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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability
Fizz ranked stats:
Rushing Lich Bane will increase your damage output by A LOT! Your Q automatically procs it, and after you activate your W, the next attack will do damage over time as well as the lich bane proc. Overall, Lich Bane is perfect on Fizz. Deathcap is next, and it will increase Fizz's burst by a lot. Your ult has a 1.0 AP ratio, meaning more AP, more damage. Zhonya's will help you stay alive in fights, and Void Staff will have you piercing the enemies MR. Finally, a Warmog's sums it up as it gives you tankiness and the ability to survive encounters when you dive in during teamfights.
Definitely max your W first as the damage over time will help harass and farm. E at level 2 so you can just hop away if the enemy jungler comes for you. Q at level 3 so you can do your harass combo. Then max W, then E, as the cooldown will lower and it will do more damage, then Q. Of course, skill your R whenever possible, as it goes up in damage and down in cooldown.
At level 3, when you have your full combo, Q in, activate W, auto attack a few times. When they counter attack, pop your E, which will negate all the damage, then fall back down and keep auto attacking. At 6, you can easily burst the enemy down. Throw your ult out, and they will be slowed. Then Q in, activate W, auto attack, ignite, and that should be it. If you need more damage, use your E and land on top of them.
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