During the early laning phase Rumble will most likely be poked out of the lane often, get level 6 and roam with your Ultimate.
In this matchup Lulu is advised to be ignored, aim for the adc so the Lulu cannot buff them to deal damage.
Theoretically, this matchup is bad, but with good reaction times with your W you are able to constantly pressure Lux
When the enemy adc has a high damage output such as Kai'sa you will need to go for a defensive build and set the lane for your Jungle to gank.
Against Leona you want to use your Ultimate defensively, Instead of using W to tank damage from an engaging Leona, you use it to avoid Leona's engage. Poking Leona when possible to avoid her engaging is also suggested.
Take the 'Against heavy disengage' rune build, try to take the enemy team by surprise.
Each time you attempt to poke he will return poke for more, if caught out of position you will nearly always die.
Use minions to your advantage, after Blitzcrank wastes his cooldowns you can use hexflash or flash from behind minions to engage.
Similar to Blitzcrank
Use minions to your advantage, you can use hexflash or flash from behind minions to engage. With Nautilus you can poke him easily from a safe distance though as if he engages he also endangers himself.
Stay out of Flay (Thresh E) range and constantly poke him, save your Ultimate to stop retreat instead of starting a battle.
If you have a choice, never pick Rumble support into a Sivir, she can block your poke, and permanently poke you, try to poke down the support to prevent engage, set up river vision, recall every time you are remotely low, your only chance is surviving past the Laning phase.
Prioritise vision, if you can spot a Ryze using his Realm Warp (Ryze R), you can Ultimate over the portal, causing both him and all of his team to take massive damage as they come out, also preventing instant engage.
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate can completely be prevented from roaming if you keep your Ultimate for the right time, either killing Twisted Fate as soon as he finishes teleporting, or forcing him to back away.
Against Kalista, you are more afraid of the support than her, but her ability to throw her support in with her Ultimate means you have to play incredibly careful post-level 6
Similar to most enchanter matchups, you can easily W away from most projectiles, but also prevent her using her Encore (Seraphine R) by engaging from a different direction than your team.
Control wards are very important, if you do not know where the Evelynn is your ADC can be oneshot without you able to do anything. Exhaust would need to be used as soon as vision is seen on an Engaging Evelynn, then Locket of The Iron Solari to further defend your team.
Even if you feel reasonably Tanky during the Laning phase, roaming and moving through the Jungle is never safe when there is a Kha'Zix, try to permanently track his movement with deep wards.
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench causes massive threat to the team, with his large amount of health and damage he can virtually ignore you, you could buy Sorcerer's shoes or a Void Staff to prevent him ignoring you, but also need to be aware that a Tahm Kench could easily turn around and kill you if you do not have enough Tankiness.
Against characters like Garen and other slow melee characters, you can easily push them away from your team through slows and poke.
Master Yi
Even when a Master Yi uses his Highlander (Master Yi R) you should still Exhaust him when he attempts to engage, you could also buy a Frozen Heart or Randuin's Omen to counter him.
Dr. Mundo
Grevious wounds in the form of Thornmail need to be bought, make a Hybrid build of Tankiness and Magic Penetration so the Mundo cannot ignore you, try to bait out his Maximum Dosage (Dr. Mundo R) but prioritise the killing of his team first.
You can constantly hit E's during the laning phase, meaning whenever Jhin hits a W you can go in on the rooted enemy. If an enemy is low health under the turret both Jhin and Rumble can ult to kill them.
You provide Jinx with surprisingly good peel and allow her to kite with your constant slows.
This synergy is very fun, prioritize Tankiness.
Your slows provide perfect setup for a Samira, and she is able to build up an S fairly quickly
Throughout the laning phase you will virtually be useless, you have to rely on Varus in the lane as enemies will always be wary of Varus Q's.
You do not provide Lucian that much help in lane, mid-game you can help with battles though
Her R groups enemies perfectly for your ultimate, allowing absurd amounts of Magic damage if you get the additional slow from Rylai's
You can slow enemies before a gank easily, and once the enemies sleep you can try to perfectly angle an R to damage multiple enemies.
Enemies would be too wary of Ezreal's poke, so your poke will virtually be useless
You can both slow enemies and speed up teammates, characters such as Darius synergise really well with Rumble support.
Very average laning, but if your communication is good you can completely stop engage before it even happens.
You can constantly hit E's during the laning phase, meaning whenever Jhin hits a W you can go in on the rooted enemy. If an enemy is low health under the turret both Jhin and Rumble can ult to kill them.
You provide Jinx with surprisingly good peel and allow her to kite with your constant slows.
This synergy is very fun, prioritize Tankiness.
Your slows provide perfect setup for a Samira, and she is able to build up an S fairly quickly
Throughout the laning phase you will virtually be useless, you have to rely on Varus in the lane as enemies will always be wary of Varus Q's.
You do not provide Lucian that much help in lane, mid-game you can help with battles though
Her R groups enemies perfectly for your ultimate, allowing absurd amounts of Magic damage if you get the additional slow from Rylai's
You can slow enemies before a gank easily, and once the enemies sleep you can try to perfectly angle an R to damage multiple enemies.
Enemies would be too wary of Ezreal's poke, so your poke will virtually be useless
You can both slow enemies and speed up teammates, characters such as Darius synergise really well with Rumble support.
Very average laning, but if your communication is good you can completely stop engage before it even happens.
This is an off-meta build and I do not suggest using it in ranked.
Rumble support can provide a lot of poke, utility and provide safety to yourself and your adc. Your engage with your R provides a lot of damage. This build used to work well with the old edition of Glacial Augment, but now it doesn't work as well.
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