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Recommended Items
Ability Order
This is a work in progress with be updating all the sections over the weekend.
Great combos
Great harasses
Can zone people with her Human form W
Great escape or gap closer if you are paying attention to you surroundings.
Can revile a team in bushes or things your normally wouldn't be able to see without wards.
Hard stun.
Some sustain
HP based dmg.
Super attack speed steriod
Can be built in many different ways
Slow even in spider form
Some abilities will still damage you even if you're in the air such as nunus ulti
Stun can be hard to land and it hits minions
High skill cap
Low hp
Falls off late game
Using your E in spider form can sometimes hurt you more then it helps you.
Great combos
Great harasses
Can zone people with her Human form W
Great escape or gap closer if you are paying attention to you surroundings.
Can revile a team in bushes or things your normally wouldn't be able to see without wards.
Hard stun.
Some sustain
HP based dmg.
Super attack speed steriod
Can be built in many different ways
Slow even in spider form
Some abilities will still damage you even if you're in the air such as nunus ulti
Stun can be hard to land and it hits minions
High skill cap
Low hp
Falls off late game
Using your E in spider form can sometimes hurt you more then it helps you.
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