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Tryndamere Build Guide by DuffTime

Duff's Competitive Tryndamere

Duff's Competitive Tryndamere

Updated on August 17, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DuffTime Build Guide By DuffTime 232 48 557,158 Views 367 Comments
232 48 557,158 Views 367 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DuffTime Tryndamere Build Guide By DuffTime Updated on August 17, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Tryndamere
  • LoL Champion: Tryndamere
  • LoL Champion: Tryndamere
  • LoL Champion: Tryndamere
  • LoL Champion: Tryndamere


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Hey guy's, Duff here.

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This one's fairly straightforward, and I can't take full credit for it either.

However, I can tell you it's MIND NUMBING how effective this is. I haven't ever played anything like it. It's entirely satisfying the way you crush every lane and how easy it feels doing it, and yet simultaneously how high of a skill cap a champion like Tryndamere has, allowing you to play skillfully, and kill cleanly and easily.

There's a bit of a story behind this build and the accompanying strategy here...

It's derived from a build and a concept used and created by a high elo (2200 roughly, he was top 10 not long ago) player who plays under the IGN of Q1imax. I don't use his exact runes/masteries, I don't even 100% follow his build order, but it's really similar and functions VERY smoothly and powerfully.

All he told me was that he generally has Infinity Edge before minute 20. I assume this means he goes Berserker's Greaves -> Infinity Edge, but I could be wrong. I would think at least a Vampiric Scepter would be a nice pick up before the Infinity Edge. as a solo laner.

I personally prefer Berserker's Greaves / Vampiric Scepter / Zeal / Infinity Edge, and I'll go over these items more later.

Now, what he and I did discuss in depth was Heal / Ignite. He called it his "Cheese" that he was running. And he went 25 wins out of 30 games when playing with the top level of players.

I've personally run it a good 50 times now, and I have literally never lost with it. I only ever lost 1 lane but we still won the game. I've run a good hundred custom game match ups and only lost 2-3 of them.

So how does it work, and why does it work?

I can't speak for Q1imax here, but I can tell you how it's worked for me personally.
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Why take Heal/Ignite? *Important*

Heal and Ignite are currently the BEST summoners for Tryn.

They are BETTER than Ghost Ignite and BETTER then Cleanse Ignite

Many people ask me, why? What if they Exhaust you or CC you? Isn't Cleanse Ignite better?

No, it isn't, it's just different.

Exhaust Ignite? Shouldn't that be better?

Exhaust Cleanse?

Again, no, they are different functions.

Let's consider Tryndamere for a moment. What is Tryndamere trying to accomplish?

He wants to farm. He also wants to get kills and snowball his lane.

If you take Cleanse/ Ignite, as Tryndamere you're gonna have to be tactful about your fights pre 6.

However, due to the nature of the solo top lane, if you can land a kill pre 6, there's a very real possibility that you will snowball the lane out of control.

Consider this. You kill your opponent at level 2-4. You catch him unaware on his tower with a Spinning Slash 1 crit and Ignite, eat 2 tower shots, pop Heal and walk away.

By the time you're 6, they are still 5, or even level 4. You kill them again using your ult. Then Ignite comes up, you base, buy gear, and you kill them again with ult + Ignite.

If you kill them 3 times in lane before they hit level 8, you will generally win the game. Not just the lane, the entire game. It sounds silly, but it's true. Their team is down a strong solo lane. Your team's solo is huge - and it's Tryndamere.

They try to gank you, your Heal is up, your items are big, and you kill one or both of your gankers while ult is up. The other has to run away.

This is all because of what Heal / Ignite allows you to do PRE LEVEL 6. Even if you don't kill them, you force them out of lane, you put them behind early, and when Tryndamere gets ahead, he stays ahead forever.

That is the aggressive early nature of Heal/ Ignite on Tryndamere. They set you up to win lane, and that sets you up to win the game.

In my experience, these summoners are superior to all other summoner spells for solo lane Tryndamere... Without a doubt. They are the core reason to why I've decided to make this guide, and I don't believe anything else at this current juncture will yield more profitable results.
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I've tried crit and I've tried AD and I've tried it all, honestly it all works.

Personally, I've finally landed on a "No-BS" rune page of AD reds, AD quints, Armor yellows and MR blues, and I use this page every game now.

