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Teemo Build Guide by TeemoOnly

Hidden Secret Global Taunt

Hidden Secret Global Taunt

Updated on October 19, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TeemoOnly Build Guide By TeemoOnly 3,314 Views 0 Comments
3,314 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TeemoOnly Teemo Build Guide By TeemoOnly Updated on October 19, 2017
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This Guide is all about pushing. ALL YOU DO IS PUSH

How to play?
Early games you should just focus on farming and getting items and poke, you need to focus on farming and getting items. More Items more pushing. Has nothing to say if you feed. This Guild is all about pushing. While you pushing your teammates should focus on Objectives like Barron and Dragons. Emery team will aways send one or two to stop you. Teemo is strong champs for 1vs1 and you should win all the 1vs1 fights.
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Mushrooms are used to a few things like damage and vision.
I often use them in bushes near enemys buffs or your teams. You can also put mushrooms In bush instead of using wards.
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Pro / Cons

+Easy to play, work for everyone

-Need to focus on farming
-People hate you
-Your teammates fight a lot and you might need to back to help
+Your teammates need to play safe and defensive
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TeemoOnly
TeemoOnly Teemo Guide
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Hidden Secret Global Taunt

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