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Gragas Build Guide by Rakasha

Gragas Jungle

Gragas Jungle

Updated on March 4, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rakasha Build Guide By Rakasha 7,133 Views 0 Comments
7,133 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rakasha Gragas Build Guide By Rakasha Updated on March 4, 2015
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Hey guys this is my assassin Jungle Gragas build. Within this build you'll see how I build, on what backs I get certain items, runes and masteries, as well jungle path. I love Gragas in general because of his high versatility and high skill cap. Hope you like the guide.
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[color=#00ff00][/color] Pathing

I always start with my frog friend. I feel this is needed due to Gragas' slow starting clear speed (Don't worry it gets better after the first back :D). From their I go and clear wolves and then move over to krugs. I tend to skip raptors due to it being a higher damaging camp. Get krugs then travel to scuttle crab. After that you'll have enough to get first back items. After you get Trailblazers go blue buff then scuttle on the other end and whether your on blue or red side gank top or bottom. If successful or if you take enough damage recall and get boots of mobi. If gank is available move down to frog and wolves again and back over to red side of the map. Just remember especially pre-level 4 your perty dam weak vs counter junglers so be careful. After your second back you will be strong enough to start successfully pulling off Gragas wombo combos and dealing a lot of damage.
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Pros / Cons

-High Versatility
-Extremely Fun To Play
-High Damage
-Good CC and Utility in Team Fights
-Great Chase
-Good Disengage/Zoning
-Awesome Dance

-You will get harassed for going Grag Jungle
-Slow clear speed in early game
-Bruiser and tank Grag falls off late game
-High skill cap champ
-Ult that can either throw an enemy champion into your group or toss them to safety.
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