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Runes: Resolve secondary, against cc/poke
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
if she messes up her e you're fine, but otherwise this lane can be a nightmare
if he hits q you can jump in e range and kill them easily
if he hits q you can jump in e range and kill them easily
Champion Build Guide
Recently Evelynn q got reworked, so that it's cooldown is a flat 4 seconds regardless of target used on.
Since then I've used her to climb from Gold to platinum with about 60% winrate.
This allows her to be a surprisingly strong conquerer dualist in the toplane, since literally 99% of the champions can't outmatch her dualing potential in the early game if playing her correctly, which often results in easy (double) kills in the first 10 minutes of the game.
An example of the insane dueling potential at level 1: embed type)
After 6 she becomes a even more threatening enemy, because she will be invisible whenever not attacking a minion, so you can roam midlane/ enemy buff while the enemy still thinks you are still in lane.
This build works especially great agains meelee matchups, but even ranged enemies like lillia and urgot are pretty easy to deal with.
The gameplan is to keep lane bullying them on the edge of the q range, and deny every minion possible.
in a lot of matchups i try to have my wave pushed into the tower at about 2:10, and i go roam to the enemy blue/red buff to kill the enemy jungler, who is likely at about 50% hp doing the buff. which puts the enemy jungler really behind, even if i don't kill him and hes forced to abondon his buff.
if ahead against a splitpush champ, it's often a good idea to swap with your botlaner and get everyone else on the team ahead with your roams, because you don't want to be stuck with a splitpusher in the toplane since you don't have tp.
While picking her however, you should remember that you can't fill the role of frontliner, so you should have a tanky ad jungler if possible or a really safe adc such as ezreal.
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