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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard Build Path
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Fiora Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ban Riven every single game. I'm not going to even list a counter-play to her, just ban her. She has such a high skill-cap that if someone is good enough with her, it's nearly impossible to play against her. I climbed to Plat 4 after I just perma-banned her every game.
Champion Build Guide
Q: Her Q is the 2nd most important ability. You'll use this ability to close gaps, get away, dash over objects and deal more damage.
W: Some might argue her "W" is the most powerful part of her kit and if it were used more often might be the most important. Her W is her "Riposte" ability where any damage done to her and any Root/Stun can be reflected back towards the attacker stunning them for an insane amount of time. This can also be used to completely soak bursts, ultimate abilities etc as she's completely immune to damage during this time.
E: Simply some more damage but you can read some super cool "high-level" gameplay advice about this ability in a further chapter!
R: This is what makes her the best split-pusher in the game. Her Ultimate will immediately spawn 4 vitals simultaneously on her target and grant you movement speed. All the vitals act as they normally would (movement speed/healing/damamage on hit) except this time, if you hit all 4 Fiora will spawn a healing field around her enemy and depending on how many vitals you've hit the field will heal even more! The field will only spawn upon hitting all 4 vitals or if the champion dies.
Key terms:
AA - Auto Attack (your general attacking Fiora will do when you click on someone)
AA Reseting - Prematurely resetting an Auto Attack animation.
Spell-weaving - Casting Spells between AA's
Goredrinker tips - Use GoreDrinkers active ability to reset an AA animation.
Q - Use Q to dash over walls for a quick getaway or a surprise attack!
E - your "E" also essentially acts as an AA reset when initially cast.
(My favorite)Q+W - I have not seen many Fiora mains touch on this so idk if it's a little known fact but you can actually LAUNCH YOURSELF WHILE CASTING "W"! If you cast your "Q" and immediately "W" right after, you'll be moving while Riposting. This is especially powerful if you see a Jinx throw down her "clamps" on the ground. Most players will feel safe behind them but if you "Q" into her clamps while your "W" is up, you'll actually push yourself through it and stun her on the other side. (this can be used for anything).
AA > Q > E > E2
AA > Q > E > Goredrinker Active > E2
Q > W (moving)
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