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Ezreal Build Guide by killua zoldyck123

ADC Essence Reaver Ezreal Guide UNFINISED

ADC Essence Reaver Ezreal Guide UNFINISED

Updated on February 19, 2021
New Guide
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League of Legends Build Guide Author killua zoldyck123 Build Guide By killua zoldyck123 12,621 Views 0 Comments
12,621 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author killua zoldyck123 Ezreal Build Guide By killua zoldyck123 Updated on February 19, 2021
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Runes: Best Runes

Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Champion Build Guide

Essence Reaver Ezreal Guide UNFINISED

By killua zoldyck123
Pro and Cons


High DPS
Op poke
Safe laning phase


Highly depends on items
It's really hard to position as Ezreal
Depends on your positioning so cc can somehow counter you

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League of Legends Build Guide Author killua zoldyck123
killua zoldyck123 Ezreal Guide
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Essence Reaver Ezreal Guide UNFINISED

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