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+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Cell Division (PASSIVE)
Zac Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Nidalee is probably my least favorite matchup when playing Zac. She has a ton of movement, and is able to dodge anything you use on her. Do not fight early, wait for late game.
In this guide, I will try and guide you through the ways you can play Zac and build him!
My Channel:
I will try and keep this guide updated as much as possible and add to it whenever I can!
A very strong strategy that very little Zac players use is the lane gank. With a control ward/sweeper, clear out your laner's bushes. When cleared just wait for an easy to hit E. This is also very strong for counter ganking.
Step 1: Engage
Before a teamfight, you need to focus on getting in a non-warded area for the best chance to get big engage on a group of enemies. As Zac engaging, you need to hit the carry and lock them down. Use your full combo then switch to peel.
Step 2: Peel
After engaging, you need to make sure your carries live. Normally, you won't be able to get 5 man ultimates and not have to worry about someone jumping on your ADC or APC.
As long as your able to do this 2 step process for most teamfights, you'll win them if you give your team enough breathing room!
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