Build Guide by rianflqmes
flqmes's schizo somalian astrotech giga anihilator jew burner discombobulator super l9 turbomachine hecarim guide
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Recommended Items
Runes: the conqueror.
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Unleashed Smite
Ability Order ability order
Warpath (PASSIVE)
Hecarim Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
nasus is my personal permaban. no matter how ahead you are he will always somehow 1v9 the game.
yuumi makes you into the demon king. has heals, damage boosts, movement speed boosts and shields.
yuumi makes you into the demon king. has heals, damage boosts, movement speed boosts and shields.
Champion Build Guide
how to play
the playstyle
to 1v9 you need to play smart. the build itself can't provide you all of that. always start the game by pathing bot lane and look for ganks/drakes early on. if you don't have gank potential due to your stupid perma-pushing teammates, just farm 10 cs/m by doing your clear over and over again. let your team suffer in laning phase until you get your items. only fight for objectives around your team before getting your first 2 items.
don't forget that you're the only thing that matters in the game since your build is absurdly broken and open for 1v9. don't tilt your teammates by taxing their lanes too much or typing to tilt them to increase your chance of winrate.
how to win when everything goes to ****
if 3 of your lanes are losing, you are getting harassed in your jungle and enemy gets fed, just keep farming until you are 3 or 4 items depending on how fed the enemy is or how smart they are on closing the game out. don't forget your ms and ult can save you from almost any type of situation. let enemy siege t1-t2 towers while you get cs from all over the map. track where the enemy is and ignore their whole lead by just not showing up and instead farming for your power spikes.
of course you just can't win every game but you can increase your chance up to 75%+ by just having the right "solo queue" decision making mindset. sometimes even if you do everything right, a random spell or drake killing you in 1 hp in a game ending teamfight will make you lose. possibilities are almost limitless and you are on your own.
you're on your own. 1v9 alone. win alone.
to 1v9 you need to play smart. the build itself can't provide you all of that. always start the game by pathing bot lane and look for ganks/drakes early on. if you don't have gank potential due to your stupid perma-pushing teammates, just farm 10 cs/m by doing your clear over and over again. let your team suffer in laning phase until you get your items. only fight for objectives around your team before getting your first 2 items.
don't forget that you're the only thing that matters in the game since your build is absurdly broken and open for 1v9. don't tilt your teammates by taxing their lanes too much or typing to tilt them to increase your chance of winrate.
how to win when everything goes to ****
if 3 of your lanes are losing, you are getting harassed in your jungle and enemy gets fed, just keep farming until you are 3 or 4 items depending on how fed the enemy is or how smart they are on closing the game out. don't forget your ms and ult can save you from almost any type of situation. let enemy siege t1-t2 towers while you get cs from all over the map. track where the enemy is and ignore their whole lead by just not showing up and instead farming for your power spikes.
of course you just can't win every game but you can increase your chance up to 75%+ by just having the right "solo queue" decision making mindset. sometimes even if you do everything right, a random spell or drake killing you in 1 hp in a game ending teamfight will make you lose. possibilities are almost limitless and you are on your own.
you're on your own. 1v9 alone. win alone.
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