If I haven't listed a champion in the matchup list, it's for one of two reasons.
I don't feel there's much to explain that isn't easy enough to see happen in the game it's self.
Or the matchup is just one-sided enough that I can't see much of a way to lose.
Fleet / Voltaic build.
Massive threat, beats you in long trades and forces you to be in them as well.
Only way to win is to hope he's dogshit. Thankfully most of them are.
Avoid the Outside of the Q, Save WW for his W slow and keep the trades quick. Don't let him get more than 3 stacks on you, or he wins. Give the wave if he contests level 1, and play to roam.
If you get a lead, you have extend it around the map.
Example Trade, EMP Q + Leap from bush - E Mid Air - Empower E back to Bush.
Conquer page / Build depends on confidence.
Poppy is a cuck, Her W stops our leap, Her Q does too much damage, Passive shield + Auto is ass, her E gives her a good counter to bush play.
You win by keeping the trades long. She wants to lock you up, combo and end. Save WW for her E. Dodge the Q damage and keep autoing.
Fleet / Grasp. Build, who even knows.
Trundle is well, a troll. Simple people play this champion. People who have parents that are related. He will run you down if you let him. You have to be creative to win this one. Don't fight if he has almost any of his buttons up, mainly Q.
Luckily because of the obvious inbreeding, their usually awful. So you can outplay him around the map, or win trades by waiting for him to use Cooldowns on the wave. When he ults, just EMP-E and kite out the duration. HE BEATS YOU LEVEL 1 UNLESS HE THROWS HIS PC OUTSIDE.
Fleet / Grasp
I prefer Fleet, Voltaic to kite her out in trades. You wanna keep them short and sweet. You win lvl 1s if she hits less than 3 vitals.
Bramble / Tabis is super useful here, but if you get a lead snowball it. If she ults, just kite it out unless you can burst down. Honestly, better to just run it out. Early sustain is strong here as well.
DShield/Second Wind also helps negate the Q spam if you're unconfident.
Fleet / Grasp
This is another example of bad parenting. Warwick Top players are just sad that they wasn't born attractive.
You lose lvl 1s unless he just stops playing the game. You lose any long trades actually. The best thing I've found to do is just play for the roams. If you give him a lead, he will run you down.
Early grievous is required.
If you can afford a dodge, this might be the one.
Conquer / Grasp
Add K'sante to the list of champions who need to play with a toaster in a bathtub.
You have to be on point. When you trade, jump from bush and be ready to dodge the Q. If he chains you with Qs you're gonna lose the trade. His W is also busted. Don't let him pin you close to the river walls, or close to his turret.
Don't let him freeze you under his turret.
The only thing you can do, is be very active when you trade. Dodge Qs, Keep autoing, When he ults, you have 2 options, Kite it out, or try to burst him down.
If he gets a lead, he's going to run you over.
I've been debating on a AP Bruiser build for him, and a couple others with a grasp page.
Fleet / Grasp
If he contests you for the wave level 1, just give. He wins long trades, and can force them with his E.
You can negate his R with your WW almost completely.
You can win the match up with perfect WW trades and avoiding his W damage.
Fleet / Conq
I prefer Fleet to sustain in lane.
You have to dodge E. You can't get stuck in his pleasure cage.
If he misses the E, you can all in. Post 6, same applies, but worse. Try and kill maiden when you get the chance.
Thankfully most Yorick players are mouth breathers, so you can beat them in macro and teamfighting.
You win pre 6 when her W is down. When she uses W, try to use E to keep vision or lock her up. Keep the trades short.
Post 6 she can 100-0 you at almost any point she figures out she can.
If she uses R, EMP E, kite her out until her R is down. Then trade like usual.
If he has E up, he just out autos you.
Careful with his silence, and stay tight with dodging the Qs and you should be fine.
Fleet / Conq
You have to offset the wave lvl 1, so she cant get her Q off on the 3 creeps like she wants too.
If she hits you with E, dont fight. If she misses, fight.
Post 6, same rules apply, flash the ult, dodge the E you win the fight.
Fleet / Conq
Swifties helps with this stupid unhealthy to deal with champion.
If she hits you with E early, Trade with her. YOU HAVE TO DODGE THE TENTACLES.
Post 6 if she hits E, she's going to R. Just get out.
