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Samira General Guide by Urason

(GM) Urason's ULTIMATE 2V2 ARENA Samira Guide

(GM) Urason's ULTIMATE 2V2 ARENA Samira Guide

Updated on July 27, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Urason Build Guide By Urason 7,657 Views 0 Comments
7,657 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Urason Samira Build Guide By Urason Updated on July 27, 2023
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Bruisermira (You have a bruiser + enemy tanky/high CC)

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(GM) Urason's ULTIMATE 2V2 ARENA Samira Guide

By Urason
A Simple Introduction
Hello and welcome to my Samira 2v2 guide! I have covered 90% of the information you need in the notes found above in the build guide! I likely won't make this too fancy or anything but thought a lot of people would want great build options and stuff. In the future I may add an augment tierlist to make it easier than just reading words in the notes section.

Anyways, hi hello! I'm Urason, a Grandmaster 806LP Peak Samira Main. I've written a guide for Samira before and if you're new the champion, check that out before diving into arenas! Can be found here:

With that out of the way, lets talk about some arena basics down below!!
Basics of Arena Gameplay
Want to start playing Arenas? Well... I can't teach you everything as it takes a lot of time and I'll forget parts of it but lets do a quick run down!

What Are 2v2v2v2/Arenas?
This is a new gamemode Riot added where you and a possible friend queue up in order to take on 3 other duos! It includes item changes, buffs/nerfs, and augments similar to TFT! Overall Arenas is really fun and allows for a lot of versatile gameplay options. For the most part, you can play any champion with moderate success(until you climb high enough anyways). All items cost 3000 gold, you get accelerated income, you have a universal healthbar like you do in TFT, and teams are knocked out 1 by 1 once they hit 0HP! After you're knocked out, you can choose to stay and watch or leave and queue up again!

Key Points To Know
- You can see what team you're VS (or if you have a free round) at the top of your screen!

- Scoreboard shows everyone's items, augments, and whether or not they have Flash!

- HP plants are insanely strong and no damage can really match them. They also give CDR to your used abilities. Play around them and ensure the enemy doesn't get them!

- The storm HURTS, try not to get caught in it for too long

- There is only ranked mode, if you're playing 4fun then don't worry about it and focus on enjoying the game (with a duo its FAR more enjoyable)

- Augments empower different playstyles and can really change the game. Champions with versatile playstyles take advantage of this and are inherently better due to it! READ MY NOTES ON THE AUGMENTS UP ABOVE IN THE BUILDS SECTION PLEASEEE IT'LL HELP YOU FIGURE OUT GOOD BUILDS. Also, here's an augments list if you need to know what they do and what's available:
Different Arena Maps
In the Arena, you'll be fighting in different maps with different iconic champions that can benefit either team! Let's take a look at the maps you'll encounter.

Pyke Map:
This map is all about simply dodging Pyke. You CANNOT block his E with your W like you normally would be able to so don't try. Use his stun to your advantage with your passive and bait enemies by dodging it with your E through them! Overall this map is pretty straight forward and isn't hard for Samira in any way. Also, Pyke will ALWAYS go for the FARTHEST enemy champion!

Samira Map
Unironically, Samira doesn't care too much about the Samira map. With enough CC, the Samira gets to S and ults which deals MASSIVE damage in an AOE around her. Your W CANNOT block its damage either so be sure to stay out of range when she's getting near ult or save your dash to get out! Otherwise, pretty basic map with no real wild mechanics.

Lux Map
Legit perma useless Lux map. She aims the laser at you and takes a second to cast it. You can always dodge it by simply walking past it, just don't stop moving. It'll turn clockwise, shoot, then counter clockwise and go again. Nothing to pay attention to here.

Sett Map
Now we're getting somewhere! The Sett map is great for Samira because it allows you to stack style for free! On top of the free style stack, once Sett dies, he'll charge his W and aim it at the enemy even if they're invis or hiding! Try not to get caught in it or it'll nuke your health bar!