Q1imax uses the same page, the only difference being that he takes 6 ArP, and 3 flat AD reds.

As I said, almost anything works, be as creative as you like.
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I take the same masteries every game, this never changes.

It's very straightforward AD carry style masteries.

I've seen Chaox take Havoc instead of Vampirism on his ranged AD carries where a support is healing him but, but we're taking the life steal because it's too good and because sustain "Es Opie~"

Just run down the line of offense, nothing in the AD half of this tree will betray you as Tryndamere.

Utility for death timers and move speed is the world's greatest thing ever. Nothing else is better, seriously. A bit of armor and HP will be outclassed all game by death timers and move speed. We still get our improved Heal however with Summoner's Resolve , because that's a major part of our trick.

The only thing you could even remotely argue would be a 24/6 or a 24/4/2 or something, where you take Havoc and some armor instead of the movespeed and death timers (Not worth it)
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Skill order?

Why take Q Bloodlust first?

Well, it supports the entire idea.

You level Q Bloodlust, and you go attacking minions. You MUST hit level 2 first, and build your rage bar to full before level 2.

You will clear one full wave, and kill ONE more minion from the next wave, and hit level 2.

1 full wave + 1 minion = level 2.

At this time, you will level your Spinning Slash, and immediately E Spinning Slash onto them (I smartcast my E Spinning Slash) and try to land a crit or two. If they get in range of death from ignite, land your kill with the Ignite. If not, wait, zone, and if they try to farm, do it again and land the kill with Ignite.

If you get low HP, use Heal. I will often take 1-2 tower shots and use my ignite and Heal to safely land the kill with no strings attached.

I take one point in W Mocking Shout at level 4, chiefly for the slowing, and Power level my Q Bloodlust first, and then E Spinning Slash next.

Why? Because I killed them once at levels 2-4, and I intend to maximize my damage so I can continue to kill them again and again. They are behind me, I am strong, I'm not worried about their damage, I'm gonna be diving them in most instances (Unless jungle camps top, which he will learn do to) and that means lowering their damage is useless, since most of it will come from tower. Better to maximize damage and land more kills. A lower CD spin is safety in a sense as well.

If a lane were potentially threatening to me, I'd consider maxing W Mocking Shout, but due to the nature of what I am doing here with the goal being landing repeated kills on my opponent, maxing E Spinning Slash is much better when it comes to functionality, and smoothly landing kills, one after the other, with almost no chance of missing those necessary kills.

Because we use the Heal Summoner, we are safe to maximize our damage potential with our skills. Keep in mind that Spinning Slash has both offensive and defensive uses and as you level it up the CD lowers substantially. With enough crit, and a level 5 Spinning Slash you'll essentially be spinning around constantly. It's the best skill to max after your Q when using Heal and Ignite on Tryndamere.
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Now as previously mentioned, I never did discuss in depth with Q1imax what items he used, but these builds are my personal answer to the thing I've come into contact with. They work, and they work very well.

My "bread and butter" build for Tryndamere is VERY simple. It is as follows.

Berserker's Greaves.

Life steal item.


Infinity Edge.

That's it. No too hard right? In fact, in most games I legitimately never even get the chance to finish I.E. They surrender at B.F. sword, generally speaking.

Note; If I have Berserker's Greaves - Vampiric Scepter - Zeal - and B.F. sword complete, at this point I begin buying Green pots and keep them active for the duration of the match generally speaking.

What do I do when I'm against an annoying problem like Riven, Garen, or Renekton?

I kill them.

If I can't kill them, snowball the lane and use my bread and butter build, well, we now have a problem.

LUCKILY, all 3 of these champions can be countered, and luckily, the same counter works for all 3.

Next buy your life steal, either Vampiric Scepter. DO NOT FINISH Wriggle's Lantern!~!~!

In these lanes vrs Riven, Renekton, or Garen, IMMEDIATELY after your Vampiric Scepter, buy a Chain Vest, Berserker's Greaves and then finish Atma's Impaler against these opponents. What's that? You think it's inefficient to build Atma's Impaler that early? *Sticks tongue out* NOT IN THESE LANES IT ISN'T. You shut down your opponent, you give Tryndamere MORE crit, and you add a little more AD into the mix. It is a counter purchase, designed to even further shut your lane down for a low price.

