to do is defend and try to push the next lane only if it's safe to do so.
This is the first guide I've ever written for any game. As such it's still a work in progress. I hope to provide more detail with pictures of turret placement and controlling bottom lane. I am by no means an amazing league of legends player. I only play league of legends to have fun and the purpose of this guide is to show how I play Hiemer to have fun on Dominion, so that others may also see how fun he is. I apologize for any grammar or punctuation mistakes. I made this guide in a hurry and as I update I'll try fix any mistakes I notice. I ask that you try this build before voting and any tips on improving my guide would be appreciated.
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