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Recommended Items
Runes: Normal
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Top Lane
Ability Order Always go these
Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard (PASSIVE)
Kled Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
I love Kled, and it's unfortunate that most people don't even know much about him, and the ones who do play him all use the same setups, so i decided to publish my own ways to play Kled. This little scamp and his lizard buddy have some nasty tools that turn them into a powerful lane bully, but a weak teamfighter. No matter what, you WILL fall off as Kled, but don't worry. If all has gone well, you should either have dominated your lane and turned into a second jungler, or you have become a splitpushing menace. Either way, Kled has use, even if his teamfight isn't the greatest. Pick whichever build you like and have fun! (I know I like em, cause I made them!)
Normal Build
The Normal Build is designed around staying in people's faces and living through lots of HP and massive shielding. Usually, this is the build I go for Kled. PTA allows for being a massive lane bully right off the get-go, so you don't have to worry as much about your fall off in the late game since it's quite easy to get yourself fed this way. The itemization is built around high damage and survivability, which Kled excells at both when his build is finalized.
Tank Build
The Tank Build focuses less on bullying and then being an all around menace as it does taking swift trades early and then never dying late. This build i mainly go if my team is going to be hard pressed for a full-on tank champ. Just don't act like a big bully anymore since you're not. Now you are a damage sponge, and a huge one at that. Itemization is for full-on absorbing damage, while still being able to dish a good amount out to peel for your teammates in the late game.
Splitpush Build
For a more jack-of-all-trades sort of build, here it is. The Splitpush Build is, well, meant for splitpushing. The runes and later items allow for being able to fight well and survive a lot in the later portion of a game since you'll usually be by yourself. This build i rarely ever use, but it's good if your team is gonna be lacking push pressure, or if you're just worried too much about falling off in late, since it allows for a stronger lategame.
Lethality Build
The Lethality Build is self-explanitory. The items and runes are meant for one thing and one thing only: Staying on top of your enemies and MURDERING THE F*** OUT OF THEM. Not much else to say with this one. Just rush down and kill. Best suited as a build for him if you're playing him in Mid Lane
As I said before, just take a look at the builds and their purposes, the pick the one for you and go to town! Hope you find something here you like! Have a good day!
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