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Galio Build Guide by IIPunisher

AP Carry Galio, The Dominator Of Mid

AP Carry Galio, The Dominator Of Mid

Updated on June 6, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author IIPunisher Build Guide By IIPunisher 2,966 Views 0 Comments
2,966 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author IIPunisher Galio Build Guide By IIPunisher Updated on June 6, 2013
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About me and Galio

Galio was my favourite mider since i bought him because of his burst ap damage and resistance to other champions i think he is counterless on mid lane even against AD miders. I use Gatekeeper Galio since I main him on mid lane and I know that everytime I get counterpicked, I will show them that this is the champion that is actually counterless. I allways won midlane with my "Bro Galio" and when we lost then we kept our stat in +. I didn't understand why is Galio so underplayed? he is very strong and he got all the abilities that a Mid laner needs.
Thank your for reading my guide if you find this usefull then please rate for it so everyone will be able to know what Galio can really do on Mid lane.
If you have any questions then leave a comment and if you have other oppinions in items,runes or anything then feel free to tell me
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While farming try to harass your enemy with your Q and if you have the bluebuff then with your Q+E combo. its difficult to farm with galio since he is melee but this isnt't so bad if you have your blue buff, since u can just spamm your spells like mad, and with your Tear you can even collect stacks faster. If you get ganked then throw your Q on the jungler or the mider and cast E backwards to get movement. If then get in range then cast your shield on yourself. If you get dived dont forget to cast your shield+ultimate or only the ultimate if your shield is on cooldown. This method worked me every time in early and mid game and got allways double kill when they dived :P
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Team Work

As i told you Galio is very good in assisting the team. If you see a teamfight coming then try to stay in the middle of your team and when the tank engaged then run in woth your E, ahield up yourself and cast your Ultimate for Tons of Damage and winning easily the teamfights. If you see that the fight its being lost the make sure to cast your E backwards to get away with the rest of your teammates while slowing them with your Q and shielding your friend that is being attacked.
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Galio is the perfect mid laner since his passive turns his 50% of magic resist into AP and he can start with Null-Magic Mantle for resistance and he gains ap from it effectively gaining 60+ AP at the beggining, just OP. His Q deals Tons of Damage while slowing his enemies, it has an awesome range (940) but its difficult to hit a target with it. His W gives him a shield increasing his Armor and Magic Resist for a decent amount while getting healed by taking damage!, combined with spirit visage this heal can be inproved and effectively getting healed by turret shots, your enemies will be like: wtf did just happen? Your E gives great movement speed while running through it and deals a decent amount of damage. If going by the enemy wraiths then srop your Q+E through the wall and you will get the little ones. And last but not least the ultimate: That deals tons of damage while taunting every enemy, increasing the damage to enemies for the amount of damage taken while chanelling. Use your ultimate with your shield on to keep healing yourself while taking damage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author IIPunisher
IIPunisher Galio Guide
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Galio, The Dominator Of Mid

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