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Poppy Build Guide by ImAPoppyMain



Updated on December 4, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ImAPoppyMain Build Guide By ImAPoppyMain 10,233 Views 2 Comments
10,233 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ImAPoppyMain Poppy Build Guide By ImAPoppyMain Updated on December 4, 2017
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Grasp of the Undying

Biscuit Delivery
Approach Velocity


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Introduction: about Poppy,myself and Preseason

My IGN is PumpkinDuck and this guide is about Tank Poppy top. You'll read about how to play Poppy Top Lane, what items like Dead Man's Plate to buy and using your kit in game. I have a 70% winrate and have mastery 7 on Poppy.

Poppy is a tanky, high mobility champion who fits top lane's requirements perfectly, she has high base statistics, good scaling and amazing sustainability, as well as her capability to make his way through crowds of enemies in order to kill the most dangerous ones the enemy team has; her kit is well suited for this role, but it does need the help of some specific items, that we'll cover in this guide later!

Apart from her Fighter/Support role, Poppy suits well the role of a regular tank as well, thanks to her High HP and his amazing W passive ability: Steadfast Presence. Poppy has good engages to get in a fight; be aware of this when picking champions, a team without engages is often a team that gets poked down too easily before teamfights start!
Poppy is often Built Full Tank with only one or two offensive items, although this build does work, it's much less damage-efficient, you can help your team to distract and disengage with ease due to your kit, plus remember a tanky champion is always more useful than a full AD one to the team in most cases!
With all this being said, let's get into the core details of this yordle!

About Poppy changes following patch 7.22
Patch 7.22 marked the end of Season 7 and the start of Pre-Season 8. With this patch, the Masteries system has been removed and the Runes system has been reworked. Following this rework Poppy's position in the meta found itself lowered considerably, although there are some possible combinations. What you currently see in the builds up top is undergoing testing and is subject to change. I will do everything in my power to provide the best pages you can hope for in the least amount of time possible. Until then, the pages here provided should work just fine in most of your games :)
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Grasp Of The Undying
This is the standard rune for Poppy.What i like to do is to buy Sunfire Aegis first item and stand near minions.This procs the Grasp of the Undying and i wait for my passive, Iron Ambassador, which grants extra 425 range for me to get some free health.

The reason i got Demolish instead of Unflinching is because after 4 seconds, My next attack versus a structure with 6 stacks deals 125 (+ 30% of your maximum health) bonus physical damage.i like to push alot to try and get the first tower, so demolish can give me the speed to clear towers faster.
I usually go for this because it is good for late game. Iron Skin and Mirror Shell only provide 5% armor and magic resist respectively while Conditioning gives flat armor and magic resist.
since i only play poppy, i usually get 200+ cs per game so Overgrowth really helps to get my health up further as the game gets longer. This is best for every tank out there IMO, since more CS=more health, which means i'll have more chance to survive a gank or a fight.
Biscuit Delivery
Most of the time I only go back to base when i can get a full item like Sunfire Aegis, so this really helps me to gain HEALTH and MANA
Approach Velocity
This is the best rune for Poppy that i like. After you stun a enemy, Approach Velocity procs, and i gain 10% movement speed so that i can chase and hunt down enemy champions with ease.
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Summoner Spells

Flash(Teleport in the direction of your cursor)
Flash is the best summoner spell in league of legends because it gives us the instant teleport ability to engage, and can also be used to escape quickly and over walls if necessary.

Teleport(teleport to a tower/ward/friendly minion)
Teleport is a very common summoner spell for toplaners and Poppy isn't an exception, the ability to back, shop and then pop out of your turret/minion is really nice. Not to mention the fact that it's amazing to just come out of a ward in a teamfight, turning the odds to your favor: a tank that appears all of a sudden can change things, especially if she's Poppy!
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Skill Breakdown

Iron ambassador:
INNATE: Poppy periodically throws her buckler with her next basic attack, which then falls near her target, where it remains for up to 4 seconds. If the buckler kills its target, it bounces back to Poppy automatically. Enemies can step on the buckler to destroy it.

(This passive is really good since you can poke enemy champions or farm from far away, and you can also pick it back up for a shield that scales for your max health.)

Hammer Shock:
ACTIVE: Poppy smashes the ground in front of her, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit.The impacted ground becomes unstable, Slow icon slowing enemies standing on it before erupting after 1 second, dealing the same physical damage to all enemies hit.

(This is the main damage ability for poppy. It scales with 8% of the opponent's max health, and it's really effective against tanky champions.)

Steadfast Presence:
PASSIVE - STUBBORN TO A FAULT: Poppy's total armor and total magic resistance are both increased by 15%, doubled to 30% when she falls below 40% maximum health.

ACTIVE: Poppy gains bonus movement speed for 2.5 seconds and generates a barrier around her for the duration, causing all enemies who dash within to be Knockdown icon knocked down and dealt magic damage.

(This is the main defence for poppy. it stops any dash ( Renekton, Fiora, Kled) around her,dealing damage. its passive make poppy even more tanky if her health is low so Garen's ulti would not deal as much damage to poppy.

Heroic Charge:
ACTIVE:Poppy dashes to the target enemy, dealing them physical damage and carrying them along with her.If they collide with terrain, she deals them the same physical damage again and stuns them.

(This skill allows poppy to engage a champion during fights.
if you collide them to a wall with your E, it stuns them for..let's say its very can then use your Q, auto attack and a few more skills to finish them off.)

Keeper's Verdict:
ACTIVE:FIRST CAST: Poppy channels for up to 4 seconds, retaining the ability to move but slowing herself by 15% for the duration. Keeper's Verdict's cooldown is set to 30 seconds if its channel is canceled.

SECOND CAST: Poppy smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that travels in the target direction. When it hits an enemy champion, a massive hammer erupts, dealing physical damage to all enemies around it. Enemies impacted by the hammer are knocked back an incredible distance towards their fountain.

(This is the best skill i've used so short cast can knock them up to position yourself to stun and combo your opponent, and holding the ulti can bring them all the way back home. i don't have to worry about ganks since i can literally knock the jungler back to his fountain and disengage. it's a useful skill, especially in teamfights. oh, a tanky alistar and amumu that's stopping your team from attacking the backline? bam, send them flying back to base, kill the backline, get baron, win game EZPZ)
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Pros and Cons

+Really fun kit
+Easy to play
+one of the most powerful and tanky champion in late game

-Due to nerfs, she is not that strong anymore
-Really weak early game
-Mana-dependant. Her kit all uses up alot of mana during early game
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working in progress~
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Update Log

1/12/2017:Guide created, finished summoner spells,runes,items,abilities for a normal guide.
2/12/2017:Completed Runes as well as Pros & Cons. (Learning how to BBcode is hard yo!)
3/12/2017:Finally finished Summoner Spells and poppy's skill breakdown
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