You win if you can dodge literally everything 100 times.
Fleet / Conq
Best to trade when his W is on CD, the Q is also an issue.
Perfect time to fight is for the W to be used on the wave, and dodge his Q then all in. Don't get baited when he gets knocked off Skarl, the bar builds quick and if he's good he knows how long he can fight until he remounts.
Fleet / Conq
When you leap, just walk behind to avoid the Brittle passive.
If you dodge the W, then go for long trade. If he hits it, save WW for the brittle AA.
You can root him to stop him from recasting his ult.
Conq / Fleet
He wins long trades, so play around his fury.
You can WW his W, and that's the real game plan. Don't fight when he ults, and trade when he has low fury.
Conq / Fleet
A good Riven will no one that she wins long trades.
You can beat her level 1 with ignite if you get creative with bushes, but it is a coinflip and she wins outright.
Post 6 she 100-0s you if she knows what she's doing. When she goes to combo, save WW for her stun and kite her Ult duration out.
Conq / Grasp
Bait the W CD and you can with the long trades. He wins lvl 1 if you just let him auto you down. Save your WW for his taunt, and watch for his Q shield to expire before trading. If you can catch him our outplay is cooldowns, you win the long trades. Best to not try and follow when he ults away, shove the tower down to punish.
Short trades until he gets low.
He's going to R, just R in counter until his runs out, burst him down.
He wins the level 1 if you eat all the autos. You can win with proper bush kiting.
Exhaust isn't an awful idea, you can also rush Omen if you get smacked.
Fleet / Conq
You win with short trades. and waiting for him to use his W on you.
Save your WW for when he locks you up, then trade. He wants wave pressure here, so fight for it. Early Tiamat is handy. If he gets you under tower, your in for a bad time.
Fleet / Conq
Short trades, you can manipulate her passive with your W. If its up, jump on to the wave, not her and W. Then you use your Q combo without her shield cucking you.
Post 6, you can't avoid gank set-up so jungle tracking is important.
Dr. Mundo
Fleet / Conq
Idek who plays this champion anymore.
Pretty simple, dodge Qs, Don't funnel damage into his W, His trades are actually not bad. So be careful with extended trades.
Fleet / Grasp
Ahhhh Garen.
Garen players are actually dogwater. They depend on an overloaded kit to carry them.
Save your WW for his Q. Do not trade unless you have your W up. Don't trade into his W. Don't let him single you out with his E, it hurts.
Early Tiamat helps keep up with his wave clear.
If he goes tank, it's unplayable. Build bruiser and do your best.
If he goes AP, take short trades and look to roam. You can root him, and it'll stop the E from stopping your leap.
Better to short trade. All in when her Q isn't stacked. Kite out her ult.
Tahm Kench
Conq / grasp
Take short trades until his stacks on you fall off, then commit.
Save your WW for his Q stun if he does stack.
You can WW his Ult, it's a win condition.
This ones either real fun, or real unfun.
Side step the first Q, walk into the 2nd, walk out of the 3rd.
You can WW his 3rd Q if you know you can't avoid.
You can root him after his 2nd Q, and kite to a bush to avoid the 3rd Q.
If he lands his W, walk in a straight line to the left or right. Otherwise he gets you. When he ults, root and use your ult to wait it out.
Simple lane, don't let him get barrels.
Wait out the timer, be patient. When you've killed his barrels, you can see under his name plate when he will be out of barrel charges. Run him down.
Don't fight when he's big, you can use WW if he lands his stun, or his ult.
You can abuse little Gnar, E Max second makes running him down easier.
Pull wave into bush, so it forces him into leap range.
If his hammer swap is on CD, Go for long trades and all ins.
Short trades until he uses his self peel. Zone off wave after you first blood and crash reset.
She will out auto you level 1 with Lethal Tempo. So just use the bush trades until 2, then abuse.
Post 6, kite and disengage her ult. Then back in to finish.
E down, take long trades. E up take short trades.
Save WW if you can't dodge the skillshots, or he manages to get an ult off.
Emp Q one shot his turrets.
Careful to save WW for his stun
Post 6 care for his strong 1 shot potential
Classic Rengar match up, you win pre 3 itmes.
Easy trade patters, Have your root or Emp W ready. Jump in kite his stun, then root and trade.
