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Ivern General Guide by GOFGOLDEN

Jungle Full Ap Ivern (7.22)

Jungle Full Ap Ivern (7.22)

Updated on August 19, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GOFGOLDEN Build Guide By GOFGOLDEN 20 4 60,135 Views 0 Comments
20 4 60,135 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GOFGOLDEN Ivern Build Guide By GOFGOLDEN Updated on August 19, 2018
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so when starting DONT INVADE don't invade at all mark your raptors and red then mark wolfs gromp and then smite blue then go back to red and raptors to claim them and mark krugs after make sure to secure scutel with a smite
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the items are the things that allow u to get that full ap make sure to get an auto-off so u can slow them to make your q easier to hit also in late game stop taking stalkers blade and replace it with morellos or remnant of the watcher for extra vision
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Glacial augment: this rune is for making your q easier to hit and when u get crystal scepter its impossible to miss. when ganking make sure to get one auto then q

Magical footwear/stopwatch: you can take any one of these but I recommend footwear duo to how slow ivern is but if u get stopwatch to use it for diving. bad thing is that it doesn't go into anything

Futures market: this is obviously used to get your items faster but most importantly crystal scepter and redemption

Cosmic insight: I like to use this so I can get daisy almost every gank it's also very helpful to have ur shield up and q a lot cus if u miss your q cosmic insight will allow u to use it one more time before they escape

Font of life and revitalize: this is just stuff used for your shield it allows your team to stay alive more and since iverns super week at providing all the dmg it makes it easier on your self and your team
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GOFGOLDEN
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Full Ap Ivern (7.22)

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