Build Zeal next or Wriggle's Lantern here.

At this point, you may opt to finish Wriggle's Lantern, the Zeal, or you may decide instead to build a Blood Thirster out of the Vamp, it's up to you.

Get an Infinity Edge ASAP after the core items used, to shut down your opponents forever.

The 3rd build is really very simple.

It ends with a Blood Thirster for mega deeps.

Build 4 is self explanatory.

Do they have CC?

Bread and Butter build + Quiksilver sash. Gets the job done, cheap an effectively!

Build 5 is even more self explanatory.

Awww... Armor... Awwww... You bought 150+ armor to counter me in lane phase? Awww I bet that cost you like 3k gold, cute little thing.

*Buy Last Whisper early for 2k*
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Optional Items?

Good optional item's might include...

Frozen Mallet

Guardian Angel

Sword of the Occult


Tiamat (No I'm not trolling you. Think about it... Just think about it)

Trinity Force

The Brutalizer

Youmuu's Ghostblade

Black Cleaver

Madred's Bloodrazor

Executioner's Calling

Zeke's Harbinger

Spirit Visage

Now keep in mind these are not in the main builds for a reason, and I don't generally recommend most of these items.

Tryn is fairly easy to understand. Make every crit count, and crit often.

Don't get CC'd.

Damage and Quiksilver sash is all you need to build, but if you wanna get crazy, these are some items to consider anyway.
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Play style of Heal Ignite Tryndamere?


Kill them at level 2 if you can. Or 3.

Kill them whenever they get desperate enough to try to get CS. Kill them.


Kill them, always and forever!

Don't miss any CS, but kill them!

Once you've killed them, get some CS, base, and buy your Vampiric Scepter. BUY TWO WARDS AT THIS TIME.

No matter how many times you kill them, don't break their tower yet. You want to become super man before you break that tower. Their tower is what's protecting you and causing them to be vulnerable and lose a lot of CS when you either kill them or cause them to base.

DON'T BREAK THE TOWER and tell your jungler not to break it. If he ignores you, tell him not to come top anymore. Insult his family line, do something to make him go away. You are STRONKOMERE, you don't need jungle ganks when you're winning, maximize your win potential by having your jungler dominate the other lanes while you take care of yours.

When you are huge and feel capable of WINNING 1v2's, and/or when mid tower falls, break top and seize control of the upper part of the map and their jungle. If you break tower too early, you'll need to buy two-four wards, one at their blue and one at their jungle exit to baron to safe from potential ganks (Or one at red and one closer down to their AP, depending on which side you're on. It' harder for Blue side to ward top enough to be safe for pushing. Purple lane has the advantage vrs the blue solo lane all game long). If you wait for mid to fall, you can buy only one ward and place it at the lower corner of the bush at their blue buff to gain sight from all potential paths of entry.

If you choose to down top first, use that to your advantage. Go gank mid from time to time if you're feeling strong and have your ulti, or go steal their jungle a bit. If you find a jungler in there, farm him as well! You're a highly mobile champ with a strong slow and the ability to dive towers if the situation calls for it and the kill is there. If you do it correctly, and time where their jungler is, you can start to swing the game in your favor.

If you do it wrong, their jungler shows up right as you dive, and you die for free. Don't be that guy. Use map awareness as one of your weapons, just as strong as your summoner skills.

You have to take some educated risks, because as a kill champion who can be shut down in team fights with CC, you'd prefer to win the game before the team fight phase ever comes around.

The type of player who sits back afraid and farms passively and sits back and never makes "Game winning plays" will never be truly successful in League. You have to be the aggressor, you have to be the play maker. You have to be one step ahead of your opponent, and try to get your team on the same page.

That is the fine line that separates Bad players from Average players, Average players from Good players, and Good players from Great players. What kinds of plays do you make each game to win your game? You can have all the CS in the world and group in all the right places and it does not mean ****, and it means even less when you play a kill thirsty champion like Tryndamere. You have to make the plays that win the game to be a great player.

