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Fizz Build Guide by AttallaGuy

AP Carry Fantastic Fun Fizz - A guide to be the funnest Fizz out ther

AP Carry Fantastic Fun Fizz - A guide to be the funnest Fizz out ther

Updated on January 11, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AttallaGuy Build Guide By AttallaGuy 3,936 Views 0 Comments
3,936 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AttallaGuy Fizz Build Guide By AttallaGuy Updated on January 11, 2013
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My Name is AttallaGuy. I play on the na server. Im not in the 2k elo range but i know my way around. This is my first guide on mobafire and its on Fizz. You will see some crazy sh*t on the guide but its worth a shot to the player. This guide will net you alot of ap and hp so you can do damage and wont die
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Mr glyphs to survive in your lane. With the marks you now think this guide sucks and will downvote but seriously attack speed marks are better for longer engagements and will do more damage then magic pen marks the synergize with your w. Flat ap quints obviously You want to do damage. Armor seals because your melee and most range champs will aa your *** and you need to be able to survive.
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Take standard ap masteries. Spellsword is a must on fizz. It works well with with his w. Take neutral buff duration on utility. You need blue, you can have it for longer.
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Get boots 3 for obvious reasons. Double dorans next is great. If your doing good get catalyst. If not get sorcerers. Your first major item is RoA. Then Lich Bane Rabadons Follow the build.
RoA Really? Yes because you need the survivalbility. Same thing with Rylais. Liandrys works well with playful and makes you do super DoT
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Skill Sequence

Max E first for the most burst. Max q second for some more burst and to apply lich bane when you get it. I max w last because i prefer burst over sustained damage.
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Pros / Cons

Strong throughout the game
Has good burst and sustain
Has nice ratios
has kick *** passive
Quite possibly the best gap closer in LoL
he is melee
can have some mana troubles
has no poke and needs to get close to do damage
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In conclusion this fizz guide should make you able to kill there squishy ad or ap carry and still be able to fight because of your large health pool. You will have sustained damage out the wazoo along with some crazy burst. You can beat them because your fizz
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AttallaGuy
AttallaGuy Fizz Guide
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Fantastic Fun Fizz - A guide to be the funnest Fizz out ther

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