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Riven Build Guide by AdeptDrax

Top Huge Damn Shield Riven (S15)

Top Huge Damn Shield Riven (S15)

Updated on January 19, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AdeptDrax Build Guide By AdeptDrax 3,574 Views 0 Comments
3,574 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AdeptDrax Riven Build Guide By AdeptDrax Updated on January 19, 2025
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Runes: main runes

Legend: Haste
Cut Down

Shield Bash

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
hidden gem
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



starting components
can't go wrong with refillable
Second item slot (Boots)
Third item slot (utility)
fourth item slot (dps)
fifth item slot (defense)
Final Item slot (flex slot)
these edibles aint shi

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Huge Damn Shield Riven (S15)

By AdeptDrax
Hi, I'm Drax
I am a fan of strong woman, love playing Riven and go shing shing with her Q, in case you are new here I'll go into details on how to shing shing with her properly but something about me first:

I love experimenting with builds on many champs and since Riven is my most beloved one I knew I had to share something I'm testing out recently, this one is by far most effective experimental build I've tried so far but since it's still just an experimental build I marked it as off-meta, might change it if results will keep being positive. Have fun reading!
Shields are quiet broken right now with only counters being Renekton[icon:renekton] and Rell[icon:rell], in the items there is only Serpent's Fang that cuts shield gain but the item is very bad and there is no magic counterpart, its like temporary bonus HP except it is not affected by enemie's lifesteal so you can deny their sustain, gotta abuse it as much as possible before Riot ruins another fun thing.

But why crit exacly? why not just build Sterak and call it a day? Cause big red numbers are funny and since Riot buffed crit chance on legendary items going 2 crit items became an viable option and you don't have to fully commit to building around crit chance
Smort Eclipse usage
Eclipse triggers after damaging same enemy 2 times with skills/AAs so you can go for Q -W -AA and then run E -Q2 -Q3 out, then rinse and repeat until you drain your victim off their patience cause that's when they make most mistakes
Your R is stronger than you think
it's not just limited to this build but Riven in general, I mention it now cause I see this problem happen way too often. You gotta believe in the power of your ultimate, this AD gain may look little but it really is a huge game changer, not only every part of your kit gets empowered but your Eclipse shield does aswell with E, ultimate gives you huge outplay potential so remember to have it up before going into some important fight
Some basic combos
E -R lets you get ready to 1v1 someone and catch them offguard since your ultimate animation gets cancelled thanks to doublecasting (using E before any skill)

E -W requires quick reaction but if executed perfectly it extends AOE of your W stun

Q delay - it's when you click Q and then Q2 at the very last milisecond and then repeat with Q3, Riven's Q has quiet long cooldown so when enemy gets hit with Q3 they mostly throw everything they have thinking you are powerless but thanks to Q delay the cooldown refreshes much earlier, it's beacause cd timer starts the moment you click Q for the first time, not when you click Q3. It's great when you are camping so you Q3 into someone (even flash if you lack the distance) AA W and E to negate some damage before you can use your Q again

How to deal with really hard matchups?
getting Tiamat is a really good option, why exacly? it let's you quickly farm waves behind enemie's tower, it is called Proxy. But it requires good timing and some game knownladge so better watch some vids on yt about it, good way to deal with hard opponents is knowing their kits and atleast their cds so you can play around their cooldowns, if you have trouble against certain champion I highly recommend playing them once to have better understanding on how to deal with them and how to exploit their cons

also remember to ping your jungler, they have a lot of things on thier minds and they can just not notice how bad your situation really is
Patience is key
playing toplane is the battle of mental, Riven punishes bad plays REALLY hard and also scales quiet decently into late game (especially with the crit build) so no matter what happens remember to keep it chill and believe that you can outplay them sooner or later, if enemy is too afraid to fight you try to freeze your lane and let it get closer to your tower so enemy gets a little reckless
Early, Mid and Late game
Early you look for as much lead as possible cause the build is kinda expensive, Riven is a snowballing champ so the more kills you get the better, just remember to keep up with CS, it is as important as your kills, whenever there is one always focus on buying pickaxe if your next item has pickaxe in it's componenets. Do not leave your lane during minion wave with no cannon minion, these tend to be cleared really fast letting your opponent get a huge chunk of tower's hp if unsupervised

mid game is when you REALLY pop off, go crazy on them, shieldbow is really strong catching enemy offguard with it's 500+ shield on low hp (at that point in the game it should give you 550 points of shield)

late game eigher you carry or work as peeler for you adc, remember that it is a team game and you are not a main character

Well, that covers it all for now, might come back later and update the build a bit to decorate it and keep it up to date with patches
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