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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Insane late-game
High Mobility
High Skill cap
Easy to reposition in team fights using Final Hour and Tumble
Strong 1v1 -> Splitpushing
Silver Bolts (W ability) deals true dmg wich helps you to shred tanks
Easy to farm under tower with using q+w
Weak Laning phase
Short range
Hard to master
Condemn can save the enemy if you fail
Weak vs high dps champions
When using Final Hour (Ultimate Ability) you can go invisible by using Tumble (Q ability) and get a better positioning, for example you can be moving one direction and then Tumble the other way and if you do it right you will 9 out of 10 times get a greater distance to your enemy wich makes kiting way easier.
You can use your Q as an autoattack reset by throwing is instantly after you see your autoattack animation.
You can use your Condemn (E ability) to knock people into walls and stun them, once you start learning the range and animation of it you can start using the E+Flash combo wich means you press E and as soon as you see the animation you flash to position yourself so you can knock them into a wall.
You can use your Q as an autoattack reset by throwing is instantly after you see your autoattack animation.
You can use your Condemn (E ability) to knock people into walls and stun them, once you start learning the range and animation of it you can start using the E+Flash combo wich means you press E and as soon as you see the animation you flash to position yourself so you can knock them into a wall.
-ALWAYS stay behind your support
-Do NOT use tumble for anything else than kiting
-ALWAYS focus the closest target
-Save condemn to either stun an enemy or to knock the other teams frontline away from you
-Let the other team blow all of their cc on your teammates before going ham
-Do NOT use tumble for anything else than kiting
-ALWAYS focus the closest target
-Save condemn to either stun an enemy or to knock the other teams frontline away from you
-Let the other team blow all of their cc on your teammates before going ham
-Only go for fights you know you can win
-Check your minimap every 5-8sec-ish to know if the enemy mid/jungler might be ganking
-Poke using aa+q(+e)
-Always look for oppertunities to stun an enemy against a wall
-Dont overextend
-**** drakes, the only drake that is worth taking is ocean the rest is just a waste of farm/xp
-Dont splitpush without vision of atleast 3-4 members of the enemy team
-Check your minimap every 5-8sec-ish to know if the enemy mid/jungler might be ganking
-Poke using aa+q(+e)
-Always look for oppertunities to stun an enemy against a wall
-Dont overextend
-**** drakes, the only drake that is worth taking is ocean the rest is just a waste of farm/xp
-Dont splitpush without vision of atleast 3-4 members of the enemy team
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