Naafiri Map
Naafiri has her dogs patrol the area and if anyone is spotted they leap onto them and deal MASSIVE damage. You can take advantage of this by getting targetted then dashing BEHIND the enemy which will force the dogs to hit them instead of you. Its hard to do but well worth it in clutch situations.
Different Arena Playstyles/Champ Combos
There are quite a few different playstyles when it comes to Arena. While the meta in high ranks tends to favor a single carry playstyle, that doesn't mean you won't run into some 4fun gamers with creative minds! Here are a few different playstyles and how Samira interacts/deals with them!

Protect The Carry
This is a fairly common combo and usually involves a hyper-carry like Kai'sa, Twitch, or Vayne paired with an enchanter (Lulu, Milio) or a tank that makes space (Alistar, Maokai). This playstyle heavily depends on protecting the single carry and funneling every resource into them. It can be incredibly difficult to deal with this kind of combo but its not impossible! Samira can beat this combo with the right duo and if she plays it properly HOWEVER it also relies a bit on the enemy misplaying. You need to determine whether or not you can burst the Enchanter, if you can't, go for the hyper-carry. You'll need to get on top of them and keep any tools you have to stick on them then burst them ASAP. Once they're dead its a simple 2v1 vs their support. In this kind of matchup make sure to check their augments and adjust your gameplan accordingly. Also, look out for their Flash timers! Flash is up every other round when its used and you can check it by pressing tab!

Walls of Fire
This playstyle is less common the higher up you go but its extremely fun so you'll see it at least every few games. It heavily relies on having two tanks with high CC and survivability. You'll often see champions like Mundo, Alistar, Singed, Skarner, etc. The overall goal of this comp is to out-live you by perma CCing you and sending you into the storm for free damage. Should the storm close in, they'll usually out-live you and toss you away. The best and only real way to deal with this comp is to deal more damage 4head. Really though, you NEED to make sure to damage them constantly and ensure they don't get healthpacks for free. The last thing you want is Mundo ulting at the start, after a single fight, and finally using a 3rd ult as the storm closes thus leaving you to burn while he out-heals it (but storm will eventually have anti-heal yay).

Tricks & Traps
This playstyle is the most annoying thing you'll face in arena but its also extremely strong in the right hands. This kind of comp tends to have champions like Shaco, Zyra, Heimer, Teemo, etc. Pretty much anyone that can perma spawning annoying minions to beat you up and control zones. VS these kinds of comps its ESSENTIAL that you don't give space near the middle of the map. This is easier said than done on some maps and also depends on which side you spawn on occasionally. Prioritize getting control of the middle of the map and secure HP plants as often as possible. These kinds of comp are really weak if you successfully dive on them but it can be hard. Samira does decent into these comps but heavily relies on her ally to either engage or to clear traps for her (however Samira Q does 1-shot Zyra plants at range). TLDR: Take mid control and fight the enemy before they can set up!

The Beefy Bois
This isn't as common but you'll likely stumble upon someone running double bruisers or fighters. Theres nothing special about these comps besides the fact that they usually have decent CC, high HP, and good damage. Play the fights slow and with your ally so you can work on shredding them down! Don't think too hard about it.
Why Samira in Arenas?
So you wanna know why you should pick Samira in Arenas? Well.... She's really fun and just got a new skin soooooo....

Really though, Samira may not be the best in this gamemode but in the right hands she can be A-tier. She has incredible build versatility, high damage, and can keep up with a decent amount of comps. While some S+ tier comps are near impossible for her to handle, well, that is why they're S+ tier isn't it? Regardless, play Samira for the sake of playing Samira! Who needs a valid reason!?
If you actually read through this entire guide, thank you! If not, well thanks for stopping by anyways! I hope this helped you in one way or another! Remember to check out my other Samira Guide to keep up with your Samira needs on the rift! If you have any questions feel free to comment them here and I'll respond when I get the time. But uh, I'm out of things to talk about so have a great rest of your (insert time of day here)! <3
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