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You cannot really play because of his Q, it cancels your Q. He is also ranged so you cannot take extended trades. Run the Grasp page and take Ghost.
Can poke you out of lane. Take Grasp and run Ghost. Buy Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest. You will be forced to CS under tower and it is pain.
A skill matchup but it is more Garen favored. Just dodge his Q3's and R and you should be fine. Take Conqueror or Grasp depending on whether you need to be a tank or do damage.
Similar to Yone, it is a skill matchup but it is more Garen favored. Dodge his Q3 and also play behind your minions as he will dash to them. Take Conqueror or Grasp depending on whether you need to be a tank or do damage.
Similar to Yasuo and Yone, this is also a skill matchup that is more Garen favored. Do not get hit by the shurikens (Q) from the shadow and Zed himself. Bait out his W so that he cannot escape when you go in
Skill based matchup. Take Conqueror. You may need to bait out her E as it stuns you. Unless the Irelia is bad, the time you can kill her is level 6 as you have your ultimate, but do not rush to use your R as her W can block the damage. Wait for the W to be used on something else then use your ultimate to finish her off.
Bait out her E and W. Always start your fights against her with Q so that she cannot do anything as she is a pretty slippery champion that does a lot of damage.
Really Garen favored. Just do not fight him at level 2 because he can burst you.
Take Grasp. Just avoid her stun (Passive) and then you can go in on her. Play safe though as her passive is easy to stack and try to avoid fighting at level 6 as Passive + R is a guaranteed AoE stun and it does damage. If she wastes it, she is pretty useless so you can kill her.
Stay away from the range of her orbs as Q + E is guaranteed stun and free burst for her. Take Grasp once again and run Ghost so that you can run her down when she wastes her abilities. You can W to reduce the duration of her stun if ever you get hit by it. At level 6, avoid fighting when you are 25% HP as her R has the potential to kill you.
Annoying champion honestly. He isn't much of a threat though as you just need to waste his E then go in as he does not have any other self peeling abilities. He is a free kill pre-6. When he is level 6, do not approach him if you are below 33% HP as his ultimate will straight up kill you.
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