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Gnar Build Guide by BoBoSeph

Gnar Showing Botlane His Bone

Gnar Showing Botlane His Bone

Updated on August 15, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BoBoSeph Build Guide By BoBoSeph 13,901 Views 0 Comments
13,901 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BoBoSeph Gnar Build Guide By BoBoSeph Updated on August 15, 2014
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Hi guys, my name is BoBoSeph and I have been playing LoL for a pretty long time but only recently have I gotten really far into it, and I mess around with alot of builds trying to find what I like the most. In this guide I show you what I've found to be the best way to run ADC Gnar.
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Pros / Cons

-Only viable ADC with no cost (IMO).
-When ult activated it gives a burst of health.
-High DPS is MINI form and High Burst in MEGA form.
-Magic and Physical Damage Shredding.
-Depending on the build you can do a lot of different things.
-Is adorable.

-High Skill Cap.
-Learning Q patterns can be a pain.
-Tiny AA range.
-Early game is awful.
-Most of the time can only farm really well early game when in MEGA form.
-Squishy in best form.
-Late game your transform can be a blessing or a curse.
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Farming is easy once you get the hang of it. Since you're so squishy and have EXTREMELY tiny AA range then you'll have to wait until you get a few levels or even when you transform to really get the amount of CS you want. Your Q in MEGA form helps to clear out waves easy, try to take advantage of your burst with MEGA Gnar to push your lane opponent out of lane while still trying to CS harder. Just know that you'll probably be behind for the first bit of the game, but that's okay because you'll start to scale very hard after getting BOTRK.
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Overall I've found that the Armor seals and Flat glyphs of MR works the best. However, in theory the flat health seals give Gnar more tanky with the defense point and Gnar himself in Mega form. You can run Scaling MR glyphs if you aren't against any magic damage in bot lane. I reccommend 100% to take the Flat AD Marks and AS Quints though. As of the ADC Meta right now they work the best.
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I'd like to thank you for reading my Gnar guide and there will be many more to come in time!

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8.15.2014 - Published guide.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BoBoSeph
BoBoSeph Gnar Guide
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Gnar Showing Botlane His Bone

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