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Recommended Items
Runes: Damage
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Illumination (PASSIVE)
Lux Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Hook champions are deadly for Lux, even through the use of aftershock, if she misses a binding, or they're already in melee range of her and manage to get their cc off, she can be bursted down easily. Abuse their hook CDs, and their melee range, stay behind minions, and be inconsistent with your movement!
If Lux landed a binding, Caitlyn can trap underneath the enemy, they are rooted for days, and hopefully.. dead! Caitlyn has high burst, cc and good waveclear, a perfect synergy to Lux.
If Lux landed a binding, Caitlyn can trap underneath the enemy, they are rooted for days, and hopefully.. dead! Caitlyn has high burst, cc and good waveclear, a perfect synergy to Lux.
Champion Build Guide
A little bit about me
I love competitive games and have yet to find anything for me that compares to League.
Aside from League, I am a happily married man, father of 2 kids and I am a beloved pet owner. If you guys have any questions about my guides, champions or really anything in general, feel free to stop by my stream!
If you enjoy playing, or want to learn more about Lux, you can read and discuss more over at
The reasoning behind Ignite is that it gives you a lot of extra pressure in lane, and furthermore adds a 40% healing reduction.
Flash as your primary escape summoner, and can be used as a gap closer for your Light Binding.
Exhaust is used when there are high damage threats on the enemy team, such as Zed, Kayn, Draven etc
It gives you an extra chance at escaping with the damage reduction, as well as the slow it provides. The slow also can help set up a Light Binding, or the damage reduction can be used to negate all in damage, from something like a Zed's Death Mark.
Lux is renowned for her ability to poke down enemies, and Arcane Comet synergies well with this, increasing her poke damage when hitting enemy champions with abilities. |
Manaflow Band permanently increases our mana by 25, up to 250, when hitting an enemy champion with an ability. After reaching 250 bonus mana, we restore 1% of missing mana every 5 seconds, which helps sustain us longer in fights and be able to cast more spells before going oom. |
Transcendence gives us an extra +5 ability haste at levels 5 and 8, and then at level 11 on champion takedown, it reduces the cooldown of basic abilities by 20% - meaning we get a window in teamfights, where if we help assist in killing an enemy, we can recast our basic abilities quicker, helping turn the tides of battle. |
Scorch provides us with an extra bit of damage on our poke every 10 seconds, it can also help finish off an enemy close to death. |
Biscuit Delivery provides us with a biscuit every 2 minutes, up to minute 6, and restore 10% of missing health and mana, and increasing your mana cap by 50. This is great sustain in lane, and also helps us cast more spells with the increased mana. If you do not need the sustain in lane, Perfect Timing can save us 650g on completing a Zhonya's Hourglass, as well as offering a one time use Stopwatch. |
Cosmic Insight provides us with summoner spell haste and item haste, meaning we get a small reduction in the cooldown, which is always beneficial. |
Boots of Mobility > MOVEMENT SPEED Lux has the option to roam a lot, and catch people out, so having the bonus movement speed is invaluable. They are no longer the cheapest choice, and they do not offer anything outside of faster movement speed, but useful if you need to be places quicker. Sorcerer's Shoes > DAMAGE If you're going to be relied on to do a lot of damage in game, and/or the enemy team is taking a lot of AP resist, you might want to take Sorcerer's Shoes for the extra 18% magic penetration, helping burst down tanks. Plated Steelcaps > ARMOR If the enemy team has a lot of physical damage threats, and you need some extra survivability, Plated Steelcaps's are the way to go, offering 20 armor, and reducing incoming basic attacks by 12%. Ionian Boots of Lucidity > CDR If you're wanting to have a little bit more CDR, you can take these boots, helps with getting your abilities out quicker, and reducing the CD on your summoner spells by 10%. |
Luden's Tempest > DAMAGE/AH/MPEN Lux focuses on doing damage with all but one ability, making Luden's Tempest a core item for extra burst AoE damage. It also increases your movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds, giving us a little more mobility as Lux is an immobile mage. It also provides us with magic penetration, and gives all of our legendary items an extra 5 magic penetration, which is great against enemies who are taking magic resist. |
