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Choose Champion Build:
- Evelynn Mid
- Evelynn Jungle
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
I think that you have to have Flash wth every Champion. Its the most powerfull spell ingame.
Ignite is the standart spell for midlaner and i would also use it on eve.
Cleanse is an Alternative to Ignite if you are Laning against people with hard cc.
Smite is the Spell you use when jungling. Use it to get buffs, steal or save dragon and baron.
Ignite is the standart spell for midlaner and i would also use it on eve.
Cleanse is an Alternative to Ignite if you are Laning against people with hard cc.
Smite is the Spell you use when jungling. Use it to get buffs, steal or save dragon and baron.
- easy farm with Hate Spikes
- can remove every slow with Dark Frenzy
- good roaming
- great shield in teamfights
- low hp pool
- Visionwards make it hard to gank
- bad against hard cc
When you are buying Mobility Boots you can easily roam but you dont have the same damage output you would have with Sorcerer's Shoes.
My first item normaly is Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Rylai's is a musthave because of her low hp und the slow is great for kiting.
When you haven't built Sorcerer's Shoes you have to buy Liandry's Torment because you need some Magicpenetration.
Abyssal Mask gives you all you need. You get AP and Magicresistance, but also you reduce the enemy's Magicreistance.
The last two Items depends on what you need. When they buy Magicresistance you can buy a Void Staff, when you need more damge you can buy a Rabadon's Deathcap, and when you get focused you would buy Zhonya's Hourglass.
My first item normaly is Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Rylai's is a musthave because of her low hp und the slow is great for kiting.
When you haven't built Sorcerer's Shoes you have to buy Liandry's Torment because you need some Magicpenetration.
Abyssal Mask gives you all you need. You get AP and Magicresistance, but also you reduce the enemy's Magicreistance.
The last two Items depends on what you need. When they buy Magicresistance you can buy a Void Staff, when you need more damge you can buy a Rabadon's Deathcap, and when you get focused you would buy Zhonya's Hourglass.
Like on every Champion so choose your Ultimate Agony's Embrace on Level 6, 11 and 16.
As your primary damagetool you max Hate Spike as fast as possible.
Your E Ravage is your second damagetool. So max it after maxing your Hate Spikes.
On Level 2 i set one point in W Dark Frenzy. It makes it hard for some junglers to gank you and makes you able to dodge spellshots like Ahris Charm.
For more Damage:
3x 9x
For more Sustain:
9x 9x
With Eve you should have a easy time ganking, because she can't be seen be normal wards.
Her early Jungle is hard because of her low health but with 21/9/0 Masteries this shouldn't be a problem.
Position yourself so that you hit as much as monsters as possible at once.
Notice that your E Ravage also give you additional attackspeed.
With Eve you shoould gank at level 2 or at level 4 depending on when you get your Dark Frenzy.
Her early Jungle is hard because of her low health but with 21/9/0 Masteries this shouldn't be a problem.
Position yourself so that you hit as much as monsters as possible at once.
Notice that your E Ravage also give you additional attackspeed.
With Eve you shoould gank at level 2 or at level 4 depending on when you get your Dark Frenzy.
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