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Ivern Build Guide by Alpha Razor

AP Offtank Ivern The Green Father

AP Offtank Ivern The Green Father

Updated on October 5, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Alpha Razor Build Guide By Alpha Razor 3,124 Views 0 Comments
3,124 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Alpha Razor Ivern Build Guide By Alpha Razor Updated on October 5, 2016
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Welcome to my Ivern guide, I am a level 7 Ivern main and i have had great success in my games following this guide. Ivern is a support jungler that has really quick jungle clear. The reason I like this champion is because he is the first real support jungler, his design is real appealing and he just seams like someone you can get friendly with.

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Pros / Cons

Good Clear
Helpful To Team
Countered By Hard CC
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Team Composition (Synergies/Counters)

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Core Items

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Situational Items

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Skill Sequence

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Early Game/Mid Game/Late Game

Jungle Route:
Thanks to his passive he is now the quickest jungle clear at level one so you activate your passive on blue. After that you walk to the enemies red use your passive on it and smite it to instantly free the monsters. After that gank mid or top.
Early Game:
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Mid Game:
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Late Game:
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I will Take any constructive criticism in the comments I hope this build will be able to give useful information. :)
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