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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Happy Hour (PASSIVE)
Gragas Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Olaf can invade Gragas' jungle and set him back in such a way that he can't recover. Make sure to ward your jungle, avoid Olaf early on, and make sure he doesn't snowball.
Champion Build Guide
So, you might be asking; Why tank? Why not just go full AP?
I'll tell you why. Because, in my personal experience, building tank as Gragas is far more viable than building AP.
To be more specific, the current meta right now primarily focuses on mobility and damage input. Sure, you can have Gragas obliterate enemies with his burst damage, but this can also have the opposite effect. As such, building AP is no longer viable. Soaking in all of the enemy's damage is the right way to go.
Well. Here they are.
Game-winning team fights
Still have burst potential, but none
of the squishiness
You won't be punished as hard if you fail
a skill shot.
Poor at dueling
A failed E can cost him
Gragas' Ult can make a team fight worse
Gragas can be kited by someone who outmaneuvers him
Grasp of the Undying basically heals you every 4 seconds that you're attacking an enemy, which synergizes well with Gragas' passive.
Font of Life gives your allies healing after you slow or stun someone with your Q and E respectively, helping them a bit in team fight.
Bone Plating reduces the damage you take after an enemy attacks you after 3 spells, making you tankier.
Overgrowth permanently gives you more health when you kill jungle camps and minions, allowing you to tank more damage.
Taste of Blood heals you whenever you damage an enemy champion, while Ravenous Hunter grants you permanent Omnivamp with each takedown. Both synergize well with Gragas' Passive.
After that, you can take 10% attack speed and 9 adaptive damage. You can also take 6 armour or 6 magic resist, depending on the enemy team comp.
If there are any threats you think there are tell me and I can update the threats section.
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