If he hits the E he wins the trade, disengage when he ults.
You win lvl 1 if you avoid the stun!
Fleet / Grasp
This lane goes one of 3 ways.
1.) He's awful, you notice, and he won't respect jump range. He uses CDs on the wave and you trade till dead.
2.) He rushes bramble, forces you to buy Dark Seal and W max for wave clear until the lane ends.
3.) You start Dblade, bait hit into buying armor, then return with Codex. Build AP from here, and proceed to meme.
Fleet / Conq
Pretty easy lane, you have to dodge skill shots and you win. There really shouldn't be a time he beats you 1v1.
You can WW his ult as well.
You absolutely must know how to freeze and deny him the wave.
You hard win if you can keep him behind and starved.
You will lose, if you let him stack.
Do No Fight When He Ults.
Save WW for Wither. Swifties are decent here.
Some have issues with him, I never have.
Dodge Qs, and trade on his Q CD.
When he ults, just use your ult and wait it out.
Otherwise, shorter trades win, Grievous if he gets ahead.
Fight with 4 stacks, be ready to WW his stun.
Don't fight when he has full stacks.
Fleet / Dshield
So this one is actually deceptively hard.
She can E when you leap from brush, she has a blind, and her W will give her vision, and she roams just as quick as you at 6.
You can use root to deny her E when you leap. Take short trades. Be mindful to not get too far from brush.
Rumble is gigabroken
Trade with WW until you do damage.
Go Assassin to one shot, disengage when overheats.
Unplayable if he gets a lead.
other than that, dont tank his poison trail, and disengage his R.
Fleet / Conq
I like fleet, or even lethal. I don't have issues with this matchup, I've heard some do.
Just avoid his Q from brush, he will try to deny you.
Normally they int to you, and hope you kill you with passive.
His passive will last until he respawns, so he can get prio and then TP back. You take TP to avoid a poorly timed back.
Teemo players are homeless
Be there level 1 to contest the brush, pull the wave into it.
Be really aggressive level 1 if he starts E.
If he starts Q, chill until you get your W, then you can cleanse the blind.
Get sweeper and control wards post 6 to deny shrooms.
He wins if you don't cleanse his W.
If you you do, commit. If not disengage.
You can also cleanse his ult
Top Lane Vayne Players, are similar to malnourished children.
They're starved for food and attention.
Level 1-3 Be super aggro. Ez kill, Root before leap, then combo. dead. Make sure to Mastery spam or laugh when you one shot her.
If you lose this, it's for sure your fault.
This can go bad if you walk in a straight line.
When you leap, be ready to move to the sides as you return to the bush. Avoid trading on his 3rd Q
Same as Yasuo, just more edgy somehow
Nothing really works.
So Rammus in the Jg just beats you.
Save WW for his taunt and fight when his W is on CD. Otherwise Avoid and play around him.
Master Yi
First Strike / Fleet
He can literally avoid all of your damage, then auto you to death.
If you're invading, or you catch him with his Q or W down. You can burst him down if it's early into the game.
Late he just runs you down.
First Strike
This is my permaban. I can't find another champion that stalls my snowball more than him.
If you play into him, I tend to either split the map or or start opposite and avoid interaction.
Fleet / FS
She just anals you in the Jungle.
Similar to Maokai, I try to avoid interaction at all costs, split the map, start the opposite side.
Try your best. Don't funnel damage into her W.
First Strike
She's easy to deal with early, harder later.
Invade and play aggro pre 6.
Post 6 she can ult your burst combo and kite you out. Use your E wisely and you can still win the fights. I find them to be tricky when not ahead.
Fleet / FS
Another "problematic" champion.
She just does what you do, but easier more or less.
Quicker clear, quicker rotations, can take longer trades, or build burst and match your burst.
Play around your team, I also split the map if I can get lanes with prio here.
He's very similar to most other ranged match ups.
Be safe level 1, as his damage is pretty high. Kite with bushes and don't take damage for free.
Levels 2-3 when you can access to your W and E, he becomes nuanced.
Fleet / FS
He's Amumu. Play aggressive and look to invade early, his early game is poor in comparison.
Once he gets items, or a lead. He can become and issue.
FS / Fleet
I don't find Briar to be as problematic as most do. She's pretty easy to read.