Those plays are different with every champion. Cho for example, flashing and landing a nice pop up on retreating opponents at minute 30-40 can mean towers, inhibs, and a free Baron. With Tryndamere, making plays means driving your opponent into the ground, and getting 10 kills by the end of lane phase. All the best Tryndamere players are hyper aggressive and get lots of kills. That doesn't happen on accident.

Intelligent aggression wins games!
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Landing kills.

Landing kills in lane phase earns your team three important advantages.

1; Gold in your pocket

2; Your opponent is not farming or getting kills during this entire time that they are dead and returning to lane

3; Map presence. Any time your team has more players active on the map, you have an advantage. Any time your team has less players active on the map, that is time spent at a disadvantage, meaning less objective control, less gold income, less map control in general.

Due to those 3 factors, if you can successfully land consecutive kills, you're literally winning the game bit by bit just by crushing one lane. Focus will be shifted towards top lane, and if they don't react in time, you will be big enough that their attempts to shut you down will be unsuccessful or even backfire. I will be ganked after a kill or two, and result in killing 1-2 of them often using this strategy.

Be careful about lvl 2-4 ganks, but once you have ulti, the whole name of the game changes.

This is why landing kills is so effective, it effectively accomplishes the three most desirable goals of lane phase.

Gold income for your team.

Shutting down their solo lane's gold and experience.

Map control and therefore objective. (They can't get dragon if they're trying to get the Tryndamere. The Tryndamere that their solo lane cannot fight 1v1 even under tower.)
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Match ups?

This is the ironic joy here...

Tryndamere does have counters, and he does lose some lanes.

Ryze and Olaf for example historically beat Tryndamere, although they are workable. Lee Sin is the hardest counter to Tryndamere, you might consider banning him if you plan to play Tryndamere.

However, with Heal and Ignite, you get to "break" the rules. With enough early aggression, you can even win those lanes using Heal and Ignite if you land an early kill, which sets you up to win lane, and thusly the game.

Learn your dangerous match ups, play them wisely, and you can win almost any lane using this set up properly. If there are any free lose match ups I will list them in the future, but so far I have only lost a few lanes using this strategy, I could count them on one hand.

As far as I know right now, Lee Sin, Ryze and Olaf are bad for Tryndamere, and people tell me Malphite is bad as well, but I'll have to run it more. So far, I tend to just kill them early and it's not an issue. To be honest, I beat almost every Olaf I come into contact with when I play Tryndamere, and I beat every Tryndamere that I come into contact with when I play Olaf. I think it's a skill match up.
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Questions? Suggestions?

Please find me on Facebook/Twitter if you have any questions and contact me there, as I will not be updating these guides any longer or checking in to answer questions!

Sorry for the inconveniance, look forward to seeing your questions on Facebook and Twitter! =]

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DuffTime Guarantee!

I know this build works, I've tested it in over 100 match ups in custom games, with some good players (And some bad ones) and played hundreds of games and rarely do I lose a match when I get my hands on Tryndamere.

I welcome all comers who would like to run a lane match up, I'm always eager to find out if a champion loses a lane!

The lay out is simple, we run a short custom game lane match up, to see who feels stronger in the lane and then I add this information into my guide after the results are taken. In my Olaf guide this resulted in a couple 1700-1900 players coming forward to test things, and my Olaf stood strong in all the matches, just as I anticipate my Tryndamere will stand strong too.

I've already beat several 2k+ players using this exact layout, and LOADS of 1800-1900 players. In my normal games I regularly face off against 1800-2k ranked players, as my normal elo is around 1900.

If you have a legit counter to Tryndamere, please PM me so we can run the match up and improve the accuracy of this guide! All champions have counters, I am just waiting for them to be shown to me so we can share this info with the future guide readers!
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Thanks, and enjoy!

Hopefully you've learned and benefited from this guide and the information presented, and feel free to leave your thoughts in either PM's or in the comments section!

Special thanks to Q1imax for the inspiration and the core idea, he's the mastermind behind this, this is only my version of what he originally did!

I will continue to update this guide over time as I receive feedback for it.

I look forward to your thoughts, although I've tested extensively all the options available, and the perspective of a high Elo player, and bring to you what I truly believe to be the best options!

Cheers and good luck getting the pre-six kills with Heal and Ignite Tryndamere! :)

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