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Recommended Items
Runes: More Cdr And Burst
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
The best spells
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide

Ezreal Top Lane - Full CDR AD Guide
Ezreal is a unique champion for the top lane, offering high poke potential, excellent mobility, and sustained damage. This guide will focus on maximizing his ability to dominate trades, poke safely, and become a scaling powerhouse.
Top Lane Playstyle
Laning Phase
- Poking and Trading:
- Abuse Ezreal’s range advantage against melee champions by using Q Mystic Shot (

- Combine auto-attacks with Q to deal consistent damage while avoiding extended trades.
- Save E Arcane Shift (

- Farming and Sustaining:
- Focus on farming safely and hitting key item spikes. Use the sustain from early lifesteal items to outlast your opponent.
- Avoid overextending unless you have proper vision in the river.
- Wave Management:
- Keep the wave closer to your turret to minimize risk and force your opponent to overextend.
- Use Q and item-RavenousHydra Ravenous Hydra (

Mid to Late Game
- Once you’ve completed item-RavenousHydra, item-EssenceReaver Essence Reaver (

- Use Q Mystic Shot to poke enemies who contest you and clear waves quickly.
- Maintain proper vision by placing wards in the enemy jungle and using item-FarsightAlteration Farsight Alteration (

Team Fighting
- Position yourself in the backline and prioritize poking with Q.
- Use R Trueshot Barrage (

- Kite tanks and bruisers with item-SeryldasGrudge Serylda’s Grudge (

- Focus on high-value targets like the enemy ADC or mid laner to maximize your impact.
Objective Control
- Ezreal’s poke excels at forcing enemies off objectives. Use Q and R to deal damage from a safe distance.
- Maintain a position where you can safely contribute to securing objectives without overcommitting.
Tips and Tricks
1. Skill Shot Accuracy:
- Practice hitting Q Mystic Shot (

- Use Q to safely poke enemies under turret while farming.
2. Arcane Shift Management:
- Keep E Arcane Shift (

- Position yourself to maximize the uptime of Q.
3. Trueshot Barrage Usage:
- Use R Trueshot Barrage (

4. Kiting and Positioning:
- Continuously reposition in fights to avoid being targeted. Use item-SeryldasGrudge slows to maintain distance from enemies.
5. Vision and Awareness:
- Keep the river and jungle warded. Ezreal is vulnerable to flanks and collapses, so maintaining map awareness is crucial.
Master the Art of Ezreal Top
Playing Ezreal top requires a patient and strategic approach. Focus on poking and kiting, avoid unnecessary risks, and use your superior mobility to outmaneuver opponents. With practice, you’ll dominate the lane and carry games with consistent damage and map presence.
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