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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Fun to play
High burst damage combo
Can jungle steadily fast
Can gank early
Easy to learn
Revenge ult
Not a well known champ
Mana dependent
Requires coordination when ganking low levels
will be weak if didn't jungle properly
Can be called a troll
Hard to use Ult properly
relative high cool down on skills
now the most impressive of skins
Fun to play
High burst damage combo
Can jungle steadily fast
Can gank early
Easy to learn
Revenge ult
Not a well known champ
Mana dependent
Requires coordination when ganking low levels
will be weak if didn't jungle properly
Can be called a troll
Hard to use Ult properly
relative high cool down on skills
now the most impressive of skins
Advance set up: Obvious for the jungle, a must have. This spell we will use in case of a bad gank. Use only as a last resort skill.
Novice set up: Same as listed in the Advance set up. Use mainly if you are new to the jungle scene and to get that last hit in if they escape. Keep in mind that this will be used in order to lock in the kill. Your ghost will give them a slow and give u a speed boost so in most cases when no turret is near, you will still be able to catch up.
Beginner set up: Used if you are willing to sacrifice the boots for Mercury Threads. Not really a bad idea if you are going against a tough CC team. Used also to escape the "Worst case scenario" and survive, but keep in mind if you do die, you can still have revenge. Obvious for the jungle, a must have. This spell we will use in case of a bad gank. Use only as a last resort skill.
Novice set up: Same as listed in the Advance set up. Use mainly if you are new to the jungle scene and to get that last hit in if they escape. Keep in mind that this will be used in order to lock in the kill. Your ghost will give them a slow and give u a speed boost so in most cases when no turret is near, you will still be able to catch up.
Beginner set up: Used if you are willing to sacrifice the boots for Mercury Threads. Not really a bad idea if you are going against a tough CC team. Used also to escape the "Worst case scenario" and survive, but keep in mind if you do die, you can still have revenge.
Jungle Order: Wolves, then Blue. Go to wraiths, then Wolves again. After, go to Red and then Wraiths to get lvl 4.
Once you get lvl 4, you can gank Mid and go to town to buy gear. Then rinse and repeat until level 6! Its important that if being leeshed (or whatever these young kids call it now-a-days), you get last hit on all for the 1st gank to work.
Once you get lvl 4, you can gank Mid and go to town to buy gear. Then rinse and repeat until level 6! Its important that if being leeshed (or whatever these young kids call it now-a-days), you get last hit on all for the 1st gank to work.
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