Save your WW for her stun, kite out her int button with your E, and use bushes to your advantage. She's not hard to manage, but it takes some finesse.
Jarvan IV
First Strike / Fleet
He does what we hate, keeps us out of bushes.
If he singles you out with his R and you have no flash, your kinda screwed. So play around him, not into him. If and when you do encounter him, try and wait for him to use his ult and then engage.
Nunu & Willump
First Strike
Nunu is kind of a pain toward the middle of the game.
Early game, contest him for objectives before he gets many points into his Q. Invade even. Once he gets so AP or just points into Q it becomes a challenge to contest the objective.
He also out roams you, and clears just as fast. Tracking here is very important.
FS / Fleet
A mental matchup for myself.
He might not be hard for others, but sadly he is for me.
He has his Q to match your move speed, if he catches you low on Ferocity his fear can be deadly, and he has his R to out gank you.
I tend to invade early and try to get a heavy lead, if I manage then it seems easier to handle. If he gets the lead, it feels unplayable.
Sej stops most things we're trying to do.
She can knock you out of leap, she has high base damage, her ult is a massive area to dodge, and if her team is around she enables them more than you do.
Similar to J4, try and wait out her CDs before engaging in a fight with her.
Lee Sin
First strike
Lee is a coinflip matchup.
All of his power pre 6 is loaded into his Q. If you decide to invade or fight him early, you must dodge it.
Otherwise you win the fight.
Post 6 his R + Q is also hard to get around, catch him with a Root and burst him down, if he hits you with the combo, you likely lose.
Season 14 made this matchup even harder. He can build pretty much his perfect item setup and have all he needs to do what he wants.
Do not let him catch you with his stun, when he does, just stabs you to death.
Watch what soul he chooses when he resets, a lot of the time that is the window to beat him.
First Strike
Red Kayne : Less Coinflip than blue, easier to deal with early. Harder to deal with late.
Blue Kayne : Season 14 inspired these edge lords to constantly ghost into our camps and check for steals. If he gets a lead, he one shots quicker than you. It's all about who gets the jump on who.
Tracking and vision is very important.
I mean. It's because he's a bush slave with MASSIVE shields.
I hate the people who play Yummi.
But in theory, if that person has their monitor turned on, it's pretty strong.
I mean. It's because he's a bush slave with MASSIVE shields.
I hate the people who play Yummi.
But in theory, if that person has their monitor turned on, it's pretty strong.
Hi, My name is MYCATRENGAR. I've been a Rengar OTP since season 8, but I've played League daily since season 2. I started like anyone, messing around trying to find my playstyle,something that felt right to me. I tried all the lanes, played most of the champions at that point, and really sunk my teeth into the ins and outs of the game. In season 5 I started my Ranked journey, and like a lot of you, I got to Gold. Season 6 started and I wanted to promote my way to Diamond so bad. No matter how many games I spammed, I couldn't get past Plat. So there I stayed, Until. Season 8, when I saw a clip of the best Rengar in the world, Scrubnoob. I was blown away, the speed he was able to delete people sparked my brain like never before. So from that day on I set out on a journey, one that to this day I still follow. I began griding games with Rengar, by grinding, I just mean losing. For days and weeks, I got spanked, but I loveed it. I didn't reach my Diamond goal that season, but I what I did find was much more important. I found my champion, the look, the feel, the voiceline, all of it. I start to stagnate on the One Shot playstly around mid season 9 where I came just shy of reaching my Diamond goal. Until I saw the one and only Dekar173. The man who pretty much set the tone for every Top Lane Rengar Tech that's been discovered. He would build pretty much anything that fit his needs, I then began to see the how adaptable my favorite champion really was. Which led me to finding MY playstyle. I spent the bulk of season 10 trying everything and anything. I found very good results with a brusier build, and I never looked back. Top lane was the home for my Playstyle. Finally, in season 10, I did it. I hit Diamond. After this milestone, I felt it was time to take a break. Focus on myself, as pretty much all I'd done for 5 seasons was play this game. Season 10 ends and when the preseason began, I stepped away. Saying goodbye to the dopamine hit that I prefered to hopefully achive goals that League was holding me back from. Surprise, I didn't do those things. Instead, I waited for the Preseason to come to an end, and I picked up where I left off, Season 11, Diamond MMR. It's time to get myself to the High Elo Brackets, Master tier here I come. So I did everything I could, new accounts, theroy crafting builds, studying all of the greatest Rengar one tricks, all of the