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Runes: PTA runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
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Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
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IPAV now always bans this. SO we should too. Anyways everything else is a huge threat, even a Small Gromp.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Champion Build Guide
PETTHE****MO - Best Emote.
Ok I am a Fan of IPAV's Teemo gameplay. As compared to other Teemo Mains that buy Full AP, this build at least takes some brain power.
The reason behind this build is that for IPAV's games he gets ganked at least 10 times due to Teemo's global taunt and Teemo's global hate so Jg'ler would never Gank Top. This build is to allow Teemo to SURVIVE a gank and/or a 1v1 with a FED champion. You are meant to splitpush in sidelanes while team gets objectives, or SCOUT and SURVIVE in enemy's jungle.
In current league META, every *good* champion has to oneshot the other before the other oneshot you. So instead of trying to end the battle as fast as possible, as Teemo you are to set up a kill, shroom areas where you will bait enemies in falling into and SURVIVE all the abilities thrown towards you.
Typical Poke can be Auto-Q-Auto/Triple Auto-Q(Proc PTA)/Auto-Q. In teamfights, most people would NOT expect a Teemo to be as tanky as this build making them spam all their abilities on you while wasting their CDs allowing your team to clean up the fight. Also throw a Shroom in the middle, 1 shroom in this build does about 400*5=2000. Also try to AA all enemy to evenly spread out poison, REMEMBER E DOES NOT STACK, E stacks with R BUT NOT E on E.
Max W first over Q, remember global taunt, running away is better than rolling a dice (on whether Q blinds their AA and kill them). W away and KITE, KITE as much as possible, this will FOR SURE enrage the enemy making them follow you EVEN UNDER TOWER, SET UP SHROOMS BEFORE BAITING.
To Items, for the Core I have explained on the Notes. But for the luxury items, some might be confusing like why Chemtank instead of Morello's. In this build shrooms are an IMPORTANT PART of it, Spamming shrooms after shrooms takes up alot of mana thats where the chemtank's mana regen comes in, with antiheal. Sometimes Zhonya's although nice just delays your death by a few seconds, so get Tank items instead, rather than delaying your death DO SOMETHING BEFORE YOUR DEATH. The extra AP is nice but BORK comes in and deals massive damage for you. Guinsoo also helps with the On-Hit.
As you can tell Mana is a huge problem for this Teemo Build, as seen in the RUNES.
Manaflow band instead of Nimbus cloak, Presence of Mind instead of Triumph.
You can change it but shrooms takes up alot of mana without the help of Extra Mana from Liandries or RiftMaker since we are taking Shieldbow.
Pretty much imagine Tryndamere, except its TEEMO. That's the playstyle you sort of want, just farm and splitpush till the game ends.
Ok I am a Fan of IPAV's Teemo gameplay. As compared to other Teemo Mains that buy Full AP, this build at least takes some brain power.
The reason behind this build is that for IPAV's games he gets ganked at least 10 times due to Teemo's global taunt and Teemo's global hate so Jg'ler would never Gank Top. This build is to allow Teemo to SURVIVE a gank and/or a 1v1 with a FED champion. You are meant to splitpush in sidelanes while team gets objectives, or SCOUT and SURVIVE in enemy's jungle.
In current league META, every *good* champion has to oneshot the other before the other oneshot you. So instead of trying to end the battle as fast as possible, as Teemo you are to set up a kill, shroom areas where you will bait enemies in falling into and SURVIVE all the abilities thrown towards you.
Typical Poke can be Auto-Q-Auto/Triple Auto-Q(Proc PTA)/Auto-Q. In teamfights, most people would NOT expect a Teemo to be as tanky as this build making them spam all their abilities on you while wasting their CDs allowing your team to clean up the fight. Also throw a Shroom in the middle, 1 shroom in this build does about 400*5=2000. Also try to AA all enemy to evenly spread out poison, REMEMBER E DOES NOT STACK, E stacks with R BUT NOT E on E.
Max W first over Q, remember global taunt, running away is better than rolling a dice (on whether Q blinds their AA and kill them). W away and KITE, KITE as much as possible, this will FOR SURE enrage the enemy making them follow you EVEN UNDER TOWER, SET UP SHROOMS BEFORE BAITING.
To Items, for the Core I have explained on the Notes. But for the luxury items, some might be confusing like why Chemtank instead of Morello's. In this build shrooms are an IMPORTANT PART of it, Spamming shrooms after shrooms takes up alot of mana thats where the chemtank's mana regen comes in, with antiheal. Sometimes Zhonya's although nice just delays your death by a few seconds, so get Tank items instead, rather than delaying your death DO SOMETHING BEFORE YOUR DEATH. The extra AP is nice but BORK comes in and deals massive damage for you. Guinsoo also helps with the On-Hit.
As you can tell Mana is a huge problem for this Teemo Build, as seen in the RUNES.
Manaflow band instead of Nimbus cloak, Presence of Mind instead of Triumph.
You can change it but shrooms takes up alot of mana without the help of Extra Mana from Liandries or RiftMaker since we are taking Shieldbow.
Pretty much imagine Tryndamere, except its TEEMO. That's the playstyle you sort of want, just farm and splitpush till the game ends.
Book :
Book Website:
Incomplete Book Pt.2:
Good VODs Supplier -
IPAV explains his build -
Remember - I AM IPAV's FAN. TY.
If IPAV asks me to take this guide down I will.
Check out IPAV's streams -
Book Website:
Incomplete Book Pt.2:
Good VODs Supplier -
IPAV explains his build -
Remember - I AM IPAV's FAN. TY.
If IPAV asks me to take this guide down I will.
Check out IPAV's streams -
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