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Jinx Build Guide by RiCkyD3rp

AD Carry Jinx ADC Guide Patch 6.14

AD Carry Jinx ADC Guide Patch 6.14

Updated on July 24, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RiCkyD3rp Build Guide By RiCkyD3rp 4,905 Views 0 Comments
4,905 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RiCkyD3rp Jinx Build Guide By RiCkyD3rp Updated on July 24, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


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About Jinx !

Jinx is an HyperCarry ADC, super imobile [(without her passive) , Huge range , stacks well with critics, good AOE with her rockets and Runnans and a good tank melter. You should learn how to kite, if you don't already, and play with her as much as you can if you wanna be good with her.
She was my 1st Champion, I started playing when she was released!

Try to get 70 per 10 minutes even though the perfect farm is about 100 per 10 minutes. But 70 per 10 minutes is good enough.

    Almost any support is good for Jinx, they just need to peal her until she gets fed and she can do almost anything alone!
Few examples: Braum, Morgana, Thresh, Leona, Nami, Taric, Tahm Kench.
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You in general gonna be in the backline droping rockets/critics in their tanks if they get in your range. Always focus the champion it is in your range.
If you are in range, or you can focus in high priority targets such as ADC Mid-laner or Carry Jungler.
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About me!

Well my name is Ricky [that's how I like to get called] I'm from EUW and my account currently is Silver 3, I main ADC still in Silver, even though I think I have the potential to climb the ladder. *Lately I've not been playing ranked in general*.
If you want to ask me anything, here it is my TwitterI started playing League of Legends in 2013, I rarely played at time, but now I play more frequent!
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Thanks For watching the Guide !

In comparison with other guides I didn't put to much Chapter's about Jinx, because in my opinion you learn her better if you play her.I just made this guide to "boost" you guys up!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author RiCkyD3rp
RiCkyD3rp Jinx Guide
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Jinx ADC Guide Patch 6.14

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