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Ability Order
Nidalee Passive Ability
Item Sequence
Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
The Brutalizer
Wit's End
Mercury's Treads
Frozen Mallet
Atma's Impaler
Start with a Doran's Blade, then depending on how you're doing, buy one or two more blades. After the next recall, buy boots of speed and if you can, Wriggle's Lantern and maybe The Brutalizer. Then, go back and buy a Phage, lead up with Wit's End, Frozen Mallet, Atma's Impaler, and Warmog's Armor depending on the enemy team comp.
Maw of Malmortius If you're getting raped by the enemy AP carry, and you need some solid offense, this is the item for you. Although it's new, i've tried it out many times and it's worked almost every time.
Thornmail is a great item against fed ad carries.
Quicksilver Sash If they enemy team has heavy CC like Event Horizon or Puncturing Taunt.
Infinity Edge if you're really fed and want extra firepower, get this item.
Thornmail is a great item against fed ad carries.
Quicksilver Sash If they enemy team has heavy CC like Event Horizon or Puncturing Taunt.
Infinity Edge if you're really fed and want extra firepower, get this item.
I max Javelin Toss / Takedown first for better harass with human form and cougar form. Next, max Primal Surge / Swipe for easier laning. Take an early point in Bushwhack / Pounce for more map awareness.
A great skill in both aspects. Javelin Toss is great for poking, but remember, DON'T USE IT EARLY GAME. It's just a waste of mana! Takedown, on the other hand is great for killing low life targets. It's pretty much the same thing as Garen Ult, but not as much damage.
Bushwhack is one of the most useful skills i've ever seen. It's almost the same as a wriggles lantern, and it forces bad players that you and I once were(but we still are bad to a lesser, but still somewhat big extent). Pounce is great for juking, and chasing. A few chapters down there is a mini tutorial on how to juke.
This skill is great for laning. And, remember to use it before you go into cougar form for the extra attack speed. Swipe is great for farming, first, Pounce in then Swipe, then auto attack them to death.
This spell is awesome. Just awesome. It allows you to turn into a cat, juke, etc.
Bushwhack is one of the most useful skills i've ever seen. It's almost the same as a wriggles lantern, and it forces bad players that you and I once were(but we still are bad to a lesser, but still somewhat big extent). Pounce is great for juking, and chasing. A few chapters down there is a mini tutorial on how to juke.
This skill is great for laning. And, remember to use it before you go into cougar form for the extra attack speed. Swipe is great for farming, first, Pounce in then Swipe, then auto attack them to death.
This spell is awesome. Just awesome. It allows you to turn into a cat, juke, etc.
Flash is a great skill for chasing and running, even after the nerf.
Another great skill for killing low life enemies, and for countering healers like Doctor Mundo and Volibear.
Great for chasing and escaping, but imo, flash is better.
Good if you go back alot and don't want to lose cs or exp.
Good for mitigating the damage of AD carries and also good for chasing.
VERY good after the buff, and the nerf wasn't that bad.
[icon-smite size=75] unless you're jungling, no.
You're not going to die that much are you?
ad nidalee doesn't have that many mana problems.
super minion isn't that useful, as it pushes your lane.
The ap pretty much goes to waste on this build.
Leave this to your support.
Another great skill for killing low life enemies, and for countering healers like Doctor Mundo and Volibear.
Great for chasing and escaping, but imo, flash is better.
Good if you go back alot and don't want to lose cs or exp.
Good for mitigating the damage of AD carries and also good for chasing.
VERY good after the buff, and the nerf wasn't that bad.
[icon-smite size=75] unless you're jungling, no.
You're not going to die that much are you?
ad nidalee doesn't have that many mana problems.
super minion isn't that useful, as it pushes your lane.
The ap pretty much goes to waste on this build.
Leave this to your support.
Warwick He's pretty tough if he's good. His sustain is really good, and he has a short, but ranged poke.
Udyr So strong right now. Dat turtle sustain bro.
Irelia She's one of the best solo top picks out there. Her sustain is great, her harass is great, everything is great. Better nerf Irelia.
Shyvana she will bully you if you try to harass her, and with her damage, will rape you if you try to pounce on her.
Renekton If he plays passive, just harass him, then it's a free lane.
Nasus I've only played against one Nasus so far, and he was bad. Even though it was a pre-made normal queue, he was just bad. So in my experiences, he's just free farm.
Udyr So strong right now. Dat turtle sustain bro.
Irelia She's one of the best solo top picks out there. Her sustain is great, her harass is great, everything is great. Better nerf Irelia.
Shyvana she will bully you if you try to harass her, and with her damage, will rape you if you try to pounce on her.
Renekton If he plays passive, just harass him, then it's a free lane.
Nasus I've only played against one Nasus so far, and he was bad. Even though it was a pre-made normal queue, he was just bad. So in my experiences, he's just free farm.
If you're here, then the communication during champion select was probably really bad.
But if you do get bot lane, try to lane with babysitters like Sona and Alistar, or get supports like Blitzcrank or Nautilus. Just last hit the minions as much as possible.
This video tells you how to last hit, in it, it shows you the benefits of last hitting. An obvious one is more farm. The creator is TheLolAddict on youtube.
But if you do get bot lane, try to lane with babysitters like Sona and Alistar, or get supports like Blitzcrank or Nautilus. Just last hit the minions as much as possible.
This video tells you how to last hit, in it, it shows you the benefits of last hitting. An obvious one is more farm. The creator is TheLolAddict on youtube.
Aspect Of The Cougar is a great spell. It gives you a new set of skills on Nidalee. One of the most useful abilities of this form is Bushwack / Pounce. You will not be able to jump over thick walls, but you can jump over places like the Blue Buff cave, Small Golems cave, and many ledges. Position yourself so that you are facing the ledge then hit W.
Nidalee is pretty tanky in this build, but won't last too long. You should wait for your tank to initiate and draw fire from their carries, then activate Primal Surge / Swipe and go into cougar form. Dash in with Bushwhack / Pounce and try to hit as many champions as possible. Chase down low health targets if your team hasn't killed them all with Javelin Toss / Takedown.
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