Bramble first back, take exhaust if you want.
Pick a God and pray.
You can never 1v1 him if he doesnt mess up, you can only beat him in team fights.
Unplayable match up AFK farm and hope that you can contribute more to teamfights than him and that your mid or bot can stop his split push. DO NEVER FIGHT HIM AFTER 6.
Tryndamere but a bit Tamer you can take lethal tempo ignite and cheese him in lower elos.
Free match up if you take level 2 prio and dont fight her level 1.
Free match up you can dodge his q and kite his ult, W his E Q combo if you can´t dashe out.
Until like challenger it is a fiora favored skill match up, go bramble after vamp scepter and try to hide your first e inside the minions. you can do this while dashing onto the minion and pressing e at the same time. Engage with R, dont W her Ult and try to kite her vitals.
Stat check champion, you win with superior macro. If you have a lead he cant play the game.
Stat check champion, you win with superior macro. If you have a lead she cant play the game.
Easy match up until challenger, noone can play this champion.
try to split push a lot and maybe pick up trinity secon to split better. Take teleport or you loose game, you can cancel his ult with e.
You win lane but she outscales you extremely hard. Win before 15 minutes.
Skill matchup you can bait her w with q to her when she has a mark and flash or q away instantly after it if she uses her W ult and all in. DO NOT FIGHT HER LEVEL 1. Skill E level one and dont let her chunk you.
You win. Easily dodge her e with q and you can q minions while in her ult and you still kill them even if outside of her ult and heal up on them and reset your q.
easy match up you can just kite his cannons and e and win.
Don´t fight him and wait for your Jungler.
Free lane, especially after vamp scepter you can q his ghouls for healing and q resets while gap closing on him and mitigating his pressure in a 1v1. care for his splitting but he will never be able to match you.
A Jax favored skill match up, he outscales you but you can win early laning and stomp him after vamp scepter and with bork level 9 spike.
You proc her E with q auto q insanely fast
Every engage jungler is good with Irelia.
If he hits a Q and E´s you its a great engage for you.
You proc her E with q auto q insanely fast
Every engage jungler is good with Irelia.
If he hits a Q and E´s you its a great engage for you.
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