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Fizz Build Guide by Asiankamisama

Fizz - Do you like Fishsticks???

Fizz - Do you like Fishsticks???

Updated on February 24, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Asiankamisama Build Guide By Asiankamisama 1,417 Views 0 Comments
1,417 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Asiankamisama Fizz Build Guide By Asiankamisama Updated on February 24, 2014
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Fizz had a huge AP nerf which is why (Beyond me why people forget to build this item) Lich Bane the bread and butter of your build even more so then before. Also make sure to first get 2 doran's ring for early harrass.

Note: Always take flash as a summoner skill or lose to mages mid. E is not enough to keep yourself alive verse high burst damage gap closers.

Fizz is a great gap closer and has a great escape that can be even used to jump over walls and dodge tower shots. If executed correctly, the jump can actually be used to jump 2 walls at an angle or even jump back over the same wall juking out enemy flashes.(I will try to post a video of this later).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Asiankamisama
Asiankamisama Fizz Guide
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