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Recommended Items
Runes: Current Fave
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Ability Order
Darkness Rise (PASSIVE)
Mordekaiser Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
It doesn't matter which kayn we're talking about. Shadow assassin is crazy slippery and a pain in the ass to pin down during your ultimate. If there's any part of the arena you can't get to he will run to it and hide there for the whole 7s. Raast on the other hand, does incredibly well into you. High damage, hard cc, and good sustain make him a nightmare to fight. My go-to ban.
Synergies aren't really much of a factor for Mord since he's going to be spending a lot of time in the Death Realm. Normally I'd say stuff like Soraka work really well with him since they keep his rampage going after he exits his ultimate, but the thing is they can't really help you while you're in there. So, as a result, I'm actually going to say that engage supports like Blitzcrank synergize about as well as possible with Mordekaiser. By displacing an enemy or simply just holding them down so you can run up to them they allow you to get that crucial ulti off so you can go on a tear. They essentially make the task of getting in the enemy's anus just that bit easier, and who doesn't love a little lube?
Synergies aren't really much of a factor for Mord since he's going to be spending a lot of time in the Death Realm. Normally I'd say stuff like Soraka work really well with him since they keep his rampage going after he exits his ultimate, but the thing is they can't really help you while you're in there. So, as a result, I'm actually going to say that engage supports like Blitzcrank synergize about as well as possible with Mordekaiser. By displacing an enemy or simply just holding them down so you can run up to them they allow you to get that crucial ulti off so you can go on a tear. They essentially make the task of getting in the enemy's anus just that bit easier, and who doesn't love a little lube?
Champion Build Guide
- Strong Teamfighting - Hardest CC in the game (Death Realm) - Strong Chase Potential - Massive Burst and Sustained Damage - Excellent Dueling Potential |
- Farm Heavy - Weak Early Ganks - Vulnerable to Laner Roams - Can be Kited - Damage Falls off Hard When Behind |
Once you finish your initial clear it's highly likely that the camps you started with will be coming up soon, so if you still need some cash feel free to rotate back down and start farming your way back up. With Blue side as the example, starting at Red you going Kruggs -> Raptors -> Wolves -> Blue -> Gromp -> Kruggs -> Raptors -> Wolves, etc. Just follow that pattern until you manage to get your first component and boots at which point you can start thinking about ganks.
1. Don't gank without boots. This should be self-explanatory: no one is going to be caught out by a 10 foot tall behemoth trundling in from the river. You need speed to catch people unawares.
2. Don't gank without your first component. Whether that component is Hextech Alternator or Leeching Leer, you're gonna want the extra damage if you want to secure the kill.
You might be able to handily duel the enemy JG without a component but it's a much different story with the laners. They'll most likely be at higher HP and will gladly trade some health to get out. What I try to do is run in as much as possible to try and get them to burn a movement ability or flash, then I use my E to drag them back in.
Post-6 your ganks become a lot more straightforward: just run in and ult them 4head.
Not only that, but it really helps in fights. You need to use it like Sett's Haymaker, waiting till your secondary resource bar is filled to pop the ability so you get as big a shield as possible (reminder that Indestructible's shield lasts a full second longer than Haymaker's). This ability alone allows you to build crazy amounts of damage on Mordekaiser without fear of being bursted down. Are you as tanky as you would be if you built tank items? No, but you're certainly on par with some bruisers, especially if you go Riftmaker into Demonic Embrace.
For starters, let's look at the Mythics. Rocketbelt, Riftmaker, and Night Harvester each provide the same stats so it's largely up to the Mythic Passives and the item effects to determine which you'll want to go with. Personally, I prefer Night Harvester most games. Sure Rocketbelt helps you stick onto foes better but you have to remember that you'll be rocking Predator Boots, blue smite, flash, your E, your R, and the movespeed from your passive. I simply feel like the extra dash you get from Rocketbelt is just a little redundant. As for Riftmaker, this is a much better choice and honestly just comes down to taste. Personally, I don't mind being a little squishier if it means I can chunk people during my ultimate better, but I understand that most people like to play a beefier version of Mord. In that case, Riftmaker is an excellent choice, especially since the Mythic passive is like Rocketbelt's in that it grants 5 Magic pen per legendary item. Just remember that when building so you don't go over the cap and waste gold on redundant items. Now for Night Harvester: even after being nerfed this item is still insane. You can easily take an ADC down to 20% HP with just one Q thanks to this item, it even makes your E take a decent chunk out of enemies. Not to mention the movespeed you get from its effect also lets you stick onto fools even better without the need for an active like Rocketbelt's. It's just an overall wonderful item.
For Legendaries you have your pick of the litter when it comes to damage. So, going from left to right, allow me to explain the benefits of each choice.
Nashor's Tooth is great when it comes to close quarters. Sure the extra DPS you get from the Attack Speed is nice, but what you're really here for is its passive. With this item your autos deal 15(+25% of your AP) as magic damage ON TOP OF THE FACT THAT YOUR AUTOS ALREADY DEAL 40% OF YOUR AP. Now given the fact that I like to build damage on Mord, this means that, late game, your Autos could be dealing over 200 magic damage to enemies. Pretty nutty.
Demonic Embrace is a must-buy in games where you're going to have more sustained fights. Yeah the damage from its burn is nice but what you're really building it for is the armor and magic resist that the burn gives you. It just makes it so that you are deceptively tanky in teamfights, especially if you ult something like a tank.
Rylai's kind of speaks for itself. High AP, solid HP, and a passive that makes your passive nigh inescapable without some sort of mobility spell. A much better buy than previously thanks to the higher AP, and that's about it.
Cosmic Drive is the legendary item that grants the most Ability Haste in the game. In addition it also gives you 70 AP and 200 HP. All of this synergizes amazingly well with Mord.
Lich Bane reminds me very strongly of Nashor's Tooth. Ability power? Pretty good. Bonus Movespeed? Check. Spellblade passive that synergizes well with high AP builds? Oh my God yes. Makes a great 3rd item when paired with Nashor's Tooth.
Rabadan's Deathcap is still the amazing item it's always been. It offers AP on top of AP and can be a huge powerspike lategame. Not something you'll be buying often, but a solid late item if you want it.
Zhonya's has kind of been phased out of Mord's build ever since the introduction of Demonic Embrace, but if you're still hurting for armor and someone on the enemy team is still chunking you through your shield then this can still be a solid buy.
And lastly we have Void Staff. It's not something I find myself building often because it's very easy to make redundant with the wrong Mythic, but with Night Harvester it can be a decent early-game option vs tanks.
Oh, also, Horizon Focus is surprisingly good on Mordekaiser. You'd think "but he can't proc it" but the thing is he CAN. The passive procs off of long ranged abilities AND hard CC so as long as you land your E you're getting that extra 10% damage. Very handy and the tons of ability power is nice, too.
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