Redemption > AH/HP+MANA REGEN/SUSTAIN Redemption offers an aoe heal in an area, adding a health sustain for her allies that Lux' kit lacks outside of Prismatic Barrier. It also offers HP and Mana regen, meaning you can stay in the fights longer, recall less, and you can help out even while dead. It also offers an extra 10% shielding power, which synergizes with your Prismatic Barrier. |
Ardent Censer > DAMAGE/UTILITY If you have a team comp that relies heavily on fast auto attacks such as Vayne, Kindred, Quinn etc. Ardent Censer is a great pickup to maximize your carries damage output while shielding them, it also offers you a more burst damage, and mana sustain. |
Zhonya's Hourglass > UTILITY/SURVIVABILITY/DAMAGE If the enemy team has a lot of burst damage threats, you can take Zhonya's Hourglass to keep yourself alive longer, or negate damage spells such as Zed's Death Mark or Ignite. It can spell the difference between living or dying, you also gain a nice chunk of AP for your burst damage, 45 armor and AH. |
Horizon Focus > DAMAGE When hitting an enemy with a none-targeted ability (Q/E/R) at more than 750 units away, or immobilizing one (E), reveals them and increases your damage dealt to them by 10% for 6 seconds. This synergizes very well with Lux's kit as none of her abilities are targeted, and she is a long range mage; this item increases our damage substantially. |
Morellonomicon > DAMAGE/UTILITY/SURVIVABILITY If the enemy team has a lot of healing such as a Soraka or Yuumi, you may want to rush Morellonomicon for the grievous wounds passive it applies. You gain 70 AP to add onto your burst window and 250 HP for extra survivability. |
Staff of Flowing Water > UTILITY/DAMAGE If you have a heavy AP team, and are behind in laning phase, Staff of Flowing Water can buff your allies when you cast W on them, providing you both with 15% bonus movement speed and up to 40 ability power for 3 seconds. |
Shadowflame > DAMAGE Shadowflame ignores up to 20MR of the target enemy, based on their missing HP, and is increased to max value if they were affected by a shield in the last 5 seconds. This item is very good if you're facing champions such as Lulu, Diana or Janna. |
Void Staff > DAMAGE This item provides you with a huge amount of magic penetration, which increases your damage exponentially, and is also a very good pick up against teams that are building MR. |
Illumination (Passive) COST: 0 mana COOLDOWN: 6 seconds |
INNATE: Lux's damaging spells charge the target with energy for 6 seconds. Lux's next attack ignites the energy, dealing bonus magic damage (depending on her level + 20% ap) to the target. Final Spark also consumes Illumination, and Illumination's applied effect is not blocked by Spell Shield. |
Light Binding (Q) RANGE: 1175 COST: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 mana COOLDOWN: 11 |
ACTIVE: Lux releases a sphere of light in a line that deals magic damage to the first two enemies hit and roots them for 2 seconds. |
- Targets effected by shields such as Spell Shield or Black Shield still count towards the 2 target limit.
- You can use Light Binding's 2 target limit to cast through one minion in the wave, and hit an enemy champion behind.
- You don't want to use this as your primary poke tool, if you get engaged on, you have no way to proc your Aftershock, and could potentially die.
Prismatic Barrier (W) RANGE: 1075 COST: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 mana COOLDOWN: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 |
ACTIVE: Lux launches her wand in the target direction which returns to her after reaching maximum range. The outgoing wand shields Lux and all allied champions it touches for 3 seconds. The returning wand shields for the same amount, for the same duration, stacking with the outgoing shield and resetting its duration. The shields can only stack up to 2 times. Additional shields will neither reset the duration nor strengthen it. |
- If Lux dies before her wand changes direction, it will fizzle upon reaching maximum range.
- You want to try and hit as many allies as you can in a teamfight, it will shield all that are hit.
Lucent Singularity (E) RANGE: 1000 COST: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 mana COOLDOWN: 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8 |
ACTIVE: Lux sends an anomaly of twisted light to the target area, slowing nearby enemies and granting sight of the area around it for up to 5 seconds. At the end of the duration or if Lucent Singularity is activated again, the singularity detonates, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the area. |
- Lux can re-cast Lucent Singularity while in flight, to detonate on arrival.
- The slow persists for 0.25 seconds after leaving the area of effect and after detonation.
- If Lux dies while Lucent Singularity is on the ground, or in flight, it will remain for the full duration and cannot be detonated early.
- This is your main poking and zoning tool in lane.
- Lucent Singularity gives temporary sight where cast, so you can use it to check brushes instead of face checking (which you should never do!).
Final Spark (Q) RANGE: 3340 COST: 100 mana COOLDOWN: 60 / 50 / 40 |
ACTIVE: Lux charges for 1 second to fire a giant laser in a line that deals magic damage to all enemies hit, briefly revealing them, as well as the surrounding area. |
- Lux can detonate Lucent Singularity while casting Final Spark.
- Final Spark only goes on cooldown when it fires, and not when Lux starts casting. If she dies while casting, Final Spark will not go on cooldown.
- Final Spark is a good, safe way to steal Baron Nashor and drakes without putting yourself in harms way!
- Final Spark has an insanely low cooldown, use it as much as you can!
At level 1, you have a choice between levelling your Light Binding or Lucent Singularity.
You should wait until the last moment to decide, and using hotkeys to level your chosen ability quickly. If your team is invading, or being invaded, and you spot an enemy, taking Light Binding can easily set up a first blood, or help you escape from an invade.
Take Lucent Singularity for poke and zoning in lane if you do not invade.
You want to try and harass the enemies away from taking CS, from a safe distance, your Lucent Singularity is your main poking tool. It has quite a high mana cost early game, so use it sparingly at the right time! It procs Illumination onto the enemies when detonated, but don't run into their face to auto attack if it could get you killed, or blow your Flash early. Remember, we're wanting to stay alive. Lux is high range mage, use this to your advantage!
Don't throw your Light Binding out randomly, it will leave you vulnerable to ganks, and all-ins. You want to use it on engaging, if you're ahead in lane, or your ally jungler comes to gank, or for disengage, if the enemies all in on you and your ADC. Using the slow on Lucent Singularity is also another great engage, or disengage, tool - the slow persists for 0.25s after detonation, or an enemy leaves the area.
As Lux is still a squishy, backline mage, you generally want to be around your team as much as you can, especially late game, where warding alone can get you caught out and potentially lose the game in a 4v5 teamfight.
During teamfights, you will be wanting to cast Light Binding on high damage threats on the enemy team, or peeling for your team, preventing an all-in happening, or setting up kills, turning the fight. You can use Lucent Singularity to zone enemies where and when possible, and to set up your Illumination.
Lux isn't all about damage, you can provide utility to your team, you can prevent damage from happening with your Prismatic Barrier, or heal people back up with Redemption.
Using Final Spark after landing a binding, or detonating your Lucent Singularity, will proc your Illumination, potentially turning the fight in your favor, especially if multiple enemies are hit.
Make sure to try and hit as many allies as you can with your Prismatic Barrier, it will proc Staff of Flowing Water, and Ardent Censer on every ally hit, and reduces the damage they take. The returning wand's shield still stacks with the outgoing wand, so position yourself in the most favorable way to get the most out of it.
The threat of a Final Spark is sometimes enough for enemies to back off, and the cooldown is significant lower at later stages of the game, you don't need to hold it for long during a fight.
The main thing to be aware of, is making sure your teams threats stay alive, while removing, or zoning, the enemy teams threats.
Control Ward's are a staple part of any support, both to deny your enemies vision, and to provide your team extra vision. You should make sure to buy one at least every time you back, preferably to have 2 on you at all times, increased to 3 with Watchful Wardstone.
If you enjoyed my guide, you can check out my other guides here, in which I've covered more styles of supports, incase you want to branch out on supports such as engagers ( Nautilus, Pyke etc!).
If you're interested in seeing more of me, please follow my stream! I stream every day. I play a wide variety of supports, and I am always engaging with my stream chat.
- 03/09/2023 - Revamped Guide.
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