matchups. To my surprise, it paid off. I ended Season 11 In Masters. That's where this story peaks I'm afraid. I've been on the grind to GM ever since. I've played thousands of Rengar games. When I sit down to play this game, I don't play League. I play Rengar. He's literally all I've played. I will dodge if I don't get him, or if someone wants to troll me in champ select, I show them my secret Top Lane Yummi Tech. I've never had the urge to stream, or go public, I just wanted to play my champion. Until Season 14. When Riot released that a lot of the items that people had been used to for so long, were being removed. RIP SUNDERER. I found that a lot of people who enjoyed this champion as well, were giving up hope. They know not of a time before the mythic system. Lost Renglets looking for direction, finally I felt inclined to share what I have learned, or at least make a public guide for people to look over and critizie like we all do. I am by no means the best Rengar, I am just a dedicated One Trick, who truly enjoys the champion. Without him, I'd have give up on this game long ago I think. Here's to Season 14, and all of the One Tricks who have been there for me to watch, learn, and meme with. Scrub, Dekar, Pusipuu, WhiteSnow, BunV1, and all other the other Asian Rengar mains that I cannot pronounce. Thank you.
The Philosophy Of Rengar
I'm not going to sit and clutter the information with flairs and all that nonsense. Just read the information for what it is, and retain it.
There's not one way to play this champion, it's more of a mindset, and playing him Top Lane and Jungle constists of two different mindsets.
Top Lane - The mindset here is very simple. You must take high risk plays. In Season 14 this lane has become wildly active, with the new objective and ganking paths, everyone is eager to spend time in our little island. With that being said, Rengar by design makes it very easy to push up way to far. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the lane makes this expirence a lot less miserable. If you decide you want to stay shoved, you must be okay taking the 2v1, because it WILL come. The whole idea of Rengar Top is that he is a pressure magnet. When that pressure is drawn you have two options. Fight it, or Run. Which you can do both of very well. So you have to be resolute in what you're wanting to do based on your strength at the time, as well as the Jungle/Top lane matchup you're dealing with. Rengar is also very good at freezing and denying waves. In a lot of cases, the enemy laner will deny themselves, keeping vision control of the lane brush is vital for this to work. This is the most consistant way to play the lane, and climb. Top Lane is all about XP, you can have all the gold in the game, but if you're 3 levels down, the gold is useless. It's all about efficient trading and wave management. Which leads to a massive problem Rengar players have, ego. You have to stay calm, collected, and not forget the fundementals. Just because jumping is easy and fun and you can do it a lot, isn't a reason to do it.
Jungle - It takes a "special" person to Jungle, you decide which kind of "special" you are. Are you the Rengar player who never full clears, invades every game, takes every leap, fully commits to every fight, or always on the opposite side of the map of the current objective? How about sitting in a bush for 3 minutes, waiting for god knows what? That sure would be a "special" Jungler, but we all know if we're reading this, that can't be us. The point I'm making is that everything is a variable with Rengar. He's very good at full clearing because of the way his ferocity works, meaning it's quicker for him to chain camps, like Red, Krugs, Raptors. Then skipping around the map, or 3 camping. The goal I have each game is to set myself for a nice simple full clear, but you to be able to adapt to the game state at the time, and react to any play on the map that may lead to an early advantage. Every game isn't the same, so you can't play them out the same. Now Season 14, we're in a stage where invades and vision control is becoming the meta. As I said about Top and it being busy because of the new objectives, when Jungling, welcome to being the problem! The new objectives are really good. They offer a DoT that applies to towers when attacked, you can get up to 6 stacks between both spawns, and 6 stacks is borderline OP. You have to be sure to play around these if your laners will allow it, tell them in chat, spam pings, whatever. With that being said, DO NOT COINFLIP THEM. If you can't contest for them, then run into the enemy jungle and check for camps, pressure bot side, do not give them anything for free. The mindset here is to be consistant in your execution, meaning you don't gamble to 50/50s and you don't make any plays you aren't sure you can come out ahead. Rengar has the ability absolutely carry the game, and the 4 other droolers you have to backpack around with. He also has the ability to die once and lose the game, and that feels awful.
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