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LeBlanc Build Guide by cascarudo1

how too win with-leblanc

how too win with-leblanc

Updated on April 28, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author cascarudo1 Build Guide By cascarudo1 0 15 7,323 Views 10 Comments
0 15 7,323 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author cascarudo1 LeBlanc Build Guide By cascarudo1 Updated on April 28, 2013
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Hello summoners im cascarudo1. I have been playing leblanc for a while and i like her style, and i hope you too, so i made this guide, hope you like it and im gonna try my best to make it work.
I will accept all criticism.
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Pros / Cons


-high mobility
-lots of burst
-unique ult
-has a silence and snare


-very squishy
-depends in kills
-all want too kill her
-doesn't have a good farming tool

I know what you are thinking,"but she has a farming tool" but just think, if she used that and the enemy jungler ganks what would happen?
So basic atacks will have too do for now(any comments if you think the same just tell)
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Summoner Spells

i take teleport just for the mobility, since you already have a movment

Well maybe you will only use it if the enemy actually lives when you burst him.

other options

I dont really take it, but if you still dont feel safe with your mobility ablity take it (if you take this spell you can use your "w" as a farm tool).

I dont really take mana regen since your only gonna burst you dont really need it but if you like take it

I take it if i have a bursty lane opponenet but if you dont beter take something else
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I almost always take Amplifying Tome with a potion of helth or mana, but if your opponent has a lot of skill shots like Lux beter take the boots and pots.

Then i buy Mejai's Soulstealer for the stack, it just makes her snowball the game, now if your new or just feel you wont stack a lot take the other option Athene's Unholy Grail it gives you mana regen, the CDR isint bad, and when you kill or asisst you get more mana so its not that bad.

The rabadon's dethcap is a selfexplaining item; tons of ap, and increases ability power by 30%, its a must have in any apc.

Well there has been some discussion about geting Sorcerer's Shoes and of getting Ionian Boots of Lucidity but i honestly think that it all depends, if you like burst get Sorcerer's Shoes
if you think that you cant burst him down so fast or the jungler is ganking and your "w" is on cd so get Ionian Boots of Lucidity.Maybe by that time the game has ended and if not just get the late game items.
I take Zhonya's Hourglass so you just get in the teamfight then zhonyas and your team will all.

I think that coveres it up.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
I take a point only when i am at lane, i take a point in "q" only if the opponent is gonna harrasA LOT i take a point(almost always) in "w" because of the movement and burst, and i take a point in "e" if we are invading or the enemy is invading us or my opponent has a movement abality like me.
Here i have a llitle description of what i think of the abilities of LeBlanc
Spoiler: Click to view
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Thx evrbody for reading comment,critisize, and help me grow buy giving me tipsandim very sorry for any Wrong Typing missing Part.I hope I get a lot of nice comments.

Ihope The Best Results Andi Hope I see you in the batlle Feild :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author cascarudo1
cascarudo1 LeBlanc Guide
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how too win with-leblanc

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