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Jax Build Guide by Dawnlicker

Assassin Jungle Assasin Jax

Assassin Jungle Assasin Jax

Updated on July 6, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dawnlicker Build Guide By Dawnlicker 2,563 Views 0 Comments
2,563 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dawnlicker Jax Build Guide By Dawnlicker Updated on July 6, 2015
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This is nice if it gets maxed out. It will burn up your mana really quick though.
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About this build.

I had not played Jax prior to making this build. I did get destroyed by an AP jungle Jax one game, and this is what i thought of. I will possibly be back with further insight into this guy.

This guys is a born wizard killer.

Correction One- You want devourer, not runeglaive. This build has little AP.
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Purchase Order

1. Stalkers - Runeglaive
2. Tear of Goddess
3. Shoes
4. Manamune
5. Sheen
6. Merc Treads Alac
7. Trinity
8. Essence Reaver or Zephyr (Prio reaver if you have manamune filled)
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Alt Runes
9x ; Blue Scaling Magic Resist
9x ; Red Attack Speed (or Hybrid Pen?)
3x ; Quint of Attack Speed
9x ; Yellow Scaling Armor
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Alt Item

Zeyphr is a good item.

Speed is key with this jax, it is for getting to ganks and running away. The speed helps against champs with speed boost like Udyr.

Gunblade - This is a great item for jax. With so much attack speed, you can cast this very often.

Ruined King- If you want more attack speed, this is pretty good.

Frozen Heart - This is good against heavy AD teams, this jax is fragile and you can easily get picked off, even with all of Jax defensive abilities.

Black Clear- This is good if your team is having trouble taking out a tank. You can apply the stacks quick with your attack speed.

Mallet- This is good for some guaranteed slow, also nice health.

Maw- This is good for some magic resist, if you are having trouble getting smoked by some wizards. Without much bonus health, the shield is actually a very large amount of extra health.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dawnlicker
Dawnlicker Jax Guide
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Jungle Assasin Jax

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