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Katarina Build Guide by cirakg

Assassin Good Old Katarina Guide For Making Terror

Assassin Good Old Katarina Guide For Making Terror

Updated on October 26, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author cirakg Build Guide By cirakg 8,461 Views 0 Comments
8,461 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author cirakg Katarina Build Guide By cirakg Updated on October 26, 2014
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Hello!I Am cirakg regular player on EUNE and my main Champion is Katarina and i enjoy playing her.I like her because she is very mobile assasin and she can carry games.Katarina was my frist champion that i learn to play like Pro. She is Very good late and mid game but he is little weak early.Katarina can start making plays when she gets lvl 6.When you get couple Kills gank bot lane because you ultime is Multi-Target and you can get double kill.

PS. Gl & Hf
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Pros / Cons

-Mobile Champion
-Multi-Target Ultimate
-Can use E to escape
-No skillshots
-Good roamer
-Good farmer if you are ahead :D
-Good snowball

-Countered by CC
-No CC
-Squishy if you build full Ap
-Often focused in teamfights
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This boots work best on Katarina.+15 Mp

Good vs enemys stacking Hp.

Good vs enemys stacking Mr.


Tons of Ap

Gives Hp and slow

Good Vs Ad (Zed)

Godd for spell want Both!

Tons of ap but i dont recomend it.

Good for surviving temfight.

Nice active effeck and kill potecial.
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Video (Tips Tricks Guides)

Katarina Spotlight

Katarina's Abilities and Lore

Detailed Ability Mechanics

Katarina Combos
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Skill Sequence

You Should max R>Q>W>E That is tipical Kakatinas's Skill sequence.

Your Combos Should be Q>E>W>R That is basic and best combo for Katarina.
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I pref this spells for early kill potencial.

Good for escaping.

Good when you want to lock down someone so he cant escape your ult.


Makes you easyer to gank other lanes.
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You have masteries on top.:D
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You have runes on top.:D
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You should get into teamfight last when enemy uses all their CC on your teammates.But if you go to early you will die ,if yuo go to late your teammates will die so make perfect timming.

In this video katarina waits to enemy use CC bilities on her teammates and then she makes penta because noonecan stop her ultimate.
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Ty for readyng this guide i rly want to help you guys to get better with Champions and master them.
Ty for Supporting.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author cirakg
cirakg Katarina Guide
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Good Old Katarina Guide For Making Terror

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Teamfight Tactics Guide