cannot trade back very well and high dmg output can oneshot even early. try to focus farming and roaming
can get very close with E and cancel your E escape + lot of sustain. not a major threat but a noteworthy one
cannot do very much in lane. higher dmg output, windshield blocking ALL of your damage and also very mobile making your escape nearly impossible. this should be your midlane ban
Akshan favoured matchup but can go badly easily with one successful roam and can oneshot and close your escape
needs a lot of skill in dodging abilites. must dodge E-s otherwise say goodbye to 3 quarters of your hp
you need to dodge E+Q combo and her E can cancel your entire engage, can poke a lot with W and Q and has slow on top of all
outranges you by a lot and can cancel your engage/escape with E and has high dmg to burst you while stunned
mostly a counter because of the the W and R abilities. cuts your escape with grounded and when you get ulted you get a lot of dmg
can be annoying with strong CC as it can go through minions. avoid if possible
Nami E proccs on your E and the movement speed is very nice. can peel for you
basically same as nami, can peel for you very well with CC and can give you extended range.
very good jungler to have. high chance of winning early game skirmishes as well as invades. very good ganks with W
can frontline a lot and has a huge amount of chain CC to lockdown a target and peel for you while you execute
very strong topside with a lot of roam setups
Nami E proccs on your E and the movement speed is very nice. can peel for you
basically same as nami, can peel for you very well with CC and can give you extended range.
very good jungler to have. high chance of winning early game skirmishes as well as invades. very good ganks with W
can frontline a lot and has a huge amount of chain CC to lockdown a target and peel for